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  1. H

    Adventures In Modding

    ENTRY 2: First Project, and Rooms First and foremost, thanks to Upcast Drake for this thread; I wouldn't really be able to continue on without that help. Second, I'm going to set a project goal for myself, to sort of get a general feel for just about everything in the codebase. I am...
  2. H

    Adventures In Modding

    I like to think I'm a fairly good writer, but I do know that I have issues with character voice and the like, so I'll probably stay well away from most major characters. I might do something with Flahne at some point, depending on my mood, but 1) it's a sex scene, and therefore doesn't strictly...
  3. H

    Adventures In Modding

    Well, my reason for modding isn't because I want to play a modded version of TiTS(although if I can successfully and competently program a feature that is kinda wanted but too much of a pain in the ass to justify Geddy or someone doing it, I might submit that). It's because I want the experience...
  4. H

    Adventures In Modding

    Oh. Whoops. Guess I'll do something else then.
  5. H

    Adventures In Modding

    It's common knowledge that a sizable chunk of TiTS content is community-generated. Also, the source code is on a GitHub page that Gedan linked to in the first post of a stickied thread. If, perchance, I am hideously wrong and modding TiTS is frowned upon by Fen & Co, I will apologize and find...