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  1. Etis


    And every race even having DNA.
  2. Etis

    Fox/Kitsune TF Item

    Actually, classic kitsune is 100% furry. Human form of kitsune is 100% human. And that fox ears/tail human form lore-wise only happens with very young one-tailed kitsunes (under 100 years old) when they fail with their illusions.
  3. Etis

    Height reduction TF's

    Try to savescum Raksvel TF.
  4. Etis


    Failsafe system - maybe. But one TFing you...
  5. Etis

    NPC gender identity in TiTS

    Gender concept is quite difficult thing. There are no single opinion on it even for humans, even now. In a world where creatures around have all sorts of strange biology this is ton much more complicated, even in world like TiTS where all that "aliens" are almost humans. So it seems legit to end...
  6. Etis


    Maybe it's me, but those TFs seems to be... Not most popular between fanbase.
  7. Etis


    I personally only missing fox/cat morph TF in vanilla TiTS. And, BTW, doesn't goo is essentionally weird jellyfish thing?
  8. Etis


    "Find an item" option is exclusive for Steele, btw, since those nanobots are unique for now. So there areally are very few TFs which are not based on some monstergirl kemonomimi race. It is cell-level surgery done by nanobots. It is unknown, if it is actual gene modification or only phenotype...
  9. Etis

    Monstergirls in FoE?

    Got overdose of them in TiTS.
  10. Etis


    Arian is unchallenged.
  11. Etis

    Losing to Kiro

    Get drunk before challenging her. Also, your chances depends on your thickness.
  12. Etis

    How much pull does Captain Steele actually have?

    I personally always thought that there are no actual authority, but Steele should defenitely know most top managers, and some of them close enough to make some unofficial offers, which, if are reasonable, would be processed with high priority. So, as long as profit is possible, Steele Tech would...
  13. Etis

    Tauric form

    In the mod, there are special "Taurinum" potion, which can be used with any leg type (except human ones, would transform into classic equine centaur). So if you want to be fox-taur you'll have to use Fox Berries until obtaining fox legs, then use Taurinum. Equinum can give centaur shape by...
  14. Etis

    Kara's Quest Final Battle TOO HARD?!?

    Stun deadlock definitely IS a problem.
  15. Etis

    Starting Options/Customization and etc

    This concept art is not exactly lore-friendly. Foot-long dicks are not usual for kaithrits, uniball is missing, those claws looks like anything but feline.
  16. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    Updated to 0.6.40 TiTS release.
  17. Etis

    Maximum Femininity/Masculinity for Herms

    I disagree, since comparation of racial and specific trait TFs is incorrect.
  18. Etis

    Maximum Femininity/Masculinity for Herms

    In CoC it is justified. In TiTS it is only justified for "fount at field" TFs - they are free, but not controllable. But I see no reason not to have controllable TF. Especially since it's control level is not really wide - you only can choose body part to apply, not it's effect. Nearly 50% extra...
  19. Etis

    Starting Options/Customization and etc

    Ausar and Kaithrit ARE kemonomimi races. As well as many other.
  20. Etis

    Maximum Femininity/Masculinity for Herms

    Intended save scumming? This is very example of bad design if this is really intentional. And Catnip, unlike knot a problem, is not one-trait TF. There are few trait TFs there, but almost all they are gated behind racial TFs, except body constitution, and body constitution route is least...