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  1. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    Naga encounter for male/herm Naga PC with snake tongue? Ughhh... Specific condition scenes always cause most problems. Would fix with next release.
  2. Etis

    Monstergirls in FoE?

    Grind level 22+, phys build (str/dex/sta). Obtain Gol Whip (AFAIK most powerful weapon for now), max out Fighter and Bruiser for MC. Buff pinpoint on MC, spam D./T. Attack and Crushing Strike.
  3. Etis

    Monstergirls in FoE?

    It's sort of funny, since there are very few pieces of equipment with confusing stats in FoE, and they are mostly unique quest rewards. And character stats... Confusing, too. Want to take out tough enemy? Grinding few more levels on weaker foes is your best bet.
  4. Etis

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    You can open it with browser. This usually works best.
  5. Etis

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    Are youusing standalone player?
  6. Etis

    NPC gender identity in TiTS

    joker_why_so_serious.jpg In TiTS setting gender fluidity is declared as commonly accepted. This should mean that gender itself does not matter much anymore. So, unless NPC explicitly declares it's preferred gender, I'd assume they either have no different pronouns for different sexes in their...
  7. Etis

    Hybrid Species Recognition

    N² complexity of all races amount.
  8. Etis

    Hybrid Species Recognition

    Starting race can be anything (it is a String field), but current one is one of race detection function returns.
  9. Etis

    Monstergirls in FoE?

    Yes, they defenitely are monsters. But "girl" part is quite strained there.
  10. Etis

    Monstergirls in FoE?

    Well, they are shapeshifters after all. But isn't fox-like form iconic one? Actually, this doesn't even matter. We have consensus about they being shapeshifters, right? And I think that shapeshifter, who have one of forms resembling monster girl, can not be considered as monster girl, unless...
  11. Etis

    Monstergirls in FoE?

    I'm talking about body type, not about essence. Kitsune's, unlike Yahweh, have canonical form. Which, as much as I know, resemble one of a feral fox a lot. Well, as much as angel form resemble human one, but still - you can describe angel's appearance as "human with dove wings", and this would...
  12. Etis

    Monstergirls in FoE?

    Yes, I understand, that they are much more than animals. But still, the point stands: their true form is quite close to feral (at least most descriptions which I've found when digging into lore), they can shift forms and same one character can appear as any of four from the list at will...
  13. Etis

    Hybrid Species Recognition

    The creature bohy has set of parts, which can have one of int states, which are named constants and associated with races. They usually used for basic description. public static const TYPE_HUMAN:int = 0; public static const TYPE_EQUINE:int...
  14. Etis

    Monstergirls in FoE?

    Aren't kitsunes fox shapeshifters with natural form of feral fox? And aren't feral traits in human form happen when they fail in concentration? As for me, both images are kitsunes. But only second one is also fox-morph, yes.
  15. Etis

    Monstergirls in FoE?

    Looks like some spirit. Not sure if wand in hand is a hint.
  16. Etis

    Monstergirls in FoE?

    Classic kitsune is more in furry department - they are foxes who can turn into humans. So kitsune would barely differ from either pure human, fox-morph or feral fox depending on form. But yes, they defenitely are interesting.
  17. Etis

    Monstergirls in FoE?

    Those sound interesting, especially #2. Though we defenitely doesn't need another Tamani, the Lina-based character is nice idea. I just can hear her quoting Torch Bearer from Demigod...
  18. Etis

    Just how far have you gone to save scum the perfect Steele?

    Sort of. Ended up with optimized order, which allows to avoid savescum almost completely. The only savescummed thing here is draconic dick.
  19. Etis

    Just how far have you gone to save scum the perfect Steele?

    Every one of my characters, Sky Sap, for markings/eyes/lips/nipples colors.
  20. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    Thanks for encouragement! I'll continue actualy working on it when my main work would let me go, likely somewhere in May, in worst case June for sure. There are things to polish, especially TF items (not sure what to do with them, classic fully descriped transition scenes is a good way to get...