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  1. M

    Story divergences problems

    Yeah, that first one is a pretty huge divergence. Kind of curious to see where that is going to go once the main story is further written because I also have trouble seeing how that leaves a main plot that is anything alike. On the second one, pretty sure it is because they were a bunch of...
  2. M

    What content would you like added?

    In fairness to me, the god of kitsune probably approves of me passive aggressively screwing with him by having the PC (went chosen of Keros route) come to his office to 'ask if there are new missions to help with' like a dutiful fox champion then when there aren't just straight up ask him 'so...
  3. M

    What content would you like added?

    Maybe its because I am a RP nerd who makes my character randomly stop by to visit Kinu for no reason like some person who actually wants to spend time with her but I never got the impression Kinu disliked my character when I picked the options for 'just chill and hang with your daughter in...
  4. M

    Favorite and Least Favorite Characters

    Evergreen kind of creeps me out with her bit about using magic to screw around with her kids in utero mad scientist style to make sure she never gives birth to boys. Such a level of control freakishness demand of control over her kids is kind of a yikes in my book.
  5. M

    What content would you like added?

    The RNG gave me an interesting dream along the lines of 'Kiyoko (who in hindsight is mostly concealed under her blanket) asks you to check under her bed while shivering in fright saying there is a monster down there then when you look under the bed you see a shivering Kiyoko who warns you about...
  6. M

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Could always have two targets come up at once and require a party split moment where the PC entrusts Kinu and her party to go after Raphael and bring his head back on a pike while the PC and their party goes after whoever (some of his backers, maybe?) instead of insisting that either the PC or...
  7. M

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Follow up: I was looking at this word document thing in another thread that seems to have all the dream events and apparently I just didn't get events where you can do things like train her to crush her enemies and see them driven before her because of RNG luck on the dream scenes prior to...
  8. M

    What content would you like added?

    Champion interactions Isn't the control rod that thing you can only get by stooping to scavenging the cast off weapon of a guy who tried to burn a bunch of your fluff children alive in their sleep like a coward?
  9. M

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Makes sense, and it amuses me to wonder if they have a betting pool going at the tree as to whether my next visit is an actual visit or if I will just pop out of the void for 5 seconds to switch teleport networks and go somewhere else.
  10. M

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Oh, and this isn't really a gripe but just curious, why the design decision to have us need to stop off at the kitsune tree before teleporting to Kiyoko's homestead instead of just making the homestead directly on the way shrine warp system?
  11. M

    Your gripes with CoC II

    It is bittersweet that she has reliable friends she is relying on while saying 'go away dad, I have to do this without you' and rejecting our help in particular. I get what you are going for it just kind of feels like a gut punch to have her actively treat us wanting to help as a nuisance...
  12. M

    Your gripes with CoC II

    It seems pretty understandable that a veteran adventurer might want to handle this kind of thing instead of letting their kid with minimal practical experience in fights to the death do it. Its easy for us to say 'she has to do this herself its part of her growth and the story of Kinu maturing...