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  1. Nescafe

    [UNITY] Hoonters - Monster Hunting RPG [Updated 12/02/2018]

    So, we just released build 0.3 on Patreon. That build will be released publicly on the 30th of December, so exactly two weeks from now, along with any bug or glitch fixes we may happen upon until then. I'll update the Opening Post when the day comes. New Features - Working in-game shop...
  2. Nescafe

    [UNITY] Hoonters - Monster Hunting RPG [Updated 12/02/2018]

    Anytime, it's what I'm here for. The slime on the beach was just an example off the top of my head :P The line of thought was actually they'd like sticking close to the water, to keep humid and all that, though now that I think about it I guess a swamp would probably be a better call.
  3. Nescafe

    [UNITY] Hoonters - Monster Hunting RPG [Updated 12/02/2018]

    1. Me and Pexe have sketchbooks filled with future monsters, so yeah. We're planning to split them up by areas too. So goblins, orcs and the pigman can be found in the forest area, if you go to the beach area you find slime girls/guys, areas further away from civilization have bigger and...
  4. Nescafe

    [UNITY] Hoonters - Monster Hunting RPG [Updated 12/02/2018]

    Uhh...Thanks for the offer, but I have RPG Maker myself, if I wanted to use that tool I'd have gone with it to start with. While it may be true that it has a bunch of built in-systems that could help in making Hoonters, it's just been easier for me to build it all from the ground up, since it...
  5. Nescafe

    [UNITY] Hoonters - Monster Hunting RPG [Updated 12/02/2018]

    Going. I can only speak for the programming part right now since I haven't personally been fiddling much with the art recently, that's mostly been Pexe, I'll get into contact with them and update here about that later. This end of the year has been a bit rough so it was a little bit hard to get...
  6. Nescafe

    [UNITY] Hoonters - Monster Hunting RPG [Updated 12/02/2018]

    We did want to get our own music, sadly, neither me nor my partner actually know how to make music so we'd have to get someone to do it for us...Or just leave the game without music at all. I still need to add proper option configuration into the game, then you'll be able to at least play the...
  7. Nescafe

    [UNITY] Hoonters - Monster Hunting RPG [Updated 12/02/2018]

    1. As of right now, the plan is for the monsters to all be mostly "generic". With a few named monsters as "Boss" monsters for the different areas. In regards to relationships, however, the plan was for that to be restricted to other Guild NPCs, at least for now. You could get into relationships...
  8. Nescafe

    [UNITY] Hoonters - Monster Hunting RPG [Updated 12/02/2018]

    Yup. The idea is for there to sex scenes on both instances, the winner of the fight is the dominant partner during the scene. Much like in CoC, really.
  9. Nescafe

    [UNITY] Hoonters - Monster Hunting RPG [Updated 12/02/2018]

    Could try hard refreshing (CTRL+R) , if you didn't yet, sometimes that solves the problem. If it still doesn't work, then I don't know what else I can do other than recommend the .exe version, since it's just easier to get running.
  10. Nescafe

    [UNITY] Hoonters - Monster Hunting RPG [Updated 12/02/2018]

    Hello! Got a new game coming up for you guys. Hoonters is a (As the subtitle above already stated) a XXX Turn-Based Monster Hunting RPG, developed in Unity. In it, your character is a newly formed Beast Hunter, assigned to a new archipelago of Isles that was recently unveiled far from the main...