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  1. Mercy

    How did you come up with your usernames?

    Because I will have none!
  2. Mercy

    Pat on Shekkas's head option.

    I'm just saying, you can pet someone even when they're dead! Gosh.
  3. Mercy

    Pat on Shekkas's head option.

    Blood soaked pets are pets all the same.
  4. Mercy

    Pat on Shekkas's head option.

    Personally, pet character _____ would be a great writing project for myself, but the mess involved with mass petting sprees seems like it would be horribly difficult on so many levels. But hey, random useless missives are my game! Statement stands though!
  5. Mercy

    Pat on Shekkas's head option.

    Behead those who insult Anno.
  6. Mercy

    Pat on Shekkas's head option.

    Petting is for good doggies only, Raskvel are anything but. Anything but!
  7. Mercy

    A fun litle Idea.

    But then how do I act cutesy and innocent.
  8. Mercy

    banned from fenchat?

    And Protip: Get a client if you're on mobile, or just don't use mobile at all because you'll get handle banned for constant Disconnect spamming. And then you'll get your backup handle banned... Not talking from experience or anything.
  9. Mercy

    What's your favorite gap moe thing?

    I will admit I am an unrepentant lover of Tsundere characters. Especially when they get far too sweet for their own good, its adorable and it slays me way too hard. Even if it is about the most unrealistic thing ever.