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  1. L

    2017 XXX-Mas contest Submission compil and ADVICES.

    fair enough... cant believe Iv wasted 3 days... especially since I have other commissions of my own x(
  2. L

    2017 XXX-Mas contest Submission compil and ADVICES.

    Thank you for the review, glorious leader. I thought of putting in more basic requirements but that would mean that new players/newly created characters wouldnt be able to trigger the event at all. And I guess that all the variables dont help neither the length nor the ease of coding. Still...
  3. L

    2017 XXX-Mas contest Submission compil and ADVICES.

    Hello guys, I had only read of the contest some 4 days ago and had 3 days to write my submission so far. Overall Id say I did rather well since this is both my first time using google docs and first time dealing with parsers. Any advice or mistake pointing is welcome. Also on a side note, can...
  4. L

    XXX-Mas Contest Submission Thread

    Ok guys this is my first dealing with google docs and parsers, but Im confident that I have gotten the hang of it. My entry is about Steele celebrating XXXmas with some of his favorite love interests and friends on Tavros station. First by having a big xmas dinner and then, after the lights go...
  5. L

    Zil call girl question?

    *Gets noticed by savin, nice!* Yeah but I meant that you can invite your wives who have longer pregnancies into your nursery. Like atm I can only guess Birha is 2/3 through her pregnancy, and somehow I doubt the battlefield is a... ideal place to raise your child. Would be more convenient to...
  6. L

    Zil call girl question?

    Thanks! I was worried that I might have gone sterile or something :D . Still, I think someone should work on a event where you can invite girls with really long pregnancies to your nursery, like Birha the red ant deserter, or zil call girl, would be much more convenient. I myself could write it...
  7. L

    Zil call girl question?

    Alright, not sure if its a bug or am I simply doing something wrong but I dont know where else to post it, so here goes. I am a public user myself and I understand that zil call girl pregnancy came out on a public release along with the pexiga quest. I have literally fucked the poor zils brains...
  8. L

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    Yo when is the next update due?