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  1. Darkbento

    T.I.T.S. animations

    I wonder if there'll be options for different races of Steeles, doubt so, but i'm a dreamer...
  2. Darkbento

    T.I.T.S. animations

    It'd be cool to have the option to view the scene through externally hosted links in the game. I don't know much about the requirements needed to make this work, but it doesn't sound like it'd be too hard to actually implement such a feature. We'd just need someone who has the time and skills to...
  3. Darkbento

    T.I.T.S. animations

    Why so ? Does it go against what Fenoxo had envisioned for his game or something along those lines ? or is it more a case of too many holes and not enough d... devoted workers to fill in the gaps ?
  4. Darkbento

    T.I.T.S. animations

    I wish those animations were part of the game, would that even be possible ?