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  1. E

    Gwen and Eimear Christmas Softlock

    Version 0.9.073 The conclusion of the second Christmas event with Gwen and Eimear softlocks you on your ship once it ends. I didn't test with any other ships than the Sidewinder if thats important.
  2. E

    Removing Minuet’s Collar [0.9.066]

    Minuet’s option to remove her collar doesn’t ever seem to enable. It appears like content was written for this interaction, but the game files don’t include this which leads to the broken button.
  3. E


    I seem to be having trouble accessing Atha's scenes. I have received the email, and have the option in the smut menu, but the only option is Latest Episode, which has no effect when I click it. I couldn't find anything that would stop me from accessing the content, so help would be appreciated.