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  1. S

    Nastizia Questline Bug

    I did the Nastizia questline, but after the fight with Riya, I had 'You're still in a fight, you ninny!' on my screen. It disappeared after I fought something else, but on Dhaal, I went to put on my dress for the party and was thrust into a fight with Riya, which I won. After I won, I was given...
  2. S

    Crash found in Kara's quest dungeon, one space to the left of the star.

    Version: 0.9.024-BACKER-ELECTRON#2650 Message: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toLowerCase') Stack: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toLowerCase') at ee (file:///D:/Downloads/TITS/resources/app/main.f72bd90b.js:1:10635782) at...
  3. S

    Crash when attempting pet play with Anno

    Performing the pet play option with Anno crashed the game!