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  1. Exphrases

    [0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1304] Can't load saves made after newest update

    I have been using cheats on this save, not sure if that's the cause or not, I haven't had any problem like this until now. I can load saves from previous updates and play with them just fine but making a new save or overriding one of them locks me out of being able to load it again, even if I...
  2. Exphrases

    [0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1280] Crash after getting Gray Goo Armor if not wearing anything

    After naming her and doing the first sex scene on the ship the game seems to try to put whatever clothes you were wearing in your bag, but if you're naked it crashes. Message: this.equippedItems[o] is undefined Stack: value@
  3. Exphrases

    [0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1270] Can't board the Phoenix on Tavros

    After doing all the futafication stuff with Saendra and Sera I'm meant to meet Saendra on her ship, but every time I go to the Hangar and select the Phoenix it just puts me on my ship. Saendra won't go back to the bar until I meet her on the ship so she's pretty much gone until this gets fixed.