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  1. Z

    Thief builds

    I have 2 thief builds with similar stat layouts but very different styles. Both have max Strength, Agility, and Cunning. The first is my Witch Hunter character who uses the Bessy Mauler. He has Arcane Shot for his AW, but I sometimes swap it for Sneak Attack. He also has Quick Shot, an AOE of...
  2. Z

    Balancing issues with COC2

    I actually don't agree that the thief skills are bad. I have a build that is all Strength, Agility, and Cunning and uses the Bessy Mauler and it's pretty devistatingly good. Assassinate, Dirty Trick, and the auto crit ability mean I one shot just about everything I set my eyes on. On top of...
  3. Z

    kiyoko puzzle

    Sounds reasonable to me, and I appreciate your willingness to look into it. There was an open discussion between me and another member of the community on how to make certain aspects of these games more accessible. Maybe it'll help to glance around there, but I don't think we tackled this...
  4. Z

    kiyoko puzzle

    Unfortunately, I've ran into this puzzle as well and I don't think there is currently a way for a blind person to solve it. I've been poking around a bit, trying to see if any of my usual tricks might snag bits of the UI, but it's a complete blank for me. i can't interact with it at all. If the...