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  1. Im_Going_Space

    Hive Quest save flag?

    it appears that setting them to 0 is just step 1, i.e. quest accepted, no actions taken. not sure if Azzy would give the quest again if it was set blank. either way ive got what i wanted now! and an answer to the other threads ive seen unanswered!
  2. Im_Going_Space

    Hive Quest save flag?

    Okay found it. in the raw file is "quests\":[ The 20th set of values ( [] being one) is the decisions made in that quest. corrupt finished quest will be: [0,1,2,3,4,5,9] removing the 9 takes you back to the point where you can work the core. probably worth setting it back to [0] and also...
  3. Im_Going_Space

    Hive Quest save flag?

    i've searched high and low on google and dug through the save flags but its not at all obvious.
  4. Im_Going_Space

    Hive Quest save flag?

    I had to rebuild my PC, nuking all my saves in the process as i didnt think to back them up. rip both tits and coc saves. i've fished out an old save file from when i was messing about with other options and i have finished the hive quest in this one but have it set to bimbo, which isnt ideal. i...
  5. Im_Going_Space

    [0.69.420-BACKER#1643] Error report when Teasing an enemy (CAUSE FOUND DETAILS HERE)

    you were bang on! bug identified! i just stripped the Pheromone perk from my save and i can flirt again! Seems the issue is specific to the tease bonus granted by pheromones! Is there a way to escalate this report that we know of, dont really just want to like @ Fen
  6. Im_Going_Space

    [0.69.420-BACKER#1643] Error report when Teasing an enemy (CAUSE FOUND DETAILS HERE)

    Oh thats interesting, i chugged a fuckload of futazona to get the musk perk not long ago in this save. Will experiment!
  7. Im_Going_Space

    [0.69.420-BACKER#1643] Error report when Teasing an enemy (CAUSE FOUND DETAILS HERE)

    it appears there is no fix as yet. i had a quick noot in the save file but there isn't a parameter called AttackBonus. might make a fresh save and see if/where it turns up. until then, looks like i'm teasing with lead!
  8. Im_Going_Space

    [0.69.420-BACKER#1643] Error report when Teasing an enemy (CAUSE FOUND DETAILS HERE)

    Huh, i did do a quick look but didn;t see anything about it. I started again with a fresh save when it moved to Java to try avoid this stuff. dont suppose you know a fix while i go off digging?
  9. Im_Going_Space

    [0.69.420-BACKER#1643] Error report when Teasing an enemy (CAUSE FOUND DETAILS HERE)

    Version: 0.69.420-BACKER#1643 Message: "attackBonus" is read-only Stack: r@ k@
  10. Im_Going_Space

    Incorrect Scene location - Anno and Erra Scene in pheonix lift L1 Square

    Quick report here on latest backer build as of time of writing. (#1506) On the Pheonix ship after saving Saendra, the lift square becomes available, when you walk onto it, it triggered the Anno / Erra scene that you can get when entering your own ship. Dont think this is meant to be here! I...
  11. Im_Going_Space

    Permanently worn out...

    Wow a lot more than i thought apparently! Im sure the flash version only let you do one until you lost the status effect! Ill go sleep for a month and tidy that up!
  12. Im_Going_Space

    Permanently worn out...

    While doing yoga with paige, i have attained the worn out status, but no amount of sleeping is removing it, so i'm locked out of some content now. any ideas? i attach the save file that is experiencing the issue -
  13. Im_Going_Space

    Noob question - second penis items

    ah yeah the designer was how i did it last time. cheers
  14. Im_Going_Space

    Noob question - second penis items

    It's been a *very* long time since ive needed to, but can someone let me know which item(s) will allow me to grow a second penis? using the APK now so started fresh and would like 1 huge member and one small to see as many scenes as possible. ty.