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  1. Switch

    Venture Seas 2019 -

    I really appreciate that you gave the game another chance :) I made the mistake of committing to monthly releases, and releasing regardless of the game state to 'hit deadlines' to show the progress of the game. Now I'm committed to making sure the builds are ready for the release, and trying not...
  2. Switch

    Venture Seas 2019 -

    The roadmap is to keep me focused on certain tasks and to give myself deadlines on when things 'should' be ready, but with game development, there are always unseen time sinks to overcome. I will be taking a looser stance on delivering a build by these deadlines, as there is no point in...
  3. Switch

    Venture Seas 2019 -

    I've made a focus on this first yearly build to squash out the crashes, and clear as much bugs as possible, I had a small team of testers help me pick out bugs from this new build. I did some live playtesting with someone last night through all of chapter 1, and found some more issues which I'm...
  4. Switch

    Venture Seas 2019 -

    Evil has covered most of it, although there are some other stuff too (bimbo nuns, bimbofication, slime sex, character viewer for visual TFs, oviposition scene with a hornet gal, chastity, bdsm and more that I cant recall at the moment) In the 'Kinkster' update, ALL sex scenes will have a method...
  5. Switch

    Venture Seas 2019 -

    I've mentioned my game on the Fen forums before, but there has been substantial progress since the last thread so here we go again! :) Venture Seas was not only created out of a personal desire to produce kinky smut, but for a desire to provide engaging game-play throughout a grand adventure...
  6. Switch

    Venture Seas

    ">Solution to error: 'Couldn't load dependencies of asset: path/image.png' (Crashes during loading)     This may be an issue with Java version 8. Try installing and running using Java 7 instead." I suspect it may be this error. I realise installing Java 7 just to play this game is not ideal...
  7. Switch

    Venture Seas

    Any errors popping up in the console when it crashes? If you can email me at the responses will be quicker for bug reports :)
  8. Switch

    Venture Seas

    I've caught the bug and should have it fixed for the next build, thanks for your help in reporting :) If that's the case then I'll leave Ignacy as he is for now but hope that other characters of the same race (or a more beast anthro like the one in Euphorian Tide) will appeal to those who...
  9. Switch

    Venture Seas

    I accidently left a save button (for my debug purposes) in the options menu, where saving is currently only meant on the 'ship explore' screen (sorry!) Does this aurelia bug happen after loading, or from a fresh game do you know? (feel free to use the 'scene jump' option, which can be...
  10. Switch

    Venture Seas

    Thanks for the input Marblak! I'll get some more opinions about ignacy (wolf man) as his personality is fleshed out a bit more and see if others would prefer a design change for future :)
  11. Switch

    Venture Seas

    A replacement thread to show/discuss the progress that's been happening with my game Venture Seas ^_^ Sorry for linking to the Patreon, but it has the best description of the game with pictures etc: Still in alpha at the moment, but I release a...
  12. Switch

    Grenish Meadows

    Just posting to say that I've read the full script and thought it was great ^_^