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  1. LightningRose

    Naleen Expansion (Interest check/brainstorming)

    I got stuck on some details while writing it, and took a break, then kinda forgot about it. Working on some other stuff now, but I'll try to get back to it soon. Sorry bout that.
  2. LightningRose

    More beast-ey scenes?

  3. LightningRose

    Terra and the Church of the One God Questions

    Just because a particular religion doesn't have a habit of stirring up shit doesn't mean that you should be "insensitive" about making a space parody of their religion. Be respectful man, since Thor, god of lightning and battle, is more likely to cause a divine miracle to strike a dirty heathen...
  4. LightningRose

    How and where does Steele have the option to become a Cyborg?

    Maybe this is all just setting the stage for some cybernetic revolution. What if the only reason why cybernetics are being seen as "weaker" than biotics is because that's what the cyborgs have been conditioning everyone to think? TiTs is a universe where people are accustomed to seeing cyborgs...
  5. LightningRose

    How and where does Steele have the option to become a Cyborg?

    Even if it is a fetish for some people, this site does have to stray away from certain themes which are either deemed illegal or off-putting to the general viewer. That's why we don't have watersports, or guru, or scat, or loli, or bestiality(many grey areas for this, but eh). I'm relatively...
  6. LightningRose

    Giving MC Tentacles?

    Currently you can have tentacle dicks (with no extra functionality, as far as i can tell) from using Galomax. Also you can have a cocktail, which is basically a tentacle as well. There are currently no scenes in game which require or reference you have tentacles though (as far as I know), unlike...
  7. LightningRose

    How and where does Steele have the option to become a Cyborg?

    Isn't that pretty unfair as well? "To get this cool nifty cybord hand with dildos for fingers, you need to lose in this dungeon and forgo any other rewards. Oh and if you finish the dungeon you'll never get to have dildo fingers again, so think carefully before you beat the boss" Exaggerated...
  8. LightningRose

    How and where does Steele have the option to become a Cyborg?

    Seems kinda hard to justify that degree of customisation though. "Ok, we're gonna cut your hand off and replace it with this robot hand, because you paid me to" and a few weeks later "Ok, we're gonna cut your robot hand off and regrow it, because you paid me to". Doesn't really seem sustainable...
  9. LightningRose

    nyrellion guards. gem?

    Wait why isn't fighting them an answer for you? Fighting them has zero repercussions(unless I'm very mistaken) and it's a -relatively- easy fight if you can beat the queen of the deeps.
  10. LightningRose

    Request, Idea and Suggestion all rolled into one

    If starting as female(arguably easier choice) -> Buy throbb for 1.2k credits -> grow a dick -> adjust body shape through a whole bunch of different items. If starting as male -> Buy estrobloom? (I forgot the exact item and price) -> grow a pussy -> adjust body shape through a whole bunch of...
  11. LightningRose

    Zil honey as a possible healing item for Zil?

    Uh... I guess that means I'll have to change my plans for that. Oh well~ Are there any other healing items present on Mhen'Ga that could be used as a fast healing source? Preferably found in the jungle, and not requiring the player to have it in the inventory.
  12. LightningRose

    Zil honey as a possible healing item for Zil?

    Hi all, does anyone know if Zil honey was ever mentioned anywhere as having healing properties for the Zil? I'm currently looking to use honey as a healing source in a scene I'm trying to write, but while the Zil honey definitely restores energy, it's never mentioned to have any other...
  13. LightningRose

    Guns Galore!

    A modern 40mm grenade has an explosive radius of nearly 5meters... and is liable to kill nearly anything inside that blast radius (range and damage increases if you're using shrapnel rounds). Who knows how powerful the ones in the future will be. Though to be fair, I have no idea how you end up...
  14. LightningRose

    Naleen Expansion (Interest check/brainstorming)

    Doesn't sound right. Context: [ “Normally I would reward such enthusiasm to breed me with some love from my own she smirks, patting her abdomen while extending her stinger, brimming with aphrodisiac venom, ]
  15. LightningRose

    Naleen Expansion (Interest check/brainstorming)

    I'm kinda stuck on some parts. Any advice on how to make the Zil explain near the end of the encounter that the Naleen was just playing with her and "rape" isn't a serious problem? All the stuff I've thought of sounds way too much like forced exposition. Also, anyone can come up with a...
  16. LightningRose

    'Multiple Crew Members' Sex Scenes

    Seconded, though I don't really think it's a diss, the non-H VNs just don't get much exposure so it's fair to assume most people don't know about them. To be fair, it's not like there's a huge deficit of "RPG" now. Much of the main content is perfectly playable without taking off your pants...
  17. LightningRose

    Naleen Expansion (Interest check/brainstorming)

    There is a Vanae combat dialogue if PC is a Naleen which basically implies that Vanae hunt Naleen very easily. Not sure what the justification behind that is apart from "JimT made Vanae op", but eh. Ask me how I know there's dialogue if PC is Naleen! I highly doubt that scaling encounters are...
  18. LightningRose

    'Multiple Crew Members' Sex Scenes

    Gotta include pr0n for all genders.
  19. LightningRose

    Naleen Expansion (Interest check/brainstorming)

    Alright, I've gotten the go ahead from both LD and QB, so work shall resume with the assurance that all the authors are pretty fine with what I'm doing~ Hooray for respecting intellectual write rights. Edit: I actually won't be able to do much work on this for the next week or so, I have stuff...
  20. LightningRose

    Naleen Expansion (Interest check/brainstorming)

    I can't think of any feasible justification for how this could happen in game at the moment, short of you beating every other male Naleen and establishing yourself as the super alpha male. And that's not a thing that would be possible I think, as per current discussion about what kind of stuff I...