Recent content by Spidereggs

  1. Spidereggs

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Technically, every player character in CoC2 is a hermaphrodite of some stripe - as they have the capacity (magical as it may be) to change from one sex to another, given the right conditions, which is called Sequential Hermaphroditism. Though in real life biology, it tends to be a little more...
  2. Spidereggs

    What content would you like added?

    Lusina's weapon, Maidenscythe, is the one I specifically referred to - "The story my folks told me is that she fell from the sky one night like a shooting star, drove blade-first into the great tree in the middle of our town as if it was a thunderbolt from the gods." And a longsword (which...
  3. Spidereggs

    What content would you like added?

    A rapier would be very severely out of the tech level of the setting (not that there aren't some weapons like that already that are hard to justify) - most weapons in the setting are bronze, and to make a long, thin thrusting blade like that of a rapier requires pretty high quality steel (or...
  4. Spidereggs

    [Calisequest 2 spoilers] Re: Calise and...

    What, like that's supposed to be a turn-off?
  5. Spidereggs

    [Calisequest 2 spoilers] Re: Calise and...

    If you're going with Romance path for Kas, Calise speaks incredibly possessively of the champ during the quest for someone who she's only worked with for, what, a few days, since the champ arrives to Khor Minos - referring to them as "my [pc name]". The way she's head-over-heels for the champ is...
  6. Spidereggs

    Hellhound Syri

    Have you done the Deepsea Research Facility quest? I did not have the Help Syri option appear until after I had done that quest and enough time had passed for Lessau to contact me about the results later.
  7. Spidereggs


    This looks like it could be fun, I will be writing up a character soon if there's space for me!
  8. Spidereggs

    [RPG Maker VX Ace] Caliross 0.9.11 Apr/28/2024

    It's called "royal we" - mostly used when speaking in the capacity of a king or emperor (for example, in speeches), not necessarily in personal affairs, and not when addressing other persons of equal status in diplomacy. Never let it be said that lewd games aren't an opportunity for learning new...
  9. Spidereggs


    The scene is the body of text you are reading on the center of the screen.
  10. Spidereggs

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    There's few things that take me out of an erotic scene faster than having my tits described as "nice".
  11. Spidereggs

    Why Do Animals Have Sex for Pleasure? (A video I found)

    Pseudo-penis, and it's a feature of all female spotted hyenas, not connected to status within clan.
  12. Spidereggs

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Because it's a sequel to a game called Corruption of Champions - is "artifact title" a familiar concept to you?
  13. Spidereggs

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    For the former, those scenes would have to be written by someone, and with the number of potential crewmates, the combinations run looooooong. For the latter, that sounds like something that would naturally fit into the capabilities of goo bodies - you can be a goo-taur or a goo-naga (as I...
  14. Spidereggs

    [CYOA][Html] Monsters of the Forest

    I like your writing style a lot, I just tried the twine version and I'm quite looking forward to updates! The spider path in particular interests me (if that wasn't obvious).
  15. Spidereggs

    [Game Version: 0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1478] Twofer! Karaquest bugs.

    Entering the second square down from the northwestern corner in the Black Void base on Myrellion during Kara's quest while having Tamwolf equipped crashes the game. As I encountered this, I had the unbroken version of Tamwolf (that you can get as an engineer). (Elvi as logged in the error...