Recent content by Phoenix11

  1. P

    Zheng Shi Content Discussion (GENERAL) (PLANET UNFINISHED)

    Okay quick question im confused about. the Doctor lady you steal the super ship from atacks you and if you beat her three times you can rescue her and she tells you to meet her someplace on the planet. Am i just blind or has that not be implimented yet?
  2. P

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    would love to keep playing but idk how to play this anymore with chrome being assholes about flash stuff.
  3. P

    The red demon goat contract list

    that sounds interesting
  4. P

    Enemies wiping the floor with me...

    This gives me alot of hope for the fanbase of this game. good job EA.
  5. P

    Enemies wiping the floor with me...

    I think thats just a trap.. but either way combat in this game is busted and bairly working. Mentioned a few fix ideas to the people but they probally wont listen if you want to have a better time at combat Chose blackmage you can summon a meat shield to eat an attack or two other than that pray...
  6. P

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    black pepers can be droped from hellhounds or sometimes gotten as a reward for helping at the farm rare drops tho
  7. P

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    dont know if you can get them mis matched maybe reducto? or something that reduces dick size X_X im trying to think but havnt played the mod in a while due to it being non updated uhh guy with the glich problum I dont think there is a fix for it i think its just a Mod wide glich someone else...
  8. P

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    yeah easy way is to spam incui drafts sometimes you will get another dick
  9. P

    No chances to win a fight

    wouldnt be as bad if we could controle cait but we cant its RNG if she even does something helpful and more RNG if the game just doesnt randomly Oko you in the first turn.
  10. P

    No chances to win a fight

    only way ive been able to find to do combat in any way is to play as a "black mage" because then you can summon a punching bag to eat a hit or two while you hope that Cait Heals you and you can spam your abilitys. Lets be honest Combat in this game needs Major retunes or a complete overhall
  11. P

    Problem with the Balance

    A proven system that works allowing players to plan out attacks and focus down one foe that is doing a ton is the backup plan Vs having the AI randomly decide when you have full HP to heal you when it has 10 HP and dies the next turn . Look not trying to be a jerk or like "this is what you MUST...
  12. P

    Problem with the Balance

    How about the option that almost every RPG lets you do... Take controle of the entire party and chose actions you want to do..
  13. P

    On Giving Up Your Soul

    All of this is well and good but how many accually believe that any of this will be implimented... Like Many different ways to sell your soul Different outcomes if you have or havnt sold your soul and to what "god/power" and to add it all in if you can have it stolen and if you can how to get it...
  14. P

    Problem with the Balance

    Yeah combat in this game isnt fun.. and it gets really frustrating when you constently lose and it feels like you have zero chance. Perhaps bumping up the "Fix combat settings" thing would be a good idea because the only fight you can win on any real basis is the one vs the Single foe like COC...