Recent content by Iamricky23

  1. Iamricky23

    Space Paws (alpha v0.75.2 public // v0.82.1 for patrons)

    Please tell me you are still alive.
  2. Iamricky23

    What content would you like added?

    Where can I read all that? :)
  3. Iamricky23

    What content would you like added?

    And the option to remove the dick from dickgirls should be more common; the curse on poor Urta felt uncured, and for some reason, removing Katherine's is impossible, because it's impossible to reach the requirement.
  4. Iamricky23

    What content would you like added?

    Understandable, but it might have been nice to help a lover out if she needed help cleaning herself in preparation for you popping her "black cherry". Anyway, is this game open to furry artists adding their own creations into it?
  5. Iamricky23

    What content would you like added?

    Is every chick's anus 100% clean 24/7?
  6. Iamricky23

    What content would you like added?

    A female Argonian like my avatar, and a hot female vixen like Terdburgler's Linda.* *Of course, he would like to be in charge of writing her character. As for the Argonian**, Arian didn't feel right at all, so I don't count "him". **I want this, please:
  7. Iamricky23

    What inspired minotaur cum addiction?

    LOL, I am starting to think the same thing, given that you have not one, but two cows for lovers. Sad because bovines don't interest me at all.
  8. Iamricky23

    Katherine's submissiveness, level 5?

    The two wikis' guides tell me how to go levels 1-4, and that at 6, I can make her FULL female if I wish. But how do I take her to 5 first? The wikis don't say.
  9. Iamricky23

    Who is your #1 romance in the game?

    I dunno. I love predator-mammals, so Urta, but she has a cock I can't get rid of. I love Kiha and (female) Ember, but impregnating either is either too hard, or the pregnancies take too long. (I'm breeding an army). I do love Edryn; she alone has a mare's backside.
  10. Iamricky23

    3 or more cocks; how do I get them?

    I can't seem to get more than two as either a dragon or a lizard. Incumbi drafts make the 2 bigger and bigger, but NEVER seem to grow a 3rd one.
  11. Iamricky23

    Any new harem possibilities? Why two whole cows, and no basilisk females?

    Ew, no males in my harem; I am the sole pure-male. (Male followers, like Jojo, are ok). She is a dragon, which is awesome. My avatar is not a dragon however.
  12. Iamricky23

    Any new harem possibilities? Why two whole cows, and no basilisk females?

    In fact, the background behind the Argonian female looks like it could be the cabin, no?
  13. Iamricky23

    Any new harem possibilities? Why two whole cows, and no basilisk females?

    Personally, I don't find birds attractive at all, even if they are female. (Sorry Sophie) I, for one, prefer mammals* and reptiles (dragons included). *Carnivorous preferably, but I do like Centauresses. (If only I could get to know the one working at the gym) I do wish there were...
  14. Iamricky23

    Probing for Possibilities

    Can Sheila, the Australian kangaroo chick you find in the plains, ever be brought to the camp? I ask, and she tells me she "barely knows me".
  15. Iamricky23

    Probing for Possibilities

    Will the Centauress who operates the gym ever be available? The writer put a lot of emphasis on her looks, and the PC promises himself to see her later, after buying lifetime membership.