Recent content by Eliria

  1. Eliria

    Lilith's Throne (Early Alpha)

    A skip-sex option would be good. Is it just me or do non-racial potions drop from enemies far more often than the racials?
  2. Eliria

    Lilith's Throne (Early Alpha)

    Glad to see this developing nicely.
  3. Eliria

    How'd You Find Fenoxo/CoC/TiT/FoE?

    I'm pretty sure I came across the grandfather of CoC/TiTs, a little project known as Unnamed Text Game. I'd guess I was searching for tf and furry stuff, been following the progress ever since.
  4. Eliria

    Why do you play? - Content qualities

    I'm curious what people are looking to get out of an erotic game, specifically of the text / adventure / rpg kinds. Kink-independent properties. Things like... Customizations of a character's morphology (species, sex, fitness) - transformation, hitting the gym, a wizard did it: you like...