Recent content by Bluebird42

  1. Bluebird42

    Your Gripes With CoC2

    This could fit well with the storm dilf I was wanting to write :D
  2. Bluebird42

    Blue's Write Grove

    Again, the dom/sub is for his personality, not his relationship with champ. There is also a plan in his later content for the PC to be able to challenge Refnir in a 1v1 fight for his respect and submission. Becoming Asgeir's superior is one of the outcomes of the quest, yes. Refnir still won't...
  3. Bluebird42

    Blue's Write Grove

    These scenes are for his content in the Corrupted Lupine Cave. You are not his superior, Asgeir is. On top of that, he is written for a specific niche. That niche being people who enjoy asshole doms, which is what J asked me to write with in mind. It was my idea to add a dom/sub mechanic and a...
  4. Bluebird42

    Why is everyone here obsessed with turning their characters into abominations?

    Gotta agree with WhoAmI If I have a choice I will never, ever be a human in a game. Shit's boring as fuck
  5. Bluebird42

    Blue's Write Grove

    He does not go free. There are four main conclusions to the knot cave dungeon: Imprison Them, Recruit Them, Exile Them, and Genderbend Them. (Though Refnir is not among the ones genderbent). His later content is dependent on what you decide to do with the pack. I.e. Exiling Them removes them...
  6. Bluebird42

    Blue's Write Grove

    The important distinction here is that he is not being set as your sub, his personality is being set as more submissive than normal. What this will do in his later content is change which options will be available for the PC (i.e. being able to top him or not and whether you take a more dominant...
  7. Bluebird42

    Blue's Write Grove

    It's not punishing players for voyeur. I wanted there to be two options for Dom and two options for Sub, simple as! If you recruit or imprison the Corlups, you'll have access to his later content.
  8. Bluebird42

    Blue's Write Grove

    Heyo! I'm Bluebird42, but you can just call me Blue! :gedallears: Feel free to ask me questions about my stuff if you'd like! ^^ [Implemented] Wild Chicory - Deerfolk TF [Submitted] Wyvern Scale Powder - Wyvern Tf Root of Man - Small Expac Demon Tf Variants - Small Expac [Guest...
  9. Bluebird42

    Your Gripes With CoC2

    Nay- I say not enough! Bring on the girldick!!!
  10. Bluebird42

    Any idea what the new perk is called

    If you're referring to the new tf related perk, it's Draconic Matriarch! It can only be gotten if you give Viv 9 ashen leaf for the tf
  11. Bluebird42

    Kinus Questline

    It's in progress still
  12. Bluebird42

    What content would you like added?

    Yes we do? Ryn and Bri both have extremely in-depth relationships without requiring pregnancy. Arona is super close following them, along with Annika, Serena and Ahmri. Tetty won't even sex the PC without falling in love with them first. Those are just the ones off the top of my head. What are...
  13. Bluebird42

    What content would you like added?

    Following up on Ace's comment, Savin has stated quite clearly that in-game Cait pregnancy will never ever be a thing. The only thing close to that is having her get egged by the Drider Queen or the hornets.
  14. Bluebird42

    Is the corrupted route for Centaur!Quest ever going to be written/finished?

    :O!! Thank you for the update! :D ((Might've gotten the time length mixed up with Oma, oop))