Alecsandr Jul 5, 2019 Myr expacs are dead in the water, fen took a look said 'nope' for it passing muster, i've also lost most of my free time & drive to continue
Myr expacs are dead in the water, fen took a look said 'nope' for it passing muster, i've also lost most of my free time & drive to continue
Alecsandr Dec 14, 2018 progress is going slowly right now, i work retail and the holiday season is the time of year where i have virtually zero time off
progress is going slowly right now, i work retail and the holiday season is the time of year where i have virtually zero time off
Alecsandr Nov 30, 2018 officially split lys and briha's documents tonight, briha is still sitting close to 11k words before editing for grammar and parser stuff
officially split lys and briha's documents tonight, briha is still sitting close to 11k words before editing for grammar and parser stuff
Alecsandr Nov 20, 2018 2 of 7 sex scenes done for briha, one for fun, one for baby making. after they're done i'm moving to the gun stuff, then it's on to lys!
2 of 7 sex scenes done for briha, one for fun, one for baby making. after they're done i'm moving to the gun stuff, then it's on to lys!
Alecsandr Nov 12, 2018 500 words out from hitting the 10k word count on the lys, Briha doc and that's before first edits, and parser tagging
500 words out from hitting the 10k word count on the lys, Briha doc and that's before first edits, and parser tagging
Alecsandr Oct 8, 2018 Currently working on a Lys and Briha xpac, and possibly considering writing up a list of weapons, and perhaps a femboy npc eventually.
Currently working on a Lys and Briha xpac, and possibly considering writing up a list of weapons, and perhaps a femboy npc eventually.