Recent content by 404HaikuNotFound

  1. 404HaikuNotFound

    Worst Christmas Song

    Hey guys, guess what? I found something that’s worse than Mariah Carey. I’ll just leave you to that.
  2. 404HaikuNotFound

    Worst Christmas Song

    My god. I found him. Again. This is like a nightmare come true, a descent into madness that spirals forever downwards. Check 1:32 for him. Oof
  3. 404HaikuNotFound

    Worst Christmas Song

    I, uh, uh, what? How the hell did you even find this “thing”? It’s like an amalgamation of one of those bug-out eyes squeeze toys, a bowling pin, and the machinations of a man who knows that the worlds going to end. But really though, that and Mariah Carey’s stupid fucking song are going to...
  4. 404HaikuNotFound

    Worst Christmas Song

    Ayyyyy, what up? I’ve been trying to write and the only thing I ever fucking here is Mariah Carey’s 1994 hit single: “All I Want for Christmas is You.” I am going slowly insane. So instead of actually doing something productive, here’s a question: What is the absolute worst Christmas song in...
  5. 404HaikuNotFound

    Astronaut from the Past. Good/Plausible Idea?

    Almost. I have it that you find a crashed pod on Myrellion and you have to fight like some robots or something to get to her. Than you have to drag her (she's comatose in there) around like the junk on Tarkus until you get to the army doctor in the red city. Something happens to wake her up, go...
  6. 404HaikuNotFound

    Astronaut from the Past. Good/Plausible Idea?

    I'm mentioning that as I intend for the PC to explain their travels including the encountering Zil from Mhen'ga. She will land in Myrellion which . I never posted that so sorry for the confusion.
  7. 404HaikuNotFound

    Astronaut from the Past. Good/Plausible Idea?

    I imagine that I could have it work with something like Osteomalacia then, which is a disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin D in the body.
  8. 404HaikuNotFound

    Astronaut from the Past. Good/Plausible Idea?

    You know what. I'm just gonna take my hat and go. You've clearly beat me in my scientific knowledge. I should've expected that from someone literally named "Thebiologist". If you can give me any tips as to how I can make this still work, as it's an integral part of her character, it would be...
  9. 404HaikuNotFound

    Astronaut from the Past. Good/Plausible Idea?

    Sorry for late reply! The PC will help her adjust to this new world, because when you wake up on a world filled with people sized ants, you're naturally going to be freaked the hell out even if you were looking for intelligent life.
  10. 404HaikuNotFound

    Astronaut from the Past. Good/Plausible Idea?

    Side Note: Reasoning for legs only is that legs are the most used muscle so naturally they are the strongest. Being the strongest would cause the body, in this circumstance, to have those break down first so as to save energy.
  11. 404HaikuNotFound

    Astronaut from the Past. Good/Plausible Idea?

    So with cryogenics, your body ceases nearly all function within itself. Muscles therefore would not, you know, do anything so naturally they would break down. A theory has been proposed to use small electrical shocks within the pod so that your muscles regularly have to do something. I've...
  12. 404HaikuNotFound

    Astronaut from the Past. Good/Plausible Idea?

    So I've been an avid spectator of this site quite a bit (you did this Fen) and I recently decided to write something up for the game. I'm about halfway through writing it and don't want to continue if this will go nowhere. To preface this I'll say that, no, this is not the first time I've...
  13. 404HaikuNotFound

    Criminally Retarded

    Criminally Retarded