Going back to the original topic about descriptions and in-game busts:
after seeing the Github folder of high-res pics, there's quite the editing. Sometimes they're side flipped, and others badly cropped.
The in-game purple border around the portrait also takes a good chunk off the pic: more than once I didn't noticed the extra equipment of some "girls" (noticeable on Gats pics for example). Kiro for example, has 3 stages of ball-swelling, yet you can barely see them in-game (actually, there's no ball-swelling pic for when she's clothed, though it would be really simple to edit).
Others don't seem implemented: for example, while there's a nude HR pic (Jacques00) of Penny with the biggest size of horse cock (reaches his boobs, easily seen-able in-game), the game displays a nude Penny, sans cock.
And some others are missing... I found the game on a old download of an X site, then came here and found the newer ones. In the old one there was an incredible pic for Jade (probably the best image I've seen on the game), but now she has an Adjatha pic.
As far as art itself:
-Gats is technically one the best. It looks proffessional, and the sketchy look is obviously intentional, it's his own style. Doesn't works for me tho, since it lacks completely of erotism and they look more like a catalog rather than a visual interpretation of character or personality, -again, just my personal taste-, but can't deny the quality and the skill (tho I couldn't judge just based on tiny pics

). They would work perfect for the Codex tho, and I'm glad it's there.
-Chesire is pretty good, and I use most of their pics when possible. There might be some exceptions here and there, mostly because -precisley- the usual "chesire smile" their chars have gets tiresome, or don't fit the role.
-Adjatha is probably the one I use more (few exceptions, like his Kelly who I find horrible) despite not being too good. Contrary to Gats, while it's not nearly as good as base drawing, the style fits more what I look/want: over erotic and exaggerated. Plus, the somewhat cartoony, simplier lines and fancier colors work better in small pics.
-Jacques00 is pretty good too, tho there's some things he can't define well, generally speaking it's one of the best, and use his pics when possible. The only problem is that since he's more realistic and detailed, the artwork kinda get lost in small pics.
-Jay_Echo is good, but like Jacques, his works gets kinda lost or confusing in-game. Still needs to "fix" some anatomy issues... I've been avoiding Nessa because her pic drives me nuts (not in a good sense, sorry)
-Shou... sorry, but I avoid if possible. First, I simply don't like how he draw faces... no offense here, it's just personal tastes. I don't want to be offensive, and I know how it sucks when somebody criticizes one's own artwork, so I'll keep the technical stuff for myself (or a more private discussion, this is not to openly talk without... consecuences, let's say ). Still, he did a butt-ton of pics, and did a more than decent Renvra which most likely wouldn't replace if ever gets a new pic.