Rise of the mutants RP


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015

In the moment before i try my action, we are listening a voice "metallic" through the speakers hidden in the cells, he says that "...the sooner you cast off what ever remains of your humanity now.. it will make it easier for you in the long run...", then i decide to not continue my action of cut the bars, putting to move around the cell about his words

While in my mind, i am thinking

I have an exoskeleton, blades mortals instead of hands, dark green skin, ...a cock, ¿wHAT?, ¡¡¿A COCK?!!, i was a female, not a male before, but when i touch it, i discover that i am "shemale or fund... futuri... funatari" because i have a hidden cock that is very hard inside me, and i have a pussy down of the cock, i like it, i love it, but the other part changed i don´t understand it very well, i have... ¿antennas, no ears?, and my breasts had grown to an unexpected limit...

I think that my other part of the change, is a slug or similar... . If i wish to go out more quickly, i will understand more than less my two parts (the insect and the slug part)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She slams her fists into the ground and rises up to her feet. "Where are you coward?! Come out and face me! I put end to your sick mind and get out of this horrible place! You have made enemy with the wrong person!" She yells up to the ceiling while looking around. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015

We have to go out of this shit, Carla and Coye... . How are you now? more calmed or still very scared?, you can call me "Su", it uses like another different name like yours...

While i say this to Carla and Coye, i start to "feel" while i touch my differents aliens parts, including my erogenous zones, also when i touch my "hard cock" i keep my back hidden of them to not scare them...


But while i am touching all the aliens zones, i "feel" a hot that is growing in all my body, until i cut it mentally thinking in a cold shower..., but the hot feeling that i felt was a surprise and a great thing to me and my changed mind "alien"...

I don´t know now why i thought that my brain could be "alien" because it´s human, or not?. These "aliens and stranges" thoughts that now are in my mind are adapting to my brain...


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
" "Su" huh? Definitely better than just 'hey you' " Coye says while he moves over to a section where the bars meet the walls and starts tapping and listening. "Not scared, eerily calm all things considered... but mostly, I'm just mad as all hell at whoever or whatever is just telling us to throw away our humanity, I mean what have we got besides that." he says, tail feathers bristling, as he makes his way to the opposite wall and begins tapping again. "They've stripped us of everything else, hell they've tried their hand at taking our humanity already!" he continues, veins starting to pop around his neck and arms "I'm not sure about you but if anyone tries to take anything from me, I'm gonna hold onto it a whole helluva lot tighter" he says, punching the wall beside him almost as if to punctuate the outburst.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Carla, no? are you all right?

I think that we will escape from all this crazy thing about the experiments, but i understand you that our lifes were changed a lot of, and we need to think how we could use those new abilities to use here to escape. We all have to effort ourselves to get out of this crazy experiment...,

I try to console her, but in my mind there is a new voice that surround me

¡¡Adapt yourself to your new appearance, "Slutty"!! ¡¡You are a new "alien" and you have to show them what is the future of the race!! ¡¡You are "slutty"!! use it, take advantage it, destroy the people that are weak like this Carla... (alien Slutty)

But i am not a bad pers..., a bad alien, she can´t do that... we can´t obligate her... (human)

¡¡Shut up bitch in heat!! You/We are an ALIEN SLUTTY... (alien Slutty)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Kajinn looks up thoughtfully as the voice from the speaker issues. "Cast off whatever is left of our humanity, eh? And this is coming from the guy who used humans as lab rats for his weird drug..." He murmurs before standing up and moving next to Victoria. "I doubt you'll be able to fit through. The bars are far too narrow." He says, his eyes narrowed as he calculated the situation. They were all stuck in a cell, with this creepy voice telling them what and what not to do. It also said something about tests? Yes, that would be a good opportunity to escape if they had to be removed from the cells to perform said tests. He grabs Victoria's arm and walks over to Tina before crouching down, pulling Victoria down so the heads of all three are close together. "Okay look. This bastard wants us to do tests, right? If we have to leave the cells to perform the tests, then it may present an opportunity or avenue of escape. Keep your eyes peeled." He whispers. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
     Letting herself be pulled away from the bars, Victoria listened to what Kajinn had to say, "Alright, I'll look for any chances and let you know what I see." Looking at her two cellmates, Victoria asked "Do you think we're still people? I still think I'm myself, just with some different bits, sure I wouldn't blend in without baggy clothing, but we're still people, right?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Yeah. We're still people alright. It's what up in here that counts. Remember that. Always." Kajinn says, tapping the side of his head. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Of course we are still people!" Comes Bones' booming voice from her cell "We think and feel and live just like anyone else! NEVER say you are not a person! We are just crazy animal fusion people now!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Yeah. What she said." Kajinn says grumpily. "Although I do have the strangest urge to catch a fish right now..." He mutters. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Be thankful it is fish... I was to chew on some big oak leaves right now...."


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
     Smiling as she was told that she was still a person, Victoria's ears perked up, "Well, good, then I guess there isn't much left to do but wait and see what happens."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Yeah. Not much, indeed... You know what? I'm gonna take a nap. Wake me up when-" Kajinn suddenly realises that there aren't any pillows in the cell, and sleeping would be very uncomfortable, and that was IF he even fell asleep. He sighs and leans against the wall of the cell, quiet for a while. "You know, I think it was that woman I slept with last night who turned me in. Wonder how much they paid the bitch..." He says. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Tina looked around the cell as the voice spoke. If he knew they were awake, then they had to be watching them from somewhere. She looked around trying  find the camera in their cell.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

She relaxed thanks to Coey "hum ... nice to meet you ...Coey and you too Su .. sorry i acted like that ... i'm just scared" she uncurls and smiles to you two  then she hears the voice from the speakers ,she yelp in surprise and hides once more in her ball of fur,

As it stops talking the return to normal shaking a bit .. she takes some death breaths to calm herself "i-i ok .. she say to the others and herself ,she looks at the prison and think.

she looks at the bars then at her small body "hum maybe i could slip past the bars and try to free everyone?" she walks to the bars and using her flexible small body she try to wiggle to the other side between two bars.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016

Jena was more or less on the same page as everyone else as they called back defiantly at the voice. "Yeah! where still people you monster!" she cried with them emboldened by everyone else. she looks to Cedric and bones as they engaged with the others. Bones looked like someone she could relay on, and Cedric looked like he wouldn't try anything funny with her... so atleast she felt somewhat safe with them, she had a feeling they she would need there help....

GM Post: The test below.

"Still going to act defiant huh?", the voice said. "Also none of your escape attempts will work! these cell were specifically designed to hold mutants like you. the bars are made of our own brand of metal... why, the only way to break them would be to use some of the same metal! regardless... the first test starts now!" the voice said. then the floor began to move! and it soon became a slope leaning into a pit of darkness below in each cell.


"What?! N-No!", Jena cried as she began to slide down the slick floor. In her fear she threw her wings around Cedric as they all began to slide down in to the darkness below!


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
   Calling out to the other cells, "If you succeed, don't leave us behind, but I think Kajinn has the right idea, if we have to wait, we may as well be rested for whatever is ahead." Laying down, Victoria curled up to stay warm and try to get some rest before they escaped or were subjected to more experiments.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"What the FUCK!?" Kajinn yells as the floor opens up beneath them. He immediately grabs Victoria's and Tina's arms, beating his wings to try and stay aloft, or if he can't stay up, at least slow their descent. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Bones gasps as she falls onto the slope below, sliding away into the darkness. "Curse yoooooooooooooou!" 


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015

The unknown scientific decides to start the tests with us like his indian-bunnies, opening a darkest slide that throw us down, i try to catch with my "hands-blades" but my feet can´t control and again i fall down to the dark...

Trying to use the cum wetted like glue to slow down my slide down, but i don´t know if i get it...

But i remember the insect wings, i order mentally to my wings extend in the small space of the slide down, feeling the pleasure of my exoskeleton opening at first time, and moving very quickly my mantis wings...
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Cedric clung to the nearest person to him just for the sake of holding onto something, and it seemed that Jena had the very same idea. He felt sheltered by the warmth of her wings for just a moment until they were really and truly falling. "Try to use your wings! Fly out of here!" He instructed, letting go of her wherever he had held onto her so that she could at least get away.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

While she was trying to get pass the bars ,she hears the voice once more confirming once more that her attempt wasn't going to work ,as the voice say test i'm worried ,what did he mean by that? i don't have much time to think as the floor suddenly move caught me by surprise i yelp and hold on tight to the bars while i see my companions fall to the depths bellow i show "hold on to me!" my tail reach for them to grab on to.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Having been lying down as the floor went out from under them, Victoria ended sliding face first down into the pit before being grabbed by Kajinn, unfortunately having grabbed her leg instead of her arm, leaving her hanging upside down facing the dark pit below. Looking up at her cellmates, Victoria chimed out, "While I'm glad that you kept us from falling, I don't think you can keep flying forever, so we should probably head down."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Yep! Good idea!" Kajinn groans in a strained voice, before slowing his wing beats and allowing them to fall slower. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
GM Post: get down there!

Anyone still in the cells by this time were sucked in buy a sort of vacuum effect form the pit below. "Ah-ah-ah! we cant have that! GET IN THERE!" the voice said as they all were forcibly sucked downward!


"W-What, F-Fly, ME?!" Jena cried as she was thrown off by Cedric. She tried to fakp her arms around but she had only just grown them earlier so she had no idea what she was doing. She did manage to to slow her decent a bit, but she was soon sucked downward like everyone else. As she fell she cried out and she fell through the darkness. she brace herself for the pain of landing hard but she found she actually landed on something soft... opening her eyes she found herself in a dimly lit room with green walls and a dirt floor. She looked down to see that she and Cedric had landed on Bone's big breasts, while Bones had hit the soft dirt floor. She squeaked and rolled off her cheeks burning with embarrassment. "oh gosh... im so sorry!", she said as she put her wing over her head.

Everyone else found themselves in the same kind of rooms. (maybe in similar embarrassing situations or not...)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015

I try to take the hand of Carla or of Coye, but more special Cala because she hasn´t flies or wings... to fly... saying to her

¡¡Take my hand, Cala!!


Arriving after a moment to a room with green walls and the ground dirt..., i hide again my wings after i put to Carla very slow in the ground, falling to it, because i didn´t calculate the height, these multifaceted eyes will bring problems in the future... i don't know if upside of her (Cala) with my "hard cock" hidden touching her head
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Kajinn manages to keep them aloft for a while before he simply can't hold them aloft any longer, his wings new and unused as of yet. With a groan, he stops beating his wings and rolls in the air, pulling Victoria and Tina on top of him. With a hard thud, he hits the ground, sending a spike of pain through his back. Victoria and Tina have a softer landing, having landed on top of him. He groans in pain, right before realising that his dick is right between Victoria's thighs, while Tina's legs are spread open right above his head. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Bones just groans and slowly rolls up to her feet. "Is not a problem. you are very small and very light. Where are we now? Dirt green room?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Cedric quickly hopped down off of Bones and brushed himself off, ears pointed back and staring adamantly to the floor, as the crimson in his cheeks became obvious even through his fur. "Are you okay?" He asked as a distraction, about to nudge the massive beetle-dinosaur-whatever-she-was gently with his foot until she stood up on her own. He had felt inclined to offer a hand to help her up, before realizing that he'd better not for feet of her tearing his arm out of its socket. "And what do you make of all this?" He asked again, setting his hands by his hips and behind his back as he took in their nearby surroundings.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She waves her hand at him "Yes yes, I am perfectly fine. Even before these changes I was durable woman! i have no idea what any of this is!" She moves over and pokes the walls "This entire place boggles my mind..."