Rise of the mutants RP


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"I'm Tina," she replied, perking up as she heard the sudden pounding coming from the other side of the wall. Moving to the barred slot in the door, she looked down the hall as far as she could before calling down. "Is someone else there?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Most probably. And they're just as stuck as we are..." Kajinn mutters, his ears flicking. "They've been pounding away at the bars for nearly ten minutes. Heard them quite a while ago." 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Coye startled awake at the sound of someone shrieking and groaned as various aches and pains made themselves known. Looking around he saw that he was no longer strapped onto a table but now in the oh so familiar feeling of being trapped in a cell. Trying to take a step towards the bars, he jerks forward and proceeds to fall flat.     "What the he-" he begins to mutter before looking down and seeing a serpents tail in place of his legs "So it wasn't some dream... damn..." he says trying to flex the muscles in his new tail. While looking over the rest of his transformed body, he hears a gasp and a pleasured moan before hearing someone padding towards him. He becomes     distinctly aware he isn't alone in the cell. He glances in the direction of the shuffling steps and sees what looks like a woman with wings and sickle like claws of a mantis and a tail swings behind them with every step. Glancing off to his side he can barely make out what looks like some sort of cat or rabbit person still balled up asleep or maybe unconscious. "What happened before, and why are we changed?" the mantis-like woman's voice snaps him out of his reverie "No clue what happened, as for why we changed I'd guess its because of that fecking experiment those psychos mentioned" he responds turning to face the person, having apparently figured out how to finally move with his tail. "By the way what would your name be?" he inquires "I'm Coye, just thought I'd ask so we can get onto the real matters here"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Bones sticks her hand out the bars and waves. "Hello! My name is Bones! Have you been changed into some crazy animal mix up like we have!?" 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Yes," replied Tina. "I think I'm part squid, and something else. How about you?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I am some sort of giant beetle dinosaur thing! A very strange combination! It also seems to have made me a giant... 8 feet tall if I had to guess!" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Coye turns his attention away from the mantis person in front of him as he hears a voice call out as someone sticks their arm between the bars, asking if anyone else is there "Hey!. Names Coye, yeah everyone in here looks like they've been mixed in some form or another. Have you had any luck with the bars or some other way of getting out of here?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
   "I don't know, some sort of cat and dog mix? Doesn't look like any domesticated breeds though." Seeing that their cell mate was waking up, Victoria walked over, "As he just said, I'm Victoria, wish we could meet under better circumstances."

Listening in on the conversation between cells, she began to wonder just how many people they had been doing this too. Calling out "I don't think that anyone in our cell is going to be capable of bending these bars, I certainly can't."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Kajinn is suddenly at the bars next to Tina. "Did you say eight feet tall!? How the fuck did you even fit in the cell!? And where the hell did they get Dino genes?" He calls out. "And no, Coye, zero luck! These bars must be alloy or something if a Dino can't break through!" He yells. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"No... for all my might I can't break these bars! I am also too big to squeeze through them!" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Have you tried ramming the bars? Your weight might be enough to knock them out of the mouldings!" Kajinn calls out. 
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
   Looking at the bars after hearing that one of the larger people couldn't get through the bars, Victoria started examining the bars to see if she could wiggle through them, and looking for the door to the cells and how they were secured.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Of course I tried that! But nothing seems to make them budge! I am guessing they predicted holding bigger folk like me down here." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Cedric kept his eyes to the ground at Jena and Bone's reactions to their new endowments, and stole a look away from his own, not even wanting to see the potential changes to his junk. Instead, he looked to Bones as she spoke to the other prisoners. His ears pivoted forwards, eager to hear what they all had to say, as he scooched closer to listen. Contributing to the cacophony of animal races and back-and-forth between the cells, he shouted in when he had the chance. "My name's Cedric. From the look of it, I'm part kangaroo."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"I'm part bat and part shark, and my name is Kajinn!" Kajinn yells. "You know, since we're doing introductions and all..." He says in a less loud voice. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Giving the bars a cursory examination, Coye decided that there was no way for him to brute force his way through, instead chose to slither past the mantis woman, who was apparently lost in thought over their name and moved over to the cat-rabbit  person. "Hey, Hey you alright?" he asked gently poking their shoulders "You gotta wake up sometime sunshine" he said,unintentionally smiling at the memories behind the words.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

"hum?" she slowly woke up ,she yawns then look at the monsters in front of her ,her eyes widen and her heart rate increase "stay away!" she shouts running to the corner of the cell "this is just a bad dream ,it got to be ,i'm not a monster ,i'm just in my room sleeping and this is all just a nightmare .. a very bad nightmare" she curl up into a small ball of fur ... she was crying and was unable to fall asleep .


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
"H-Hey, monster...? What do you mean you're not a monster?" Coye said, fighting to hide any irritation in his voice. "Of course you aren't a monster,I mean you're still a human under all that after all aren't you?" he said to the girl. "What's your name, can you tell me that at least, please?" he said, trying what he could to calm the girl. "You tell me your name, I'll tell you mine and then we can go from there, alright?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

She stopped crying ,her big ear roll out of the ball and you can faintly hear her say " Kala ... my name is Kala Wheatleigh ... i was taking by my father's friend ... they turned me into ... this ... i just want to go back home" she still curled up in a ball but seems to have calmed down ,she wasn't shaking nor crying .


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016

Jena listens to all the back in forth from the others around her. she found that she could very easily pick out who was who and and where they were in comparison to her. "Um hey everyone... I'm Jena... I... i think I'm a bat.... or something...", she said nervously to the others. "i can hear everything you saying... it its making my head hurt...". Jena looked over to Cedric and scooted her way over to him. "Um... Cedric right? You mind telling me how you got here?" she asked hoping to get a better understanding of the situation. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
"Kala huh? Good name" Coye said maneuvering himself so he could 'sit' next to Kala without hitting her with his tail "Name's Coye, Coye Avel... not that it means much" he chuckled good naturedly, extending a hand out to Kala "and even though I don't have much of a home to return to, I can understand how you feel." "And the one over there staring off at the fairies, is... well, we'll find out together when they get to it" he said, a somewhat warm smile slowly creeping onto his face.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"You're part bat too? Wait a minute. I got the same kind of ears. How come it's not hurting me? I can hear everything you guys are going on about too!" Kajinn says. "But then again, I guess my captain was right about me having a thick skull..." He mutters. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"I worked in a series of ports by the sea, helping sailors with cargo." Cedric raked his mind for wherever he was last before getting abducted into the lab. "There was this shoddy bunkhouse that I spent the night in. That's about it, and... nice to meet you Jena." He offered, as if unsure of his answer and greeting.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
After i listened that the bunny-cat woman awakes and Coye asks my name, i think that if i give the name "Slutty", they turn back and go far of me, speaking when they could finish

My name is forgotten, i forgot it after the shock of the experiments, sorry...

To the woman bunny-cat: If you are more calmed, we sure that we will escape of this cells, don´t worry Kala Wheatleigh...

I think that we aren't alone here, there should be more cells with people changed inside trying to escape... . We need to escape of this cell, Coye and Kala

I approach to the side of the cell, trying a thing that i didn´t try it before, and it´s using my own blades arms to cut the bars of the cell and...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Bones keeps looking back and forth with all the conversation before flopping onto her back with a thud. "Oh gods above, this is going to drive me insane! Too much sitting around and talking! They could have at least provided me with some weights to lift!" She rolls onto her front and starts doing one handed push ups. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
"It's a shame to hear you've forgotten your name" Coye remarks "Hope it comes to ya soon." he says watching as the woman steps over to the bars. "Seems we're not alone in here, been hearing a few voices bouncing around between the bars" he adds.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Cedric kept watching Bones as she started doing pushups. When she vocalized her need of weights to lift, he had the strangest sense of desire when it came to offering himself for the task. He shook it off quickly, wondering just where the hell that idea had come from, before peering back outside the bars.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015

I listen the answers of Coye, and i concentrate on the bars after looking them, the size, the distance between each bar, and i try to cut it, if i hurt my own flesh blades, then i won´t try it for the moment


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"oh uh l-likewise.", Jena said as she held out her wing and quickly realized she had no hand to shake on her arms. The reality of the fact that she had no hands struck her at that moment. with out any hand she could never play the piano again! "No! ...this can't be happening! My life is...ruined....", she said staring at her wings. technically her hands hand gone away they, just where the main part of her wings now.... but in there current state she couldn't do much of anything with them perhaps maybe fly.

GM POST: the test.

everyone's thought and conversations were cut short as a voice came in from speakers somewhere the couldn't see. "Ah so i see you're all awake and have come to see you are now no longer people. And any of you that still think otherwise i advise you to abandon that now; you are our test subjects, nothing else. the sooner you cast off what ever remains of your humanity now the better... it will make it easier for you in the long run...", the voice said with matter of factually tone.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Says the guy abducting people out of bunkhouses for a science fair project, asshole!" Cedric shot back in protest, shivering on the ground as he sank again to his knees. "Freaks or not, humans or not, we're people."
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