Siegwolfe Question


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Been messing with Siegwolfe, and I gotta say. Epic drone is epic. One question comes to mind with these drones, about a Tech Drone Master. There anything the Drone Techs can do to this bot? I don't notice anything with mine. Would be cool if we could switch its combat modes from physical or tease focused. But yeah, the Drone Tech do anything to this?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Regular Siegewolfe is always set to regular attacks, Bimbowulfe is always set to tease.  I wouldn't know if drone techs get anything...  I haven't touched drones since 2015. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Regular Siegewolfe is always set to regular attacks, Bimbowulfe is always set to tease.  I wouldn't know if drone techs get anything...  I haven't touched drones since 2015. 

I know, just wondering if the Tech that took the drone mastery does anything. I didn't see anything, so I thought to poke here about them. The switching thing was just a idea that popped into my head if there wasn't anything.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I think it gives you a small added shield bonus, compared to the other classes that is.

I mean the Siegwulfe. I've played with Drone Tech class, know enough about the class, but not the new drone. I'm curious if being a Drone Mastery Tech does anything fancy with a Siegwulfe.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I mean the Siegwulfe. I've played with Drone Tech class, know enough about the class, but not the new drone. I'm curious if being a Drone Mastery Tech does anything fancy with a Siegwulfe.

No, that´s it currently. Only drone techs gets any added shield bonus from equipping it. But then again, the shield perk is a lot better atm.

Imho either drone techs have to keep being able to upgrade their drones, or the perk will have to get some other kind of buff, like extra damage. 


Aug 26, 2015
Attack Drone continuing to need to have better versions of equipment available to make up for its lack of inherent value is unsustainable game design.  Among other things, it falters the instant drones are available to buy in stores.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
No, that´s it currently. Only drone techs gets any added shield bonus from equipping it. But then again, the shield perk is a lot better atm.

Imho either drone techs have to keep being able to upgrade their drones, or the perk will have to get some other kind of buff, like extra damage. 

So it really is without a buff on the drone master? Meh...


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Attack Drone continuing to need to have better versions of equipment available to make up for its lack of inherent value is unsustainable game design.  Among other things, it falters the instant drones are available to buy in stores.

One´s obviously more work than the other.

The only reason I even mentioned it was because Tamwolf 2.0 is so far the only perk you get from being a drone tech.

Kinda makes you wonder if that´s the sort of path they´re going with. Upgrading the occasional drone, or continuously getting a better Tamwolf (until TamWolf Cerberus 5.7)

Tbh. More Tamwolf upgrades does sound pretty awesome...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
One´s obviously more work than the other.

The only reason I even mentioned it was because Tamwolf 2.0 is so far the only perk you get from being a drone tech.

Kinda makes you wonder if that´s the sort of path they´re going with. Upgrading the occasional drone, or continuously getting a better Tamwolf (until TamWolf Cerberus 5.7)

I think I'd prefer a Siegwulfe Cerberus, bimbo verson. Three puffy, swollen black lips going for your bone or burying into your muff.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Attack Drone continuing to need to have better versions of equipment available to make up for its lack of inherent value is unsustainable game design.  Among other things, it falters the instant drones are available to buy in stores.

Just a buff to equipped drone damage would be nice too for Techs with the Attack Drone perk. Because that perk is pretty useless at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Making drones the class thing for techs, then making a class specific equipment slot to stuff drones and whatever the fuck would fit mercs/smugs, still feels like the best solution to the issue with drones.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Making drones the class thing for techs, then making a class specific equipment slot to stuff drones and whatever the fuck would fit mercs/smugs, still feels like the best solution to the issue with drones.

The Attack Drone perk would still be useless...


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Then Weapon/Shield hack (essentially useless from the looks of things) could be changed to be a drone buff, like a flat damage increase, the ability to pierce resistances, or some kind of double attack thing, and the other half could be another kind of defensive buff for techs. Maybe some passive energy regen or just a triggered regen ability. 

I would love something like this. The weapon hack is too situational, while the shield hack´s better to just blast through them, no energy cost.

Most of all I´ve always loved the idea of techies having their own "drone path".

To me, reworking the way drone Techs and later-level Techs work doesn't seem super complicated, but maybe it is. Or maybe Fen just doesn't like them. :p

The tech specialist class has never exactly been the best designed one. Melee techs f.ex. are pretty useless, neither overcharge nor Volley works for a melee energy weapon...

I´d love to see even some small changes to the class. As bad as it is compared to the other two, it´s still my favourite one to play.


Aug 26, 2015
I would have made Attack Drone give a buff to equipped drone damage and replaced Shield Booster with a matching Guardian Drone perk that gave the same benefit it does now.

Savin has said Fen doesn't think there's anything wrong with techs as they are, which makes fixing them complicated.  I could easily do a full rewrite that would bring them up to par, but it's no use if it wouldn't be seriously looked at.


Aug 26, 2015
I would personally do the latter, since drones don't necessarily need to be for offense.  There's merits to a non-drone path for techs, I suppose, but personally I'd rather have shield bits to go with tease-heavy builds.

Basically the way I see it, techs would always be treated as having a drone with base stats of 0 in everything, with all its damage or shields coming from any drone perks Steele has.  Equipping an actual drone would instead apply those bonuses to it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yay we again running into how drone perk is not used to full extend. And worst of it is that Fen think all is an O.K.

And as always Couch got all the cool ideas on drones.

I would vouch for drone perk somehow buffing drone PC equipping. And ofc due to that for adding some really weak drone buyable always so those techs could get it asap. Ideal would be to make it cost almost nothing but that would mean giving it 0 in all stats and only cuz PC got drone perk it would have any better stats. With that there would be better to make dedicated drone slot for all (and since only drone techs would be additionaly buffing their used drones it will be somehow fair).

What is about TamWolf 2.0 been so much better drone? o_O Last time I recall it was about change of type of dmg it deal and not inc in dmg mayb by amazing 1 point copared to noraml not damaged TamWolf.

@IVIysteriousPerson Think noone replied to this question of yours: Jac00 said some time ago that game code is done in such way it support only one drone used by PC at once. And if we would want to have been able to use two drones at once it will be needed to rewrite some parts of the code.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
What is about TamWolf 2.0 been so much better drone? o_O Last time I recall it was about change of type of dmg it deal and not inc in dmg mayb by amazing 1 point copared to noraml not damaged TamWolf.

I think it adds a bit of extra electricity damage in addition to the regular kinetic.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well if it's that "fabled" more dmg in form of 1 point that is electric dmg then still it would look kinda akward (meh keep crying each time I think how amazing Tam wolf version supposed to be by hearing Savin saying his initial plans for this drone).


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Yay we again running into how drone perk is not used to full extend. And worst of it is that Fen think all is an O.K.

And as always Couch got all the cool ideas on drones.

I would vouch for drone perk somehow buffing drone PC equipping. And ofc due to that for adding some really weak drone buyable always so those techs could get it asap. Ideal would be to make it cost almost nothing but that would mean giving it 0 in all stats and only cuz PC got drone perk it would have any better stats. With that there would be better to make dedicated drone slot for all (and since only drone techs would be additionaly buffing their used drones it will be somehow fair).

What is about TamWolf 2.0 been so much better drone? o_O Last time I recall it was about change of type of dmg it deal and not inc in dmg mayb by amazing 1 point copared to noraml not damaged TamWolf.

@IVIysteriousPerson Think noone replied to this question of yours: Jac00 said some time ago that game code is done in such way it support only one drone used by PC at once. And if we would want to have been able to use two drones at once it will be needed to rewrite some parts of the code.

Wasn't my intention to start such ... sorry. Just wanted to confirm if the Siegwulfe could've been modified by the Drone Tech Master. Which it appears to be a flat "no". That said, I thought Tanwolf 2.0 was Siegwulfe, and the Black Void modification was just a upgrade for Tamwolf?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@eveoflife nagh it jsut recently whenever someone talks about drones it would eventualy cause somoeone else to touch topic "why drone perk for techs is so (insert here word to desc it's little out of date or too weak)". So none fault on your side it's just...*sigh* it recently keep ending this way and I was this time someone to point that talk instead of something about OP question get down to talk about drone perk for techs/drone slot.

But as for me as I like drone techs idea I jsut each time I see that convo it makes me sad that something great ended up not living up to expectations. So it's nothing personal toward you jsut tpic itself made me lil sad so sorry if my words made you sad/unhappy too.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Seigwulfe is really cool. She also looks like a massive waste of credits and overengineering for her damage and this whole doggy centaur thing.  As does Tam without Bladewolfs guns and kunai. 

Like having all the centaur bod to get us and scratch at people with knife hands? For reals?   If feels like I'd be better off programming in targetting and giving her a black light rifle to zap people with.  Or grafting those on her or Tams sides or back.   Or if their going to be melee give Tam a vibro blade and set him to cutting it up like Repede or Sif.  Give Seigewulfe a fuckoff Drill Lance and have her pin people. 

Speaking of pinning having drones do special functions to set you up for good definitive hard things would be leauge better than minor damage bonus. 

Having Tam wolf tackle shit and pin it in place so they can't dodge or Seigewulfe um auto complete challenges that need hands?  when unabashedly useful or force misses as a distraction? 

Like she'd pull you up to your feet or out of grapples or go shoot  the cage while you keep fighting. 

Also Multiple drones like every last single tech enemy of true note would be good. 

Though all of that would be op. 


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2015
@SorenMageofMareth The best way to look at Siegwulfe, till Techs/Siegwulfe get better drone damage, is that she's a INT based Light Jetpack or INT based sexy clothing that just happens to deal some damage/lust damage. Bimbo being the more useful of the 2 as it beats the only other Sexiness accessory, Allure, by +1 sexiness with 40 INT and none of the negative resistances.


Aug 26, 2015
Multiple drones will most likely be handled as a single drone that's described as a group.  I have future plans in this direction.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
You guys could make drones do lust damage to Steele every turn. Because staring at that tight, shiny drone booty as they rush up to mildly inconvenience your enemies with ineffectual baby scratches might get you all hot and bothered. :smugdog:


Shock Drone.png


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Or everyone else's drone damage gets nerfed into the ground. Y'know, whatever >_>

Well like it not already happened to Tam-wolf :shepicide:

I thing soon just by talking about not good drones dmg output we would be getting nerfs to them :laugh:
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