Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The zebra in front speaks up with a sharp tone "Silence! you should be thankful we have done no more than capture you! Keep that mouth shut or this won't be such an easy ride for you." They keep on walking with her balanced between them on the stick, heading to wherever they wanted really. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Elmyra kept her mouth shut as she was carried away by the zebra men, her tattoos going switching to deep black as fear grew in her  


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
They carry her for the better part of two hours before they come around a plateau and Elmyra can see a large village! Set up in a circle with the homes made of sticks with thatch roofs, the huts vary is shape and size while Elmyra can see lots of zebra men and woman going about their daily lives, many of them leaving the village to go and gather resources. the two men carry her into the village and toward the back where they stop in front of a larger hut. they both untie her from the stick and push her to her knees before one of them heads inside. In just a minute he comes back with an older zebra.

"Show respect outsider! you are before our shaman!"

The old zebra approaches her and looks at her with milky blue eyes, his vision long since gone "Hmmm... who... are you?" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The old man examines her, a frown coming over his face. "Your soul is tainted. You are a liar... a deceiver. You use false honeyed words and empty promises to move yourself forward. I can see it... stain after stain... one is fresh... you have condemned someone to a life they did not want simply so you could move a bit faster." He hobbles away from her "you have never done honest work before have you?" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"I did when I was young, but the place from where I come from, honest work get's you a life of misery..." Elmyra voice was sincere


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
his eyes narrow at her "You can not fool me. You are as trust worthy as a hungry lion telling a deer he won't eat it should he take a nap. No... you will learn the modesty of working with your body alone, not lies and cheating." He turns to the guards. "We could always use a milk cow couldn't we?"

the guards smile and haul up before walking off, the shaman smiling as she leaves. Back through the village she is taken, the villagers watching confused as she is taken to another hut with smoke coming out the windows. A tall and thin zebra woman comes out with a necklace of bones and many tribal tattoos on her skin.

"What be this all about Hyonju? Why you bringing this outsider girl to me?"

"The shaman has decided that she must learn to work honestly, rather than with lies.... she is to serve the village as a milk cow."

A big wicked smile grows on her face "Oh I see, throw her in the side hut, I be needing time."

The guards nod and drag Elmyra over to a smaller hut where they promptly dump her, still tied up. To ensure she doesn't get out, a sturdy wood gate is shoved into the door way.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Fuck! I need to get out of here and quick" Elmyra started to wiggle around trying to loosen her binding. While at the same searching something that could help her get out of this place.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi gave another lusty moan as she was given a grinding on her slick pussy. Her pussy was hot with desire, Melanie could feel heat radiating off of her as her lusty fumes filled the air. Umi's hands were over her face as she began to moan out loud, with every rub on her sensitive clit. "Oh~ oh~ oh~ oh~!" this was such a lewd secne she had know idea how to handle this, her mind was pooling with pleasure as a the part of her that was still thinking knew that melanie was enjoying her blushing and embarrassment.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
There is nothing in the hut for her to use, it is completely devoid of any and all furniture. Even worse, her bindings are tied up tightly and refuse to give her even an inch, no matter how hard she struggles. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Seeing that nothing could be done Elmyra decided to wait for the return of the Zebra to do something


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hours slowly crawl by and all she can do is watch the light slowly fade out the door way. Eventually, the gate is moved and the tall witch doctor steps inside holding a VERY large bottle, maybe half a gallon, of a strange pink liquid. "Alright then girl, ya be needing to take all of this inside of you. So, you going to cooperate or you gonna make me do this the hard way?" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Just a mixture of something I made just for you. It gonna make changes girly... lots of changes. Gonna let you serve the village in a real honest and humble way. Now I ask again, easy way or hard way?" She asks while looking a tad impatient. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Fine... the hard way. Hyoju! Some help please."

The male zebra walks into the room with a disgruntled look on his face. Without a word he moves over to Elmyra and, with impressive force, pushes her face down on the floor with her ass up in the air.

"Eh? What is this then? You got a flower in your ass?" She tries to pull it out, making the stamen wiggle around inside her. "Stubborn thing... hmm... let's try this." She does something and the flower instantly goes loose. "I thought so. Now just hold her still." With the flower gone she soon feels the cool head of the bottle push into her ass before a flood of semi thick pink liquid pours into her ass! It washes around and flows into her intestines but doesn't actually reach her stomach. Finally the bottle is empty and she pushes a butt plug into her ass to keep it all in.

"there we go. Ya see girl, if you take something anally, it is much stronger than if you drink it cause your body absorbs it completely rather than your organs filtering it out. Ya best get ready... the changes start in a few hours." With a cackle she walks off with an empty bottle and the anal flower. Hyonju lets go, gives her a glare and leaves the room before putting the gate back up.   


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"At Least there is no more flower in up my ass, still I need to get rid of the seed in my pussy" Elmyra was trying to keep her natural proudness, but all the recent event was severely affecting her moral


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Even more time passes as it is now night time. While no changes have happened, she does feel warm and rather horny... which is made troublesome since she is still tied up and unable to pleasure herself. There isn't even anything to rub on! The gate is suddenly pulled open and hyonju steps in with a plate of various fruits, apples, oranges and berries. He moves behind her and unties her hands "eat" is all he says.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
he sits there and waits for her to eat her fill before taking the plate back "Just a word of advice... the more you cooperate, the better things will get for you. The more you resist, the worse they get. Understand?" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Understood..." Elmyra knew should would have to respect them if she wanted to gain her freedom back


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Good. As a sign of good faith... a sign that you don't deserve after what the shaman said, i am leaving your hands untied for you to... tend to yourself." He turns and leaves, locking the gate behind him. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"I need to resist the urge, I wont let them win" Elmyra said to herself as she was fighting the urges to masturbates


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
things start to calm down outside of her little hut and soon she can tell that most of them are asleep save for those assigned to night guard duty. the heat in your loins only grows stronger over time and that heat is spreading throughout her body. Her chest feels sensitive, more so than usual, and the lust building in her body is becoming very distracting.  


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
It takes a fair amount of effort and pulling the plug out sends a shock of pleasure of her spine. However... no liquid comes out. It has been too long, whatever was put into her ass has been absorbed into her body already.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
There is no bed in there, so she just sleeps on the floor. The next morning comes fairly fast and the moment she opens her eyes she notices some major changes. Her nearly flat chest has pushed out to B cup breasts. Her over all frame has thickened just a bit, mostly around her ass and hips. Finally... is a little puffy tail that has sprouted just above her rump that looks much like a cow tail. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"What the heck is that!" Elmyra said when she saw the tail. "I hope its not permanent, I don't want to see my friends and families like that" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The witch doctors voice interrupts her self searching "Well then, ya best avoid them girly, cause that tail be permanent and it just be the beginning! As da hours go by you are going to change more and more, and there is nothing you can do to stop it at dis point." She lifts up the anal flower from before "I did some poking around with this thing... it is a real interesting plant. Acts almost like a parasite... I think it is only fitting to put it back."