Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie held the great girth at the base with her four hands, stroking it vigorously as she brought the tip to her mouth. She licked her dry lips, opening wide as she attempted to swallow down the first few inches. The massive cock was simply too thick to fit in her mouth dry, so she took to rubbing her tongue down the sides to lube it up first before forcing herself to try and take the head.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Walsh looked pained to see this while Korlish looked livid with rage. Samara couldn't bring herself to look, knowing the struggle personally. 

Gold chief smiled as she struggled to manage his huge cock. "Oh come now... is this the best you can offer? Some tongue and sucking on the head? not very impressed so far..." His voice is arrogant and full of self worth. "Here is some motivation. If you manage a proper blowjob, I will let your friends all walk free to the copper village. If you fail in this simple task... I will throw the two males into the fight pit with the pig and make them beat each other!" 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie made no sound, but her actions spoke for her as she gripped the base and pulled herself forwards. The head slipped inside, pinning her tongue to the bottom of her mouth as drool moistened the tip. She sucked it hard, hoping to satisfy the Gold Chief some, before holding in her breath as she forced it deeper. Her jaw ached with the strain, but Melanie persisted, and ever-so-slowly, just when it looked like she wasn't making any progress, it went farther still and jabbed the back of her throat. She reared back, letting some slip out, before driving herself forwards as the first ridge tickled the roof of her mouth. Graciously, her spit slicked up the cock, and while it was still slow-going, she bobbed her head up and down on the length with growing speed as it slid further down her throat. With a gag, the second ridge came upon her, and though tears seeped freely into her fur from her sore jaw, she was determined. Her breathing was irregular, though she could barely breathe at all. She paused for a moment, savoring a deep breath, before spearing herself up to the next ridge as it stretched her esophagus. Her muscles fought fiercely against the urge to spit up, though she was sure the rippling warmth of her gullet must've been a start.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Gold Chief smiled at her and gave a happy grumble as his cock was finally seeing some proper service. "Hmm, you are very determined when your friends are on the line... keep this up and you will earn their freedom rather quickly."

Korlish: He couldn't take it any more "STOP IT! Can't you see this is hurting her!? No normal mouth can fit something that big inside without breaking!"

Sadly, this earned a quick blow to the back of his legs, sending him to his knees and Gold Chief looked down at him. "Such pain is temporary. Her body will adjust to my size and soon this will be a flawless activity she can do with ease. Now I suggest you silence yourself lest I throw you in the pit for over stepping your bounds MUTT." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
The blunt sound of the guard's club took Melanie's mind off of the activity for only a moment. With a slow, sickeningly forced slide, she made her way to the next ridge, holding the ground to tug herself forwards. She was sure that it was at the end of her esophagus now, and she felt aches in places she didn't know even know she had. To make it more bearable, she pulled back again, her burning lungs graciously accepting the influx of air in the previously-airtight seal, before bobbing her entire self forwards and back on her hands and knees, trying but failing to relax her throat as it plunged deeper bit by bit and forcibly stretched her muscles. She was at fifteen inches now, as if it were even possible. Shuddering weakly, she almost collapsed as those last three inches sat tantalizingly before her. She had to do it, she had to. And with that, she speared herself forwards, dangerously short of breath as they sank deeper into the pit of her stomach.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With a great amount of effort she gets the entire cock into her throat, the tip of it no doubt inside of her stomach proper. Her throat is stretched around it and she can't breath... but she did it. With a laugh that sends unpleasant vibrations down her neck, the Chief pats her head. "Outstanding! You are the first concubine I have had that took the whole thing down her throat! I will show you mercy this time around... your friends are free to leave." He snaps his fingers and the guards let the other go, moving away from their sides. "Now then, don't go passing out on me... pull off and get your breath so you can say goodbye."

Meanwhile, Elmyra wakes up in a square sandstone room lit only by two flickering torches on the walls. The only way out is a door directly in front of her and the only other thing in this room is an iron dagger resting on the floor not far away.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie pulled off the instant he gave the word, all eighteen inches reappearing from her throat like a magic trick as the ridges scraped her swollen esophagus. She broke into a coughing fit, sputtering uselessly on the ground, but the chief permitted her to bid her friends goodbye, she forced herself upright on shaky legs and rushed to their sides, having them catch her smaller body as she practically fell onto them. Her ruined voice was no more than a broken whisper as she hugged them all tight. "Please... think of something. I'm nothing but a curse to you all... I know it, I'm a curse, and I'm sorry... everything that's happened... but please... please don't leave me. Come back for me... I don't deserve it but..." she fell to the ground again, air escaping her loose throat as she coughed harder than she ever had in her life. Oxygen entered her lungs in shaky gasps, torn and broken by the early stages of sniffling sobs.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Elmyra woke up slowly as she was still half asleep. After a minute she realized that she wasn't in her bed and started to freak out a little bit "What the fuck is this place! And what the hell am I wearing!" Elmyra said as she was inspecting her clothes. Her clothes was nothing more than a very small bikini made out of latex. The top and bottom were linked by a band of latex in her back and everything was secured on her by a collar liked to the top of the bikini. Elmyra took the dagger and walked toward the door "I don't know who the sick fuck did this to me, but he's gonna pay" she said as she started to open the door.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
All three of them catch her before she can fall, holding her against their warm furries bodies and wrapping their arms around her as Korlish whispers into her ear. "We aren't leaving you... you are not a curse. I promise you that we will come back and get you out of here... just please hold on... it might take time.... but we are coming back."

Walsh: "I already have an idea... but you have to stay strong while we get back to the coppers. Don't let him break you."

Samara: "Listen... he is going to try and ruin your mind and your body. He will degrade you... he will try to make you think that you are just a hole for his cock. Don't listen to his words... or they will become true."

Sooner than any of that had wished, the guards drag Melanie away from them and sit her down on her knees in front of Gold chief. With a wave of his hands, all three of them are escorted out of the village and into the tunnel where they walk away with a final glance and Melanie. Gold Chief laughs and pats her head "You will make an interesting pet. That is all you are... a pet to serve and please me."

The door creaked slowly open before revealing... a forest. it looked like something out of a fairy tale with green grass, tall trees everywhere she looked and crisp fresh air wafting along a soft breeze. Light vegetation dots the ground and the sounds of various birds and wild life echo around her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie stayed silent, rubbing her four hands along the shaft as she had before, and sinking five inches of the rock hard dick into her mouth and down her throat. The ridges dragged against the sensitive walls of her painfully stretched throat, and she pulled off briefly to ask a question. "The boar man. What will happen to him?" Immediately, she took the three inches again, wincing at the initial press of the first ridge yet again as she slowly worked in another five, her slobber coating the length.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"The pig is down in his cell resting. Tomorrow he will fight again to prove his strength. So far he has been fairing rather well... I wonder how long that will last. He will either emerge a champion and take his place as a warrior of the gold tribe... or he will fall. If he does fail... I don't know, I might make him a scout or something, he does have potential and it would be a waste to just throw him away. But you don't need to worry about that. You just need to worry about pleasing me and tending to my cock. Get used to it... you will be spending most of your time with it inside you in some way." 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Maybe I'll swing by again sometime," offered Unta, as the young dragon took his pleasure. "For now, just enjoy yourself, and for the love of God, don't stop!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Don't have to tell me twice! This hole is top notch!" His grip around the base of her tail tightens and his pace increases just a bit more, his big balls slapping against her pussy every time he hilts inside of her sweet talented ass. Lewd wet sucking sounds can be heard every time he tries to pull out and even louder when he pushes into her sucking wet ass. "Oh fuck... i'm gonna cum already! Damn it! I wanted to go longer!" He tries to hold out but it is impossible with Unta's modified ass. With a roar of pleasure he slams to the hilt and begins hosing her inside with boiling hot dragon cum.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta gasped as she felt him climax. She could swear that she felt every drop of cum as it flowed into her. Gently she pulled forward off of his cock, letting it fall free with a wet slurp. Turning around, she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a desperate kiss.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi walked back with Wendy over to the beach with somber look on her face. her breath was a little shaky but she was making and effort to try and move forward. "right... so.... lets continue i guess...", Umi said, hoping that more swimming lessons would get her mind out of this dark place she was in.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The dragon man was surprised to say the least... but he happily accepted the kiss, pushing his tongue into her mouth as his cock quickly sprang back to life between them. His arms wrapped around her back and held onto her tightly, her breasts pushed against his chest.

"Com on Umi... you need to try and focus on what is ahead of you." She smiled and took her hand, leading her back into the water until they were both treading in place. "Let's just swim about for now, keep your body moving and your mind focused." 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta broke the kiss, but still held him close. "Look, hon, I realize that you're an ass-man, but is there any chance I could get you to show my pussy a little love to?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
He gasps for breath and smiles at her "For you babe, sure thing! Turn around and I will pound that pussy raw!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Actually, I had something else in mind." With a sudden push of her body, Unta sent the young man sprawling onto his backside. Before he could respond, she had turned around and proceeded to lower her rear down towards his cock. She stopped as the tip just barely pierced her folds before looking back over her shoulder at him. "Most guys are too fragile to handle what I'm about to do, but you can take it, right big boy?" she cooed, before slamming her ass down until she was practically sitting on his pelvis.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
He howls in bliss as his hands come up and grab onto her ass, squeezing his fingers into the supple flesh. "OH FUCK YES! Bounce those hips on me girl! Doesn't hurt one bit!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta wasted no time, quickly picking up the pace as she bobbed her ass up and down on the large dragon dick. As much fun as her new ass was, she still couldn't get enough of having her pussy stirred up by nice big cock.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
His grip on her ass suddenly grew tighter and he started thrusting up to meet her half way down so they would crash down to the floor together for a second impact! "Oh gods! You are a real gem! So futing wet and hot!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"You going to cum again soon," cried Unta, as she rocked his world. Each thrust sent an impact of pleasure up into her pussy, and she found herself getting close as well. "Come on, cum for Unta! Fill me up wit dragon cum!" she cried.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
He bares his teeth and with a loud roar of bliss he rams in to the hilt and holds himself there, hosing her pussy with a load twice as big as the one he pumped into her ass! It was like a never ending water fall blasting straight into her pussy!


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi focuses on the task at hand and swims around with Wendy trying to work on her speed a little. It could be said that Umi was very unaware of her nudity right now, focused as she was. Wendy got some good looks at her pussy and ass as Umi kicked her nice shapely legs in the water. Wendy was going to have some nice eye candy as she worked Umi on her swimming, of this there is no doubt.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
They swam around for several hours before the sun was on the way down and ii became too dangerous to swim any long. Wendy took Umi by the hand and lead her back to the shack where they lit a quick fire to warm up and dry off before heading to bed. They spend the night in each others arms, sharing body heat and Wendy playfully teasing Umi before falling asleep. Morning comes around quickly and Umi wakes up to the sound of the fire crackling and the smell of fish cooking. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi awoke with tears in her eyes and she sat up quickly and looked around. She had apparently had a dream about being back in home with her family and she was telling them how happy she was to see them and how much she loved them... but then she woke up... and she was still in the labyrinth.... She cursed under her breath and tried to wipe away the tears before Wendy could notice. she then stretched witch showed off her nice rack unintentionally. "oh... breakfast?", she said sleepily trying to mask her residual sadness.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy nodded her head and smiled at Umi "Yup! Got some fish cooking right now. Got an early start so we can get an early start on swimming! We are really going to crunch in this training.. I want to be out of here in a week rather than months!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Oh... I-I see." Umi said as she stood up slowly. Her hands soon found themselves resting on her exposed pussy as she felt how naked she was. she looked for her sundress but...she couldn't find it! she looked around frantically trying to spot her only piece of clothing and found nothing. Had it blow away in the wind?! "N-No! My sundress where is it?!"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy looked up at her and cocked her head "Well I never touched it!" She gets up and looks around for it with her "Geeze, did the labyrinth take it away? First time I heard of clothes going missing! Either that or a badger took it, but they never come down to the beach."