Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Unta," she said flatly. Sensing no difference between the two hallways, she took a step down the right one, her bioluminescence kicking in as she entered the darkness, filling the hall with a faint blue glow. "Come on, we can't stay here."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Woa! Wait for me! Geeze, you sure don't waste time!" Binx rushes after unta and walks next to her.

the two of them make their way down the hall for what feels like hours before they finally come to a large wooden door painted red with white lines... almost like a stereotypical barn door. Just by looking at it the two of them can tell it is very thick and very heavy, not something you could just push around with ease.

"Is.. that a barn door in the wall?"

With things settled down here, Luna starts her way up the tall tree. As she predicted, it is very easy to climb thanks to the gnarls and thick bark. The higher up she climbs the cooler the air becomes which is a welcome relief from the humid heat down below. She eventually reaches a large branch high up on the trunk that gives her a good view of the land around her. It is trees as far as the eye can see except for a clearing to the north east. She can't really make out many details, but that seems to be where the river is running and she can make out wooden shack roofs over there! 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"The sight over here is beautiful, you are really missing something" Luna yelled at Umi while she some time to respite "I really need to get in better shape, when I was younger I would have done this two time as fast" She said in her head while checking the horizon.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi gave another nervous look about before she called back with. " you see where we should go?". she hoped they could get out of this jungle quickly... the air was having a strangely arousing effect. she really didn't like this for two reasons. 1. she didn't to get so turned on. and 2. When she got aroused she might start producing the lust pheromone that her kind is know for, and she especially didn't want that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
As Luna takes in the sights from up above she suddenly comes face to face with someone! the new comer is hanging from the branch above her upside down by his tail. The person looks like a small lizard morph with scales of various green colors that have white tribal tattoos painted on. His face is human like in appearance, with elven ears, sitted eyes and small fins where his hair would be. Little claws adorn his hands instead of nails, big claws are on his feet and a long scaly tail hangs from above his rump. The only scrap of clothing he wears in a loin cloth which has fallen up and reveals a genital slit where is cock must be. 

Down Below as Umi waited, she started to hear rustling from the bushes around her! She could see eyes watching her from within!

the door swings open for Unta and on the other side is a massive golden field of grain and wheat! in the distance she can see a large barn set up with grassy hills in all other directions. Binx steps up next to her and looks through with awe, before turning around and then turning back.

"how the hell do we go from this to that?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Yes the river seems to be to the northeast and there is some house over there. I don't know if I want to say hello to the local, but I can feel that they are already watching us..." As luna said this she realized she wasn't alone. She took her spear in her hand very slowly and brought it beside her in a non threatening way "Hello, can you speak my language?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The small lizard man drops down onto the branch with her and speaks in clicks and strange words that she can't understand. Seeing her confusion he rolls his eyes and points at the spear in her hands before making grabbing gestures. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Oh it's yours?" Luna was pointing at her spear and back at the lizard man, then made a house with her hand over her head and finally she made a gesture of someone walking with her hand.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Ok!" Umi called back. Suddenly she herd rusting nearby and spun around to see eyes staring at her from the bushes. She yelped and put her back to the tree holding onto her crowbar tightly. "W-Who goes there!", Umi shouted as she stared back at the eyes fearfully.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The little lizard man nods his head and points at the spear again. Clearly it was his spear that she had taken. to her other gesture he just looks a little confused  before finally catching on. he points to the clearing and repeats the walking gesture. It must be his home and he walked here.

three more of the little lizard folk walk out from the bushes with their spears in hand and circle around umi. they speak to her in their strange clicking language and then wait for an answer. not getting one, they just sigh  and lower their weapons before waving at her to follow them.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi looked at them with a very confused expression as they talked at with their strange clicky language. she then saw them sigh and wave for her to follow them. She blinked at them surprised that they weren't going to attack her or anything. She couldn't talk to them but she was sure they could understand hand gestures, so she points upwards to where luna is and then points to herself trying to indicate she with her and will go when she comes down. They didn't look too scary but she was still very wary of the small lizards.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"He wants to guide us toward is village, I already like is kind" Then Luna gave the spear back to the little lizard man and started her descent toward the ground.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The three of them looked up into the tree and clicked a few times. Luna and the now happy lizard man came back down the tree and regrouped with Umi. The four lizard men clicks and chirped at each other for a minute before taking umi and Luna by the hand. They didn't wait for any response and simply started walking them through the forest. As the group moved the lizard men continued to click, chip and chatter at each other while looking back and the two girls with growing smiles on their face.

Soon enough they found themselves in the village of the clicking lizard men and there were quite a few of them! At least sixty little lizards moved about town and it was near impossible to tell female to male without lifting their loin cloths. Most of the lizards stopped and starred at the new comers, fascinated by them as they moved to the center of the village. here, a large bon fire was lit and a more ornately dressed lizard man was sitting on a pile of furs. He had a loin cloth, crown of feathers and a fur drape on his back.

Surprisingly, the chief lizard speaks up. "You... outsiders... why you here? Why you take spear?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"We don't know why we are here, we were hoping that you could give us an answer. We found the spear stuck in a tree we just took it because as you can see we don't have weapons" Luna was weighing her words. Back in her home planet often she had to deal with tribal chief.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The chieftain clicks and chirps with the hunters that brought them here. It goes on for a few tense minutes before he waves them away. "Ok, you no steal spear. You want answers? Need trade! Give some to take some!" He nods his head sagely at his own words. "You have nothing for trade?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The chieftain grunts but waves his hand all the same. "Fine. You speak with friend. Don't keep waiting long." he sits back on his furs and stares at the impatiently.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi was so wishing she could just go home now this was all to weird! As she was brought into the village she was feeling very self conscious, she felt very exposed as all the little lizard folk were looking at her, the belts only barely hid anything. Umi was surprised to hear the chieftain speak there language, so she let Luna do the talking. She wanted answers too, but she wasn't sure what they could trade. She looked at Luna uncertainly unsure of what they could possibly give them. Umi didn't want to hand over her crowbar it being her only weapon, and couldn't and wouldn't give them her outfit..... she then herd luna say she wanted to speak with her. "Uh....whats up?", Umi said nervously.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Umi what do you think of this? We could give them the crowbar they look like they aren't near the bronze age, but we have something they don't : knowledge. We could teach them some simple science trick in exchange of information?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi looked back at lizards then back to Luna. "I....don't know if they'd be interested in any of that....they don't....seem the type...", she said carefully, just in case they were still listening. She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach this was going to go were she didn't like she could feel it. "you should ask them what they might want. That might be the best place to start....".


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Luna raised her head in the direction of the chief "What is interesting you? We don't have many things on us. We are just lost traveller in search of answers" 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The chieftain looks between them a few times. "Not have anything to trade? Hmm." He lifts a hand to his chin and rubs it slowly while giving them an appraising look. A smile comes to his face and he nods several times. "Can still make work. You two serve entire tribe, then I give answers to questions. Sounds like good trade for you yes? Yes." he keeps on nodding, seemingly deciding for himself that the trade is already set.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Wait....what do you mean by serving the entire tribe?", Umi asked with a gulp. Now she really REALLY didn't like where this was going! she hid behind Luna, and watched them all nervously.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Not work. Service tribe!" He lets out several loud chirps and a wave of lizard folk, maybe twelve of them gather around the two of them. Before they can get a word in edge wise they are pulled over by the fire and can feel many sets of hands patting their bodies and getting a feel for them. "Been long time. Tribe need release. Serve good, get answers." Hands grab at their clothes and the treacherous things actually slide off now that it is someone else doing the pulling.

Luna quickly finds her tube top and boy shorts thrown to the side, leaving her naked as can be before being pulled down onto her back. A hunter steps forward and rubs his genital slit, coaxing a six inch long 1 inch thick snake cock from out of it. He quickly steps forward and drags it across her cheeks before pressing against her lips. Two hunters go for her breasts, groping and teasing them while gently pinching her nipples. Finally she can feel two sets of hands toying with her pussy by spreading it open, dragging small fingers across her lips and lick rubbing on her clit.

Umi was much in the same basket. Her leather straps were pulled aside, leaving her breasts, pussy and ass completely exposed as the swarm of little lizards pulled her down onto her back. A hunter quickly mounter her chests and slipped his cock between her breasts while using his hand to hold them tightly together. Another one came up and pressed his lips against hers in a tongue filled kiss while two more hunters went down to poke and prode and her exposed vulva.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Stop this! This wasn't in the deal asshole..." Luna was pushing the lizardman cock out of her face and tried to get back on her feet 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The little lizard men easily over powered her with sheer numbers as even more of them showed up to the call, jumped on her arms and legs to hold her in place. The chieftain rose from his seat, standing a foot taller than the rest and stepped over to loom over her head. 

"Want answers? You trade. Nothing to trade? You serve. How serve? Satisfy hunters." His face is completely serious "Either serve now and leave with answers... or enslave now and serve forever. Choose now, hunters getting impatient like me."


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"What about the metal rod we have? It would make a magnificent scepter for a great chief like you?" Luna was clearly scarred at this point, she was still virgin and losing it to a gangrape of lizard man wasn't really what she hoped for. But still her pussy was wet at this point. The air of the forest was really having an effect on her.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi cried out in terror as her fears were realized! she knew it she fucking knew it! these bastards were a bunch of horny fucks! She was easily stripped bare by the swarm of lizards and she tried desperately to squirm out of their grip. "NONONONO! LET ME GOOO!", she cried. When one of them started fucking her tits she squirmed around even more but she just couldn't get free! she was about to say something in protest but then one of them had snatched her mouth in a kiss. finally to add to her fear one of them was prodding at her puffy entrance. "mmmm!", was all she could say as both lust and terror built up in equal measure.