The Syren Conspiracy (For Floozer)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She is just in time, as Cinnara immediately looses a bolt of deadly voltage into the floor. Not all of the soldiers were fast enough to move, and there are screams as five soldiers go down. 

Cinnara sighs and gives her a bored look as her ammo explodes over the shield. "This thing has stood the test against an entire battleship for nearly three hours. You think your puny weapons can even compare?" She says, turning back and firing a shot at a soldier, who manages to dodge.  


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She grits her teeth and pushes the button on her belt, fading from view. She jumps from marble to marble as she makes her way closer and closer to Cinnara, trying to get around behind her and to her.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Cinnara is completely oblivious to the fact that she's sneaking around behind her as she takes pot shots at her friends, aiming in particular for Brynn and Pyro, who are hard pressed to dodge the bolts of electricity and fire at her at the same time. In a few seconds, Olivia reaches her, and is just one step away from entering her shield...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She pulls out four darts, all paralyze darts, and steps into the field before closing the distance and jabbing all the darts into her neck at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Cinnara suddenly jerks, and Alex's screaming stops as the trigger falls from her nerveless hands. She slowly turns her head to look at Olivia. "You... Bitch..." She groans, before falling to the floor fave first. Alex also falls to the floor, his whole body smoking. With a sinking feeling in her stomach, Olivia realises he isn't moving. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Olivia grabs Cinnara by the collar of her armor and drags her down to the others where she just flops her on the floor. "Fuck you bitch! you aren't moving for a full 24 hours and you bet your ass I am going to apply more later!" She runs over to Alex and rolls him onto his back. "Alex! Alex! you wake the fuck up right now! I swear to every force out there that if you die I will never forgive you!" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He doesn't respond, his eyes closed. His chest isn't rising and falling either, and his heartbeat, normally so strong and loud, is silent now. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees tears rolling down Pyro's face as she puts a hand over her mouth. Brynn is suddenly next to her with a large syringe full of some sort of silvery liquid. She grabs Olivia's hand and clasps it around the plunger. "Inject this into his chest! Quickly! It has to penetrate his ribcage!" She says, her eyes far too wet with tears to effectively focus on the task. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She takes the plunger and and sees the hole where Cinnara had punched through his armor... perfect. She took the syringe and jams it in, surely getting through his rib cage before pressing the plunger down.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
For a few terrifying minutes, nothing happens. Then, suddenly, Alex's eyes flutter open as he jerks awake. But... Something seems to be wrong... He doesn't seem to be... Functioning... Properly. His eyes are glazed over and unfocused. "We need to go! Now! We have to get him to Carver immediately!" Brynn yells, and Pyro and a few soldiers rush over to help her, leaving Cinnara to Olivia. 



Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With adrenaline pumping in her veins she picks up Cinnara and forces her to look her in the eyes. "If he doesn't survive... I am going to do such horrible things to you... and you are going to have the pleasure of being awake and feeling for the entire time." She pulls out a sleep dart and jabs it into her neck before hurling the traitor over her shoulder and follows the others out "Let's move it!" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
They hurtle down the corridor, carrying the insensate Alex between them while Olivia follows them. Suddenly, a familiar, unwelcome shriek echoes through the base. 

The monsters have been set free. 

Hearing the shrieks, the soldiers run even faster, the ones in front of Alex forming a sort of armed battering ram, ready to smash aside anything they see. They quickly reach the door, which, to their dismay, they find has somehow been sealed shut. At the same time, the twins run down the hall from the Cipher room. Zaren is carrying a black box under her arm, and Shekar is firing at something behind him. One if the soldiers runs forward with a blowtorch, and starts cutting the gate open. Within a few minutes, they hear the rest of the monsters coming their way, the vents and floors pounding with their movements. Zaren and Shekar reach the group and immediately go back to back, their guns aimed at both ends of the corridor. Then, the first wave of monsters rounds the corner. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Olivia flops Cinnara onto the floor like she was just a bag of luggage and draws her M-19. She slams in a new clip, takes aim and starts firing down the corridor, 3 shots straight into the middle of the horde. 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The shots rip through the monsters, blowing off arms, legs, and heads as the rounds penetrated more than one monster before exploding. The soldiers not carrying Alex immediately start firing down both ends of the corridor as well, their previous experiences with the monsters giving them knowledge on how to kill them quickly and conserve their ammo while they were at it. Olivia finds Pyro by her side, her gun firing explosive balls of fire into the horde. Brynn is behind her, firing into the monsters coming from the other end. "Get it open faster!" She yells at the soldier trying to get the door open. "I'm trying! Who the fuck sealed it!?" He yells back. Olivia notices that he's already halfway through the top of the door, and it wouldn't take much longer than a few more minutes to open. That is, if they survived. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She grits her teeth and fires four more shots down into the horde of monsters before ejecting her spent clip and loading in another one. "The only person out this way is Meera or Croc right?! Either that or Cinnara the living scum bag activated the seal before we reached her room! no matter which way you spin it... KEEP FIRING!" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The soldiers silently agree, and a few start throwing grenades into the oncoming monsters, slowing their advance even further. In a few minutes, Olivia notices the herd start to thin out. The monsters were running out of bodies! The soldier cutting through the door had just reached the corner of the door, and was making his way down the right side. All of a sudden, the last monster falls, and the hallway is eerily quiet. There is a minute of stunned silence, before the soldiers start to cheer and high five each other. Shekar looks around. "Everyone wait. I'll go and check if it's clear. He first jogs to the right side of the corridor, peeks down the side, yells out "Clear!", And moves to the other side and doing the same thing. He starts walking back. "Odd. I think we-" As soon as he crosses below a vent, however, the grate suddenly falls off. Before he has time to react, a claw swings down from above, impaling him right through his back. He lets out a grunt of pain and surprise, before he is pulled up into the vent by three fleshy tentacles. A second later, they hear screaming and the sound of ripping flesh, before the lower half of his body falls through the vent, dark blue blood cascading after it. "Fuck! Fire!" A soldier yells, and the vent is suddenly riddled with holes from their guns. "Shekaaar!!" Zaren screams, a horrible, heart-rending scream, starting to run to the spot. Warren suddenly reaches out and grabs Zaren's collar, pulling her back. "He's gone! Leave him!" He yells, trying to shout some sense into the woman. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Olivia fires two shots at the vent, the explosions surely ripping it apart before she holds her hand up "Hold your fire! Save your ammo! We can't even see the fucking thing!" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
A huge, fleshy... Thing... Starts to crawl out of the vent. It has four clawed legs attached to a body that would remind one vaguely of a worm or a caterpillar, that extends upwards to form a giant mouth, to the sides of which two large, jagged claws are attached. In the middle of the body, a human torso grows out. Its right hand is clawed, while the other is a a fusion of three tentacles that from one thick appendage. A tongue that would measure almost a foot long hangs out of its maw. 

"What... The... Fuck...? Kill it!!" A soldier yells, right before they all start firing. The creature suddenly lashes out with its tentacle, impaling a soldier right through the chest before pulling him back and using his body as a shield. 



Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Olivia fires two shots at the dead soldiers body before pulling out the vortex rifle and firing at whatever the fuck is in front of them now "DOOR. OPEN. NOW!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Almost there!" The soldier yells, the fire of the cutter almost near the bottom of the door. 

The shots from her gun blow the soldier's body apart, leaving just his torso and arms, sans head, on the monster's tentacle. The shot from the vortex rifle is quickly blocked by the oncoming thing, but it's taken by surprise as the rifle twists and blows away its tentacle arm, but leaving the rest of it unharmed and now very angry. It shrieks again, and a large bulge starts moving up the upper throat, before it suddenly spits a large ball of acid at Olivia!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Fucking move!" She hurls herself off to the side, trying to get out of the way. 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Wha-?" Are the last words of the soldier behind him as the acid hits him right in the face, barely missing Olivia's head. He screams, a horrible gurgling sound, and falls to the floor, clawing at his face. "OPEN! GO!" The soldier yells, slamming through the door. The other soldiers quickly follow, going through the door in twos, carrying Alex out with them. Pyro and Brynn follow, and a soldier takes a fee more shots at the thing before pushing Olivia towards the door. "Go! I'll be right behind you!" He yells. 

[Gtg.Will probably be back in a few hours.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She grabs Cinnara off the floor and the soldier by the back of his collar, dragging him through the door with her "Come on! no more deaths here you mad bastards! We go together!" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Fuuuuuuck!" The soldier grabs her rifle and fires at the ceiling directly above them, and as soon as they are clear, fires another shot that makes the ceiling cave in, trapping the monster behind it. It lets loose a scream as it smells and sees its prey getting away, but can't do anything about it. Up ahead, they can see a bright light shining into the tunnel, and can hear the voices of the other soldiers up ahead. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Olivia runs with the soldier right next to her and Cinnara on her shoulder "Come on! Almost there! Just keep running!" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
They reach the bright light, to find the Alex being lifted on a stretcher to the dropship as the remaining soldiers climb the ropes that lead out of the tunnel, taking the ropes two at a time. There are only Brynn, Pyro, Olivia, and two soldiers left. The remaining ten soldiers had already scramble up the ropes to safety. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Olivia runs up to them and hands Cinnara to Pyro "Go on! Get up there!" She says in a no arguments voice. "Brynn you next!" She turns and watches for any more trouble while the girls climb aboard. 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Nothing follows them as they climb, Pyro climbing slower thanks to the extra load. "Olivia come ON! We don't have time to waste! There's another rope!" She yells, pointing to the last rope of the three. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Olivia climbs up the rope, this being something she is very used to doing and quickly gets into the ship along with them. "Hey! you two! Get up here already! We are leaving!" She calls to the two remaining soldiers. 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The hurry their climbing and collapse into the ship, panting. Brynn looks around and does a headcount. "Sixteen... Including us... Twelve soldiers made it out of that hellhole. Thirty went in, and only twelve came out..." She growls and kicks Cinnara hard in the stomach. "Stupid bitch! This is ALL your fault!" She kicks her in the stomach again. Nobody lifts a finger to stop her. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Olivia moves over and puts a hand on her shoulder. "Brynn, stop... that isn't helping. We will mourn our losses later, but this is not the right way." She leans in and whispers in her ear. "The general has given her to me as well... so please stop damaging my property. I like my toys undamaged if you know what I mean." 
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