Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"oh already a hit with girls huh? well then have fun I'll be around with the others that came here.....". She then saw Guardna waving at her. "whoa who is this big sexy girl?", Scarlet said with stars in  her eyes. "Hiya! I'm Guradna! im a robot... I think.... or maybe more like a synthetic person... eh whatever! all that matter is that i got the right equipment!" She said with her legs spread slightly and her hands on her wide hips.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"This is guardna, a synthetic being that we found in a near by temple. She gained sentience and we freed her. She will be staying with you and the kir-kah as a peace keeper and fuck buddy! She is lots of fun so don't be a stranger!" With a wink she heads in to the village to find the shaman.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika and the others follow quickly behind Penny while Guardna stays behind with scarlet. The inside of the village it was very lively as the Kir-kah and Galora mingled. There was a general hotness in the air, as if everyone was radiating arousal. nobody was out right doing it, but it almost felt like a mass orgy could happen at any second. Mika could feel many eyes drinking in her form, and rightly so in penny's opinion most likely.... as she had one of the best bodies on display to say nothing about the rest of the pod. Penny coudl see the shaman stilling cross legged on the village stage watching everyone with smile on his face.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny steps up to the shaman and smiles right back at him. "So, we freed your people and drove off the one responsible for all this confusion. Judging by the weight in the air... I would say things are already looking up huh?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Yes, it would appear so. Our people have always believed in peace and negotiation... but to think we were so easily fooled and gloated to violence....  but yet your people practically threw there arms around us when they herd we knew the truth and wanted to make peace.", he said as he looked out over his tribe.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"You are not completely at fault here Shaman. Relations were still fresh and vulnerable and Vaine took advantage of that happily. But that is then, this is now... and if you don't mind me saying, I think a celebration is in order! Now then... where are those lovely girls? I made a promise to let them paint my pod and I"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Ah yes.... they have been waiting eagerly for your return. they seem to have taken a liking to the blessed one you call Sa-La.", he said as he looked at the little la'cutom. Sala blushed and looked away, pretending not to listen. "oh girls! they're baaaaack!~", the shaman called and then gave a chuckle. Then they herd a lot of girly giggling as the girls seemed to hop in from every witch way, soon all five of them had shown up. they hopped around then hyperactively going "oooooh~" as they saw everyone of them was naked now including Mika and Jezzy. Mika was very embarrassed to have people looking all over her like this.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny laughs and waves at the girls. "Alright girls, calm down now. As I promised we will let you paint us as much as you like, but be gentle ok?" She removes her duster and gauntlets, putting them in Emily's bag before standing still. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
the girls nodded and then guided them to sit down with there legs spread, then the girls took out little jars and dipped there fingers in before they began. "Ok girls have at us!", Emily said with a happy sigh. they girl were trying to hold there giggling in as they painting on the girls with their fingers. Mika gasped as she felt the cold paint touch her naked flesh. The girl poked at Penny curiously before they begun, enjoying the way her body jiggled. Mika felt oh so exposed sitting with legs spread like that with fingering gliding about her body as lovely flowing patterns were drawn on her body.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny sat there with a smile on her face as she watched the girls paint her pod and herself using their fingers. It was rather interesting to see the designs flow onto her body and the bodies of her pod mates. She leans over to the side and whispers to one of the girls "Hey... can you make it so the deigns draw more attention to Mika's breasts, pussy and ass?" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The girl give Penny a big smile and as she went back to work on Mika. Drawing big flowing circles around her big lovely breasts, then she drew long flowing lines that all ended on pointing at her pussy. Then she drew lines swirling around on her plush butt, all of this working to draw attention to her privates. Mika would shudder a little her and there as she was painted on, making her feel very exposed and aroused. Soon she was all painted up with flowing white patters all of them trying to make her look more sexual. when she saw this, she gasped and turned beat red in the face while stripes of purple snaked across her body.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny laughed and clapped her hands happily "Oh Mika! you look so sexy! I could just pounce you right now but that would mess up their focus! Stand up and do a little twirl for me!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Despite her nerves and other things she stood up and did a twirl for her giving penny a good look at her painted up body. She did not want to be rude for the girls more than anything else, but man did she feel embarrassed. "...U-Um do these making have a m-meaning?..." Mika asked with her hands over her pussy. One of the girls riased her hands and said, "oh those are the marking of sexuality and love! it meant to draw attention to your lady parts! they have been used by our people for many generations looots of history there." Mika had a very conflicted look on her face... on one hand she was wearing something historic, but on the other it was very embarrassing.

Soon the girls were done with Penny too giving her lots of swirling spirals on her body. "those are the marks of bravery!" one of the girls said.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She stood up and examined the work on her body "Wow! these look really nice! Thank you girls!" She kneels down so she is face to face with them and gives each one a kiss on the cheek. "Is there anything I can do for you in return?" She gave them a winning smile.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The girls got real quite at that point and looked quite bashful. One of then stepped forward. "C-Could you and your lovers dance for us!", she said with big grin.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny smiled and nodded her head happily "We would love to dance for you!" Without asking the others for their opinion, she gathers up her painted lovers and moved them over to the center of camp. "Excuse me everyone! My name is Penny and with me are my pod mates Mika, Jezzy, Sala and Emily! I am sure you all know, but we were the ones who chased away the evil man known as Vaine that caused all of this trouble. Now, if we could have your attention... my pod mates and I will be dancing to show off these lovely markings!" She starts with Jezzy, taking her hand and pulling her up against her gooey body. with a sudden spin she twirls her out and grabs her hand at the last second so she hangs back in a dip. Pulling her back up, she leads her through a fast pace jazz style waltz. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala and Mika were both hesitant about the idea but Penny was just too quick... the next thing they new they were in the middle of the camp painted and naked! Emily was happy to show off her body paint.

Jezzy was a bit surprised by the sudden dance buts she did her best to try and keep pace with Penny. It turned out that Jezzy was quite the dancer! A flash of something had come to light in her mind... she... she loved to dance! "Penny! I-I remembered something! I used to dance and-and... I loved it!" Jezzy said with surprised look on here face. Jezzy then began to really put herself out there swinging herself and penny around with fast swinging movements. all the while her now sighliy bigger tits swayed about. she didn't care however, she was so happy that so actually remembered something!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny dips her nice and low before pressing their lips together briefly. "I'm glad you remembered! If you can dance, go lead one of the others!" She spins her away so she stops right in front of Emily. Meanwhile, Penny grabbed Sala and returned to dancing with her, spinning the little buggy back and forth. As Mika watched Penny dance, she became rather aware of the different movements she was making. She was changing her steps and pace to make sure both her body and Sala's body were being show off as much as possible, Sala's peen wobbling around. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy wordlessly took Emilys hand to guide her through a routine she remembered. She led Emily through a graceful but energetic dance while she let Penny do her thing. Sala was super embarrassed by all of this. She was naked, in front of everyone! Penny soon found her Sala's peen hardening at all of this showing off. all of the flowing lines on it made its stand out quite a bit. Sala was blushing harder then she ever had before, but she held on keeping herself from running for Penny's sake. eventually it went to its full ten inches as they danced around, swinging all over the place much to Sala's dismay. But the galora and Kirk-kah crowd seemed to enjoy it immensely have big grins on there faces as they got such a lovely show.

Mika saw how Penny was dancing and she gulped. was she purposefully trying to show Sala off? was she next?


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With one final flourish she left Sala on her knees with her peen out on full display. Then she turned to Mika with a smile Mika knew very well. A smile full of trickery, mischief and no good. Before she could run for it Penny had grabbed her hand and spun her into a dance, again with her steps and movements leaving both of them on full display. But she took it a step farther, using Mika's naturally squishy form to basically pose her during the dance, often leaving her chest exposed or her legs spread wide open!


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
again the crowd quite enjoyed this display, often focusing their attention on Mika's nude pained form. Her raced as she was oogled by the onlooking frogs and goos. with every lewd pose her face got redder and redder until it started turning purple, the telltale sign of her arousal. When penny had her spread wide open she herd the tell tale dripping of Mika's pussy juice.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny smiled knowingly as she heard Mika begin to drip and, just like at the club so long ago, she changed her dance to involve sweeping strokes over Mika's lovely dripping pussy, her gooey body soaking it up while still leaving it on full display. Back and forth, up and down, Mika was being subjected to so many lewd dance forms it was impossible for her to save any kind of dignity as Penny danced her about the stage, a happy smile on her face the entire time. "you are doing wonderful love! Just relaxed and let your body do the moving instead of your mind!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Her boobs bounced and her ass jigged as she was swung around and displayed by Penny. Mika glasses were fogging up as the heat of her arousal grew quickly. Her hair tentacles were curing themselves up and squirming, and blue spots ran across her body along with purple stripes. Then her clit engorged with blood as it popped up out of its hood as she felt her whole pussy throb with lust. Mika's mind was getting hazy at this point she was beginning to slip away mentally, and as that happened Penny found her tense even less, making it possible to do all kinds of neat sexy poses with her body this relaxed. After that, Penny could see Mika was leaking quite liberally, and Her breath was coming in quickly.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Having had quite enough of all this teasing, she pulls Mika back in for a deep kiss while two cock grow from her body and quickly push into her pussy and ass, soaking up her girl cum and any ink that might come out soon. She then takes Mika's hands and begins the worlds lewdest waltz with her cocks hilted inside her lover, still making their steps long so show off both of their legs as best she can. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika moans out load with penny gave her the double D treatment, but somehow, despite her shaky legs and lust filled brain she manged to hold on and dance with Penny. she leaned in on the kiss, as the lewdly but somewhat graceful waltz was in full swing. her brain was working furiously to stay functioning as she was lusting over. the crowd was cheering and calling at this point, with the galora being especially vocal about it. her ass's ink soon joined her pussy in leaking all over Penny's cocks.

In the meantime, Jezzy was leading the other too girls in a much less lewd, but rather graceful set of steps. full of fluid spins, long wide steps, and fancy flourishes of the arms. Through it was far less lewd of a dance, it was made more sexy by the girls bouncing and jiggling endowments. with Sala long penn swinging and bobbing around and Jezzys big bust swaying and bouncing around, It still made quite the display.

Mika was giving Penny a very aroused look. It looked like she wasn't going to be ale to hold on much longer. Penny could feel her insides throb and squirm on her gooy cocks as she lust began to boil.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny gave her a knowing wink and suddenly broke the kiss, spun Mika around and lifted her up by the legs so her feet were up by her head and her holes were on full display. She gave up on trying to dance and simply began to rut Mika in front of the entire crowd, driving her cocks in as far as they could go with every thrust. "I love you Mika! I love you so much!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
As Mika looked out at all the happy wide eyed expressions of the crowd, with all of their eyes staring right at her pussy and asshole, her conscious mind was thrust back into the forefront. Mika's heart raced even more now as every thrust drove her further and further over the edge. "Penny! I... I... I...!" she cried as her voice got higher and higher. Then she came! Spraying her juices and ink out into the air forcefully. "I LOVE YOU TOOOOOOOO!", she cried as she continued to squirt into the crowd and on to Penny's cock. she was rocked with involuntary spasms as she fell into her orgasm. Then she hung there, breathing heavily as she began to get sleepy.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny slowly sat down with mika in her lap, kissing at her face. "That is the first time you said that out loud... thank you Mika. I love you too." She catches her lips in a soft loving kiss, her hands coming up to grope and fondle at her breasts gently. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Panting, Mika looked back up to Penny. "It-It was?" She said before she was caught in the soft kiss. Mika was to exhausted from something like that to stand so she stayed there in Penny's lap just wanting to rest on her soft gooey body. The galora gave a round of applause with some cheering as the Kir-kah gave all kinds of croaks and chirp like sounds. at the same time Jezzy decided to give them all an ending flourish along with the other two girls. Penny could see scarlet and Guardna giving them a thumbs up for there performance.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Hey Mika? Do you mind if I go and spend time with Scarlet and her girly boy han? She invited me for some... quality time... and I really want to plug that cute little guys behind. But if you aren't comfortable with that I will just skip it."