A Life In Ulatahn (For Weiss)


Jun 24, 2016
A few minutes would pass, the cowgirl quiet as she tried her best to wash him quickly. Though the atmosphere wasn't quite settled, it did shift away to at least allow her to softly smile. Her tail teased and pampered his prick from time to time, but the efforts weren't to truly get him worked up. It was clearly some act of restoring his stamina, as if it was some magic ritual to replenish his spent load. The smell of sex lessened with each rub of her soapy breasts and the washcloth over his body, Aria's closeness certainly not common among friends or even sex-partners. Her ears wiggled as she finished cleaning him, however, her tits pressed against his back and the cowgirl's tail slowly releasing his cock.

"About earlier... it's okay. Having kids back home isn't something reserved just between lovers. The strong try to mate often... to ensure we can always have more numbers. Monster kind like myself... in Eokesh we're viewed as slaves by much of the nations. Or, worse, beasts fit only for death. Because of that... we think far less of sex as just something to enjoy. It's essential."

She'd hesitate, gently kissing his neck before whisper into his ear.

"Just... get dressed, Master Gallagher. I won't pressure you into anything. It's not like back home... we can just... hook up. Mistress certainly wouldn't mind sharing, especially after the mercy you showed her. Should you ever need me... I can offer my services in bath, healing, or sex."

Sounding somewhat sad toward the last sentence, she'd carefully pull away and move past him to get up and out of the water first. Her bare ass was on display for all but a moment, her tail swishing as she dropped the cloth and soap on the floor beside the bath and took a towel from the wall to wrap around her waist. Her tail tied around it to hold it in place, leaving her breasts on display while she walked out of the bathroom into the main room. She hadn't washed his clothes, but that was answered very quickly as she grabbed hold of something and returned into view with a bundle of clothes. A set of clothes of blue-green color with a gold sash-like addition, the material of both appearing considerably more comfortable than his clothes, was offered to him.

"I was told to hold onto this until you had settled in. It's one of your Expedition Uniforms, Master Gallagher. One size-fits all, thanks to the magi-fit seals in-place. You don't have to wear it in the field, but... when you're roaming the town, it might prove useful to have something to identify you as part of Doria Expeditions. Th-there's also a pair of underwear with it as well... I'll get dressed, but perhaps you could find Mistress Doria and make sure she is also presentable for the meeting..."

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Aria's judicious use of her tail certainly succeeded at keeping Aedan on edge in more ways than one, even as the musky sent of fresh sex was banished from the chamber. Every movement he would shift uneasily and fight to suppress the rather unmanly noises threatening to for their way past his lips. At no point did he ever pull away from the cowgirl, or even tense under her slightly less intimate ministrations.

"Ah, I see. That's..." Aedan paused. It reminded him a bit of how the Muratahn controlling Riptide Bay and terrorizing the coast operated. Those merfolk and fish-people were hardly helpless and innocent victims, but they possessed a similarly...utilitarian perspective on sex and offspring. Hopefully, Aria wouldn't see too much of herself and her people in those monsters.

He perked up a bit when he felt her lips press against his neck and her warm breath brushing against his ear. "I'll...we'll see, Aria. Just take care of yourself and don't worry so much about what I need. I've lasted this long, haven't I?"

Aedan flashed the purple-haired maid a grin that looked more confident than he felt. She didn't sound very enthusiastic. Had he offended her more than she let on, or did Aria think he was just trying to use her in a slightly nicer manner than her Mistress? Whatever the answer, it seemed he would have to wait to have it.

"Huh..." The former soldier cocked his head at the outfit Aria presented to him. It was certainly more impressive than anything he'd likely donned before, and the gold-embellished attired looked as comfortably as it did elegant. Was it an Ulatahn fashion he might have recognized, though, or the product of some distant land? If it was the latter, Aedan had to wonder about what sort of message walking around town with it on would send. Especially if Megumi really couldn't resist voicing her sneering disdain for the people of Ulatahn whenever Zephyr wasn't there to silence her.

Not that he had any choice but to slip it one for the moment.

"Thanks, I'll do that. See you around, Aria," Aedan gave the cowgirl one last smile once he finished dressing and then turned to leave. He was curious about just what had happened with Sherry while he and Aria were...occupied. It probably wouldn't hurt to find out what, if anything, he needed to know before the sponsor of the expedition arrived either.


Jun 24, 2016
The style of the outfit, once worn, was certainly most of the sort one would see in Ulatahn. The design on the shirt itself was the sole piece that seemed to be from Atayo, perhaps a way to identify the members of the Expeditions group that came from there. But as he'd leave, Aria smiling somewhat sadly as the door was closed and she was no doubt busy getting dressed, Aedan would notice that the place had filed out of quite a lot of the generic-looking folk. Megumi had finally emerged, the woman paying him nothing beyond only a moment's glance as she turned to sharpen her sword near the kitchen-like section of the room. Sherry had emerged from her room with a similar outfit to the one he wore, though it was certainly... different. It lacked the sash and hung open, revealing a line of her dark and smooth skin. Her tits were pushed together enough from the outfit that there was no gap, much of her boobage concealed within and the lack of nipple outlines meaning she likely had something on to conceal them. Overall, the outfit was far more sexualized... and the reason was almost obvious right away. Down Mistress Doria's stomach was a rather serious looking tattoo, the woman leaned back in her chair and reading to give him quite the good view of it, of the Ulatahn Steam Cult. Of all the magical orders and colleges in the world, they were one of the few that had been allowed and even encouraged. It had been the cult itself that had brought about the revolutionary re-establishment of Ulatahn's more popular technology. Steam-power supported much of the magitech equipment long enough for mages both local and foreign to restore their power. Which meant that her closed eye was one not because of an injury... it meant Sherry's right eye was used as living canvas to perfect the embodiment of steam. It was how she had teleported! He could see the woman was somewhat upset still, ignoring even Megumi as she read, but it seemed she was okay on the surface.

He could always try talking to Megumi again or perhaps approach the former decision-maker for the group. Or, maybe, he could think of some other way to try and shoot the fat briefly. Zephyr would likely be back shortly, however...

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Aedan would have been a liar if he didn't say walking around in a predominantly Ulatahn outfit was more comfortable than something foreign. The former soldier usually wasn't inclined to fret over what or how people ate or exactly which gods they prayed to and swore by, but Ulatahn was under siege. The nations that made up the Combined States had to fight tooth and nail just to stand their ground against the Muratahn and the god they worshiped that sought their destruction, and that was just one front. For every outsider that might have just wanted to live in peace with or even help the people of Ulatahn, there were others who sneered at the broken people or rushed to exploit them and their legendary advances.  There were enough of those on the Smugglers' Hideaway to form a budding, predatory nation in their own right...was it any wonder Aedan was apprehensive at the thought of his people's very identity being forgotten like so many other great relics of their civilization?

Right now, however, the marksman had more immediate and less abstract concerns. The headquarters of Doria Expeditions was suddenly bustling with activity. Megumi was present and Sherry was...

Aedan blinked. He very nearly gave her a look that silently said "Really?" before his eyes traveled low enough to see the imposing tattoo her astoundingly low neckline displayed. She was a member of the Steam Cult. That fact completely justified her otherwise risque attire. It also made him wonder just what sort of connections the sorceress had...and how far her willingness to use them with. That tattoo marked her as so much more than "just" a rich noblewoman with the connections conceal and exploit a large supply of precious Makiore. The Steam Cult were a pillar upon which almost every aspect of Ulatahn society leaned heavily upon. If she knew the right people, it would probably only take a few strongly worded letters to make life even more...interesting for him.

Sherry had a book to keep herself busy, but the tension in her body was almost palpable. She definitely wasn't pleased with the way things turned out. The question was whether he was right to worry about her being in a position to do anything about it.

Aedan offered the sorceress a polite nod and wave on his way over to Megumi. "What did I miss?"

Though the marksmen smiled as he leaned on the nearest wall or cabinet to the wolf-woman, there was a strained note to his tone and his eyes flickered over Sherry rather pointedly. His ass may well have been on the line and Aedan really wasn't in the mood for more cultural posturing on the swordwoman's part.


Jun 24, 2016
(Roll Results: 7 vs 17, 10 vs 16! Roll Failure!)

The Atayo woman would simply scoff at him, her eyes looking at him knowingly.

"While you had your perverted ways with the bitch's cowgirl? Nothing."

Sherry looked over at the wolf for only a moment, clearly harboring no good words for her either. With Sherry's new state as more or less her equal within the group, it seemed the sorceress had capability of trying to get into a fight with the swordswoman. Megumi had taken all but a moment before rising up to walk over to the kitchen section. But it seemed that Aedan wasn't going to catch a break as the sorceress turned and rose to her feet with a closing of her book.

"You're no different from those rutting beasts... defiling my precious Aria like that... tch!"

Both women had turned their backs quite literally on the marksman, Sherry moving off and toward the stairs to seemingly make her way down them. Whatever had happened between the two wasn't going to be readily apparent, nor would their opinions of him for slipping away with the cowgirl. Even if they hadn't seen it, it wasn't very hard for them to have figured out what he was doing with Aria. It'd be a few moments, but Aria would emerge from the room with yet another maid outfit wrapping around her body. She'd only give the slightest of smiles toward Aedan, the girl fixing the headband of her uniform last as her ears wiggled. She'd move to the trappy and eager boy's room after the brief eye contact, knocking and slipping inside quietly. Sherry was likely heading downstairs which might mean that he could see the sponsor the instant they arrive. Megumi had started cutting an apple with her large weapon ever so carefully, grumbling and trying to focus on her task. He'd apparently not been having much luck with the ladies, especially the wolf-wife!

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Aedan gave both women a flat look. Was the wolf-bitch who ran off to have noisy sex with Zephyr within a minute of his arrival looking down on him for having consensual sex? Was Makiorre-peddeling noblewoman who'd helped to get him that worked up seriously trying to act morally outraged?

All their turned backs did for the marksman was make him imagine targets drawn onto them. Was this company he was going to have to put up with for an entire expedition? The people he was going to rely on to watch his back? Aedan knew this entire venture would be an almost insanely dangerous one and that the sort of people such an opportunity was likely to attract were probably eccentric risk-takers at the very least, but this was...right now, Muratahn would have made better company. At least they were consistent and he could shoot them.

The former soldier offered Aria a faint nod and similarly faint smile before he turned towards the entrance. He wasn't in the mood to even be in the same room as Megumi or Sherry right now, but he a little curious about the sponsor. Something here had to go right eventually, didn't it?


Jun 24, 2016
(Roll Results: 14 v 10! Roll Success! Something goes right for once!)

As Aedan made his way down the stairs toward the entrance he would pass Sherry speaking quietly with the man who manned the counter. As he'd walk down the stairs, however, he'd spot Zephyr standing at the doorway speaking to a woman that could only be one of Ulatahn's highest nobles. Much of her body had been replaced with magitech. At least her arms and some of her torso had to be made from the magitech-powered metals, shaping her enough and covered with a steel corset to sustain her D-cups. Her icy blue eyes sparked as a magitech sensor atop her "hair" gave her the ability to sense all around her. The fact her body seemed elf-like, however, made it clear exactly which noble this was.

"Do not worry, Lady Ori, things are aligning properly. We've picked up a trained hunter and have a supply of Makiore to subdue it for capture."

Zephyr's head was bowed ever so slightly, the woman turning her gaze toward Aedan for all but a moment before a gentle and whisper-like voice spoke in his mind as if she were beside him.

Is it him? "Er... yes, milady. Aedan! Come over here and meet our sponsor!"

Zephyr had called out, Sherry cursing under her breath as she was seemingly ignored within Zephyr's sight. The woman watched him quietly, her mostly metal-clad form no doubt making it clear that the wolf-bitch's husband and the drug-pushing disinherited woman were far from just nobodies. They knew Lady Ori Van Ulatahn, one of the six daughters to the High King of the Combined Nations. Of the three nations that were bound together, the High King's family had been the lineage who organized it and brought it together long before the disaster. In modern days, her five brothers were some of the most powerful mages in existence. It would make a lot more sense that someone wanted a live Magickree, especially if it was someone like her!

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
(...And now I am morbidly curious over how terri-bad things could have gone if Aedan lost that coin toss :p )

Aedan came to a halt the instant he caught sight of Doria Expeditions' much-anticipated guest. In a broken land that was home to a nearly broken people who struggled heroically to stand their ground against the threats that surrounded them, advanced artifacts from Ulatahn's peek were among the most valuable treasures one could dream of finding. This woman had the luxury of replacing her very body with what was probably some of the most advanced magitech before the calamity that shattered Ulatahn eighty years ago. He would have been willing to bet that she literally had more wealth in her pinky than most people could have expected to see in their entire life.

Quite naturally, Aedan;s body tensed the moment he felt her gaze wash over him. He nearly jumped outright when her soft voice echoed in his very mind. It was startling enough in its own right, but memories of the ominous dream he'd had earlier sprang to mind unbidden. It was enough to make him hesitate a moment before briskly approaching the cybernetic noble.

"Ma'am, it's an honor and a pleasure," The former soldier mentally winced even as his body reflexively shifted into a formal at-ready military stance. Hopefully it was acceptable to Lady Ori. He'd been in such a rush to make up for that wasted instant that he hadn't even thought to scrutinize the more...socially formal positions and gestures of her and Zephyr.

There was one thing helping to steady his heartbeat as he stood before one of the most powerful individuals in the entirety of the Combined Nations. Sherry's muted cursing hinted that she craved Lady Ori's attention enough that the two were not friends or even close business partners. That was one connection he didn't have to worry about being wielded against him.

It did beg the question, however: if the woman who bankrolled this elaborate headquarters was of such limited interest to the sponsor of Doria Expeditions, then what made Zephyr so exceptional? Just what was the story behind he and his wolf-bitch wife that the man had refused to tell him before?


Jun 24, 2016
Lady Ori was quiet for a few moments, the woman studying him after his greeting. She took but a few more moments before walking closer and moving her hand to rest over his heart.

You are... unique. I am glad my servant has found someone so different from the common man.

Zephyr watched nearby, the brief moment ending as she pulled away. It was clear the air between them wasn't quite like that as what it had been between him and Sherry. Though he had respected his cousin to a degree, the man was clearly being more respectful toward the Lady. But the magitech woman didn't seem upset at his sense of casualness. Being called a servant had likely indicated the final piece, even before Zephyr spoke.

"In Atayo, they speak ill of me for refusing to pledge my loyalty to a master of their land. There's some respect when it comes to picking someone like Mister Gallagher here. He has so far been getting wrapped up in my cousin's foolishness... but I doubt he will let us down by the time we've made it to the mainland."

The woman looked back to Zephyr, her eyes glimmering with raw magical power for the slightest of moments before she set the strange and powerful regal gaze on Aedan. Though there was no hold on him through physical or magical means, her eyes seemed to be gazing through him. His first time with a woman, his first kill, and even his most precious moment were flashed through his mind as she gazed at him. It seemed like her eyes were drawing out his soul... and in a single blink, she broke that feeling and frowned, her voice speaking up at a level somehow quieter than her mental transmission to him.

"I want someone... new. I have ordered Zephyr to carry out his duty... but make certain he and Megumi continue trying to have children."

The very blunt and familiar statement was all she spoke aloud, turning and softly moving toward the stairs as Zephyr oddly enough laughed and scratched at his head. She would walk through the counter without even a look at Sherry, the dark-skinned woman averting her one-eyed gaze angrily. It seemed she was heading upstairs for one reason or another, but Zephyr wasn't quite following. Rather, the man was pulling free a piece of paper while finishing up his laugh. It looked like a charter writ based on the seals along the back, taking but a moment to look at Aedan before worrying about the paper.

"Don't you worry. Lady Ori won't bite. If you want, why don't you go up after her and proposition her? I think she'd be up for it, if you think you can handle a noble! Of course, we're going to be leaving tomorrow so I doubt you'll be able to go at it all night like she'd prefer..."

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
(Apologies for the delay and lackluster quality of this post. Last couple of days have been hectic, but hopefully I'm over the moving in and getting everything ready hump now. :) )

Aedan wasn't quite sure what to make of Lady Ori's scrutiny. It probably would have been tricky enough for him to get a good read on her even if much of her body had not been replaced with inscrutable magitech prosthetics.

"Uh, thanks...thank you," The former soldier managed to offer a slight smile at the compliment. Aedan wasn't shy about advertising his capabilities, but somehow he didn't get the impression Lady Ori was talking about his marksmanship.

His eyes flickered towards Zephyr for the briefest of moments. Lady Ori considered him her servant, not a business partner? And with the man's confession that he was a bit of an outcast in Atayo's society as well, Aedan had another piece of the overall puzzle. What he did not have was the time to ponder it.  Aedan's gaze swiftly focused back on Lady Ori. Her gaze captured his and for an instant his life flashed before his eyes. The first time he took comfort in the arms of a female colleague, the first time he downed would-be slaver nearly about to make their escape with a half-panicked crack shot, and even-

Aedan shuddered as he snapped out of the reverie, unable to keep unease and wariness from creeping into his expression as Lady Ori spoke once again. He words didn't exactly set him at ease. Memories of the dream he had before stirred once again even as his mind struggled to think up reasons for the cybernetic noblewoman's interest in Zephyr and Megumi's offspring. It...well, helped explain their session in the armory. A little. Neither of them had precisely been dragged kicking and screaming into that. Megumi wasn't going to get out of being called on her seemingly hypocritical remarks that easily...

"Uh huh..." The marksman glanced at Zephyr. He wasn't smiling as usual, and there was flicker of emotion across Aedan's face that might have betrayed some of the apprehension Lady Ori inspired in him. "Are you speaking from personal experience, or by her reputation?"

Aedan's tone was dry but the faintest hint of a grin tugged at his lips. Lady Ori's ability to get under his skin through either magic or her magitech enhancements aside, Zephyr did raise a point that he hadn't considered. Just what else could all those sleek metal cybernetics be used for? Nearly endless sexual stamina that the noblewoman's formal and frosty exterior belied, clearly, but he suspected certain other parts of the woman might have been similarly...optimized to ensure maximum pleasure and performance.

Of course, as amusing to consider as it was, Lady Ori had seemingly glanced over his very soul with a held gaze, took stock of him along similar lines with a touch, and in the best case scenario might leave him too weary and spent to uphold his duties to the expedition...or shut Megumi up if she felt like commenting on his willingness to enjoy life while Zephyr wasn't able to occupy her mouth in other ways.

"Hm...considering where we're going, I'm not sure missing a whole night of sleep would be wise. As it stands, I'd probably just disappoint her...coming back with a live Magikree and no need to get up bright and early the next morning might make for a better first impression on that front anyway, eh?"


Jun 24, 2016
"I guess so. Were I only so lucky to have her myself, however, I'd be a man content to just be used like some sex toy."

Zephyr would lower the charter, folding it and putting it away after the few moments to observe it. The magitech woman had gone up the stairs fully by now, Sherry's gaze finally turning to look where she had been mere moments before. She seemed a bit ready to follow, but a whistle from her cousin distracted her.

"Sherry, once we get upstairs and I get Lady Ori settled, you're going to either suck this guy's cock or have to apologize!"

Her eye turned immediately to glare at Zephyr, her mouth growing into a snarl while Zephyr chuckled and made his way toward the gate. Megumi's lover was certainly the freespirit, the man passing through the gate even as Sherry cursed at him and moved up to quickly whisper in his ear. But the man brushing her off effectively left the two downstairs with the average-looking desk worker blinking and unsure of their place. Sherry shot him a glare, ordering him up the stairs with a point. With the other two gone, Sherry finally looked to Aedan with anger... for all but a moment. He'd see her face twitch and grow aroused, the dark-skinned woman panting before quickly turning her gaze. Was it possible the Makiore had a residual effect on the inexperienced user after she got so utterly slathered and beaten with the drug? Covering her mouth for a moment to recompose herself, the mage's eye fixed on Aedan once more, mumbling through her hand.

"Y-You... w-would do best... to not involve yourself.... w-with that slut. She encouraged my cousin... made him find someone... to endure his libido. The slut-wolf is only... f-following... t-traditio-Ah~!"

She had failed to hide the moan, her face flushing as she quickly started her way up the stairs. It had been only when she fixed her sights on Aedan... but her arousal would no doubt be dangerous for the mage to keep enduring. Left alone downstairs, however, he had the time to realize that the day had progressed rather smoothly. Had he been up for a few hours now...?

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Aedan raised an amused brow at Zephyr. Even after how blatantly he and Megumi had run off, the former soldier hadn't expected the man to be quite so candid about his sexual fantasies. Particularly ones that didn't involve his wife...was it an open relationship, or was he just playing around?

"You and me both. I'm just trying to let both my heads get their fair share of thinking in."

He blinked in faint surprise at Zephyr's whistle and the ultimatum he gave Sherry. The thought was...appreciated, but those weren't quite the terms he would have picked. As soon as they were the only ones left in the room, Aedan matched Sherry's glare with an utterly unimpressed stare. And that was before her attempt to look threatening started cracking around the edges because of the heat between her thighs. Her teleportation trick with the smoke was a good one, but he'd felt just how much strength the sorceress's limbs actually possessed when push came to shove. The Steam Cult connection was a potentially powerful card to play, but if Lady Ori had a personal interest in this expedition and Aedan's role within it, then it was thoroughly trumped.

"Tradition?" The marksman's tone was as skeptical as his expression. Whatever the precise circumstances behind Zephyr and Megumi's marriage, it clearly wasn't a burden the wolf-bitch was reluctantly shouldering and the tenderness of her attempts to comfort Zephyr with implied there was more than "just" eagerness to have lots of passionate sex with a handsome man at work as well. Either way, Sherry wasn't in any condition to elaborate much even if she felt like humoring him on her way up the stairs. Likewise, Aedan was quite content to let the mage stew in her own Makiore-laced juices until she learned her lesson.

The end result was that the former soldier was left thoroughly to his own devices. What to do with it, though? His gear was in Nernah's talented hands, so optimizing it for the task of bagging a live Magikree was out. Packing, then? At the absolute minimum, it would probably be a good idea to make sure his supply of contraceptives was up for a such a long, stressful journey where maintaining morale would unquestionably be of considerable import!


Jun 24, 2016
(Going to go ahead and state Aedan went shopping for his contraceptives and packed his things up and retrieved them =3=b)

It had been a few hours of shopping and ensuring he had the supply of contraceptives. Emergency medicine from some distant land had been available, giving him five pills that could abort any potential pregnancy for those he gave it to. There had even been one of the more rare Ulatahn UCGs, the nickname for the "Uber-Cock Guard!" line of condom-like slips. Construed of a form-fighting magitech material, they very much kept him from making a mess of whatever hole he decided to plug! He acquired three of these condoms, though they were not as full-proof as the medicine surely was. By the time he got back, with his things being towed up by the desk clerk, Aedan would be greeted with a new set of activity. The storage room door was open, Nernah's room was emitting banging noises of the metal variety, and Aria could be seen speaking with Sherry near the kitchen. The steam mage was blushing, the two speaking quietly and Aria smiling and looking down at her mistress. It wasn't very likely the druggy had been given her fix, but that would leave the question of what was going on in the storeroom.

Aedan's supplies were going to get delivered to his room one way or another... the sun had lowered and would likely be gone in the next few hours. If he turned in early, there was no doubt he would be the utmost definition of refreshed come morning (Turn Down All Options Route). However, maybe finding something to do with the rest of the day would be more beneficial. Had Lady Ori left? If he caught Megumi and Zephyr together, it'd also let him tear the wolf-girl a new one on her own sexual tendencies right? Of course, there was still his loyal and sweet cowgirl and her mistress to mess with... or maybe paying Nernah's room a visit could let him find out how the work on his weapons is going. After all, he'd left them for a tune-up and yet the male-loving lad had clearly started banging away at something.

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
(Oh no, you're skipping over relatively minor minutia?! Damn, the teeth-brushing scene I had planned was going to tease all sorts of fetishes! :p)

Aedan was feeling quite satisfied by the time he re-entered the headquarters of Doria Expeditions. Some might think that five pills and three high-grade condoms was a bit much to be packing for an expedition into the wilds, but better safe than sorry and it wasn't as if they were going to take up much space. Either that or the man was very confident in his ability to get sex even in a hostile wilderness. Well...sex that would allow him to make use of such precautions, anyway. The Muratahn or anything like them were not terribly picky about their breeding partners, after all.

He found himself standing more or less alone with the bag in his hand. A quick scan around the compound gave him food for thought. He couldn't say he had warm enough feelings toward the wolf-bitch to feel anything close to shame for walking in on one of her lovemaking sessions at a hilariously bad time to make a remark about her sex-life in turn. Tragically, that would mean dragging Zephyr into their feud in a way the man probably wouldn't be inclined to let slide.The sight of Aria and Sherry together gave him pause, but...well, it seemed to be a consensual conversation and if anything the steam mage was the one more likely to be suffering from Makiore exposure judging from the way her face was flushed. Perhaps there was some affection there after all that went beyond Sherry valuing a prized bit of sapient livestock? The marksmen still wasn't comfortable with it, but he couldn't exactly dictate the cowgirl's entire social life.

For a moment, Aedan did consider dropping by Nernah's room to see just what the trappy mechanic was working so vigorously one...but then he recalled how disappointed and disinterested his colleague became once he learned of the former soldier's preferences. Would things really go any better this time?

"Eh..." He shrugged to himself and began to make his way up to his personal quarters. Between pretty much every interaction he'd had with Megumi, the mess with Sherry, and bathtub sex with Aria, he could climb into bed feeling satisfied with the amount of drama and action he'd had for the day. Besides, he was eager to see the actual expedition get underway.


Jun 24, 2016
(And you missed out on that hot OrixMegumixNernah T~T #NotReallyButWhatIf?)

Come morning, after Aedan had finished getting ready and left his personal quarters, he'd come out to quite the busy scene. Many of the small-time and unimportant members of Doria Expeditions were running about, to and from the storage room into a teleport-platform in the main section. Tables had been brought together to make room, but it was clear that the teleportation wasn't terribly long-range based on the size of it. Aria was sitting in a chair watching it all, seemingly unsure of what to do. Sherry was watching and ordering some of them around nearby, Zephyr and Megumi missing from the scenery. But as soon as Aedan had got a simple bearing of the room, Nernah had quickly rushed up to him from nearby with a bundle in his arms. The trappy lad seemed like he was still somewhat asleep, smiling largely at the strong marksman as he offered it to him.

"I-I finished your work... I barely even slept~. You owe me a big dildo, Aedy~... a biggun'!"

The trap turned and started off, his attire being so rumpled suggesting that he'd barely got much sleep. The weight of the bundle was clearly that of all the weaponry he had left behind, so at least he had them back. But his peace wouldn't last long as Sherry turned and her face lit up in the slightest of blushes.

"Y-You! Get down here and head through the portal! Unless you need Aria or myself for... wh-whatever it is you might need! Zephyr is already at the docks loading up our ship! Waking up like you have... he wants you to join him there to discuss my expedition!"

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
(IT's the stuff hot, sticky dreams that inspire ever-greater conquests are made out of! :p )

"Mph..." Aedan grunted a bit as he stretched. It had certainly been a restful night! Would it be worth the opportunity cost of whatever mischief he might have gotten involved in if he'd stayed up just a little later? The man intended to do his damndest to find out. Doria Expeditions was abuzz with a promising flurry of activity already!

"Oh yeah?" Aedan looked at Nernah with a bemused smile as the trappy mechanic offered him his gear. Bundled as it was, he couldn't exactly judge the quality of the blond's work for himself, though Nernah's sleeplessness probably spoke for itself. "Well, if we succeed here you'll probably be able to afford your entire brand of over-sized dildos. I'll see if I can figure something out that can compete with that."

He grinned as Nernah turned away. The good cheer would have been ruined if he didn't find Sherry's attempt to assert authority more amusing than anything else. Even if she had managed to project the image of a powerful and imperious noblewoman-turned-mage, it was generally a bit difficult to take anyone quite as seriously once you saw them naked, high off Makiore, and begging for the mind-numbing pleasure to stop.

"Certainly. I won't hesitate to let you know if there is anything I require of you..." Aedan's smile was as sweet and dangerous as the crystal-laced chocolate that had had been shoved and melted into the steam mage's virgin snatch. He briskly turned towards the transporter, hopefully before Sherry could muster a response beyond impotent fuming, and marched over while peeking at the equipment beneath Nernah's bundle. As soon as the quality of the work was identified, the marksman would have slipped everything back into its proper place. He probably wouldn't want to keep his hands full for whatever Zephyr needed of him.


Jun 24, 2016
Sherry was absolutely fuming, the mage's one eye watching him the whole while. As he'd peek into the bundle, however, he'd spot his weapons in quite the grand condition. Just from the barrel of his rifle, he could see that Nernah had enhanced its firing power with an additional rune! The trappy boy had gone and etched it entirely over just to do that! But as he neared the teleportation pad, he'd feel two hands on his back before he would get shoved. There was no time to check for who had done it, Aedan seamlessly flickering from the middle of the second floor of the Expeditions Base and... into a brightly-lit outdoors. The sun was above, the sound and smell of the ocean filling his senses as the portal behind him flickered and hummed lightly. The ground was wobbling ever so slightly, the deck of a ship before him. The many banners along the railings of the vessel made it clear it was the property of the Expedition group, many Fire Cannons being slid into place and locked down into their firing ports. There was likely another deck below for the guns and additional sleeping room, but the captain's quarters could be seen not far away. The many faces aboard the ship were those of the average man and woman, however... so he would have to go exploring the ship if he wanted to find Zephyr! There wasn't any time for him to slip back and through to the headquarters, however, as Aria came through only a moment after with a pack in her hands and a blush on her face.

"M-Master Gallagher, y-y-you forgot your things! I-I ordered the others to grab them and move them to your room below deck, though, s-so... um... if you wish, I could show you to your quarters for the voyage!"

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Aedan very nearly whistled as soon as he spotted the finely carved rune. That'd definitely give his rifle a little more kick! Perhaps even a bit too much. They did need to capture their prey alive, after all. Then again, any plan relying on him just straight up shooting a Magikree into submission would have had some problems regardless. All it would take was nicking the wrong artery to spoil everything.

The rifle was slid across his back once again just before someone shoved him. Aedan gasped a bit and his body reflexively tensed, but he passed over the pad before his eyes could catch who did it. Sherry, probably. If that was the most inconvenience she had to offer him, though, he wasn't going to be losing sleep over her any time soon.The marksman's emerald eyes quickly took stock of his surroundings. Doria Expeditions had its own vessel, and a reasonably well-equipped one judging from the cannons being loaded. Good! He would have been hard-pressed to think of a more embarrassing end than the expedition failing before it even set foot on The Center! Not that pirate crews or hordes of Muratahn were threats to be scoffed at.

"Hm? Oh, thanks Aria," Aedan flashed the maid a grin that belied how sheepish he actually felt for forgetting such a crucial detail. "Yeah, I should probably know where my own quarters are at the very least if I'm going to be sailing on this. Lead the way,"

Perhaps Aedan would get some idea of where Zephyr was and how preparations were going in general along the way. If not, he could do some more exploring on his own as needed.


Jun 24, 2016
The cowgirl seemed happy, regardless of how embarrassed Aedan was that he forgot his things, as she took the lead toward an open cellar-like grate leading to the inner parts of the ship. Descending into the "belly of the beast", they came down into the inner deck where the sight of cannons and auto-bilges were hard at work. Technology had allowed some of the best ships in the world to be developed in their nation, so it was impressive that the Muratahn could best such works of art. At the same time, however, cannons were only useful if they knew where their targets were... which meant at best the ships were only fit to protect from sea-beasts and not sea-folk that dotted the Muratahn people. Hammocks swung and men and women alike were talking and arranging things before getting them tied down. It was clear much of the crew would sleep with the cannons so if they had an emergency they could rush to the defense of the ship... but as she neared the back of the ship where the captain's quarters was no doubt above them, they reached a wall that separated the slightly better quarters. That must have meant the prison and caged section of the ship was in the nose (or prow!) of the vessel.

Opening the door, they were in a hall with six doors (three to each side) and a single one at the end. The hall itself was just big enough for two people to walk through, indicating just how tight-packed it had been to ensure the expedition vessel could keep its specialists well-accommodated

"Th-the last door is the ship's bathroom, so the hall will probably be busy... b-but the magic keeps everything in there clean! I'll be handling much of the cleaning of the ship and its rooms, but... thankfully that place isn't mine to worry about."

Moving to the right side of the hall and the middle door of the three, she opened it to reveal a room about as compact and as basically furnished as the one he'd been staying in before finding his job with Doria Expeditions. Aria moved inside before turning to face him, her happiness replaced somewhat with a sense that she wasn't very comfortable even with the ceiling being high enough for her.

"This will be your room... just as back in the headquarters, it is yours to do what you see fit with."

Aedan could likely tell something was wrong, but the only way he could figure out what it was would be to ask carefully (CHR). If he were to grab hold of his cowgirl aid (STR), he could likely wrestle her to the bed and get answers that way... but at the same time, there seemed to be something off about the room (INS). Of course, ignoring any interest in Aria and whatever was off about the room was an option. After all, he had to still find and meet Zephyr.

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Aedan smiled a bit at the sight of the cannons and the auto-bilges. Even in their diminished state, the Combined Nations were capable of creating vessels that were the envy of other countries. Any battle with the Muratahn would almost certainly have to be settled man to man, but the cannons would acquit themselves well against any pirates or sea-dwelling monstrosities that couldn't just board them from beneath the safety of the waves. The auto-bilges were even more reassuring. No matter what happened, the expedition was at least guaranteed to not drown under anything except the most extreme circumstances.

"Thanks, Aria," Aedan said with a smile once he finished giving his quarters a quick once-over. Something about it gave him pause, but he couldn't quite put his finger on why...not without a closer look, anyway. "...Is something wrong?"

The former soldier offered the maid a slight but concerned frown. The room wasn't going anywhere, but he might not be able to question Aria if he just let the cowgirl slip away. "I saw you talking to Sherry last night. She didn't seem too upset, but...well, is everything alright?"


Jun 24, 2016
(Roll Result: 15 vs 6! Success!)

Though he wasn't going to get to investigate the room currently, the man's consistently smooth-talking tongue brought the cowgirl's focus entirely onto Aedan. Like a deer in the spotlight, she froze up as she looked down to him, but gently bit her lip and moved her hands to clutch the front of her skirt near her waist. It took all but a moment of the question festering before she finally looked to him with a blush.

"W-Well... I... I'm not sure where we stand, Master Gallagher. I-I... um... last night... things were... tense when things ended."

She moved to sit on the bed, a long moment passing before she released her skirt and moved a hand under the edge of the bed to pull something from beneath it. A bug, seemingly deceased, roughly the size of a coin was in her grip as she offered it to him. Though the species of bug wasn't like those from Ulatahn, it was clear that it was marked with a rune of observation. Someone had likely intended to spy on him using such a thing, the girl putting the insect on the dresser for him before lowering her head in shame.

"I d-don't want to... b-be awkward. M-Master Doria had no interests in this sort of thing, especially since he has his focus on his own desires and organizing the expedition, b-but... he trusts Mistress Sherry to prepare all magic seals aboard the ship. She said she was going to get you back, s-so when you turned in and she worked to prepare the teleportation circle for today, I-I followed her... a-and saw her plant it. S-She's my Mistress, b-but... y-you were so kind to me and seem to care... I couldn't betray you even if she cares for me."

It was very clear as the cowgirl's ears lowered and she remained still under his guise that two things were important of note. Sherry seemingly hadn't forgiven him even after saving her from Aria's lusting state to the point she was planning to spy on him, but why was still not clear. The other thing was that he had clearly made an impact on the girl with her treatment last night to the degree that she felt obligated to help him even if it meant betraying her owner! There were plenty of ways he could use her if she was this willing, but it was clear that the air from the night before had equally disarmed her with how to interpret their current relationship. If he was going to foster the bond with the maid, it would be wise to try and work things out... but could she handle waiting until he had met up with Zephyr? However he chose to proceed, however, it was going to be vital that he watch out. Dealing with Sherry somehow as clearly the most direct method to solving his problems... but if he ignored her and she were to discover this betrayal and choosing of him over her, it was likely that the entire expedition would have him walking around with a vengeful and potentially dangerous ally who could royally fuck him over.

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Aedan's head tilted curiously as Aria seemed to struggle to find the words she wanted. "Tense, huh?"

His tone was far from reproachful, but that wasn't exactly the word he would have chosen. Did she see that bit of miscommunication between them as something more, or had that innocuous conversation between her and Sherry been anything but...?

The marksman had something close to an answer as soon as the rune-marked insect was placed on the dresser. He raised a brow at Aria and quickly moved to inspect it. The rune of observation and its intent was obvious enough, what he hoped to discern was whether or not the the thing was currently active. Aria speaking up again seemed to answer that either way. The maid would hardly be pouring her heart out like this if her Mistress could overhear every word of her betrayal, right?

"I see..." Aedan shook his head at Sherry's plot and looked back to the cowgirl with a warm smile. "Thanks, Aria. I'm sorry you seem to be getting dragged into this...not so little feud, but...well, I'll handle this.I've been taking care of myself for awhile now, you know. If there's anything I can do for you in turn, let me know."

He left the insect where it was for the moment. Sherry would need to be dealt with somehow, but some finesse would probably be required. Aria seemed to have a soft spot for the woman in spite of everything, and the steam mage did appear to be the one bankrolling the expedition even if she didn't have nearly as much say in it as she would have liked. Destroying the rune here and now would immediately alert Sherry to the fact that her plan had been thwarted, or at least set back, and possibly expose Aria's role in it too. Whether the bratty noblewoman was just desperately trying to find something incriminating she could use against him or actually had a sophisticated scheme in the works, Aedan seemed to have little to lose as long as he strayed on-guard when in his quarters for a time and with some quick thinking might even be able to turn the bug around to his advantage. If not, he could always "accidentally" smash the thing.

Anyway, Aedan was still confident he could handle Sherry. If that was all he and Aria had to fret about now, it would probably be for the best if he paced the observation rune back where it "belonged" and started tracking down Zephyr.


Jun 24, 2016
"I-It's... it's not your fault."

Carefully rising to her feet, the cowgirl took a few moments before finally moving closer and taking hold of his clothes and seeming to straighten and brush them of some filth that was too minute to catch. Taking a few moments more, she finally leaned down and kissed his cheek, blushing and pulling away.

"I... I want... you might not want kids a-and I understand that. If it helps... u-um... I disabled the rune for a few moments at least. Master Gallagher... if you wish of me, you need only ask and I would be in your bed. I hope we can become more, b-but... you were a good lover. It's certainly forward of me, of course, though I hope you at least um... would have me. It's better to sate your lusts on me than some whore or monster... r-right? So... g-get settled and just... consider my offer... A-Aedan."

Aedan had clearly had an effect on the maid as she carefully moved to slip out of the room. It left him alone with the bug and free to explore the ship. The door across the hall had been closed shut as she slipped inside, but it did finally give him time to think. Chasing after Aria could probably net him some romance or sex if he played his cards right, but that wasn't a very productive route. The location of Zephyr was readily identified, however, when a howl-like moan cut through the ship's captain quarters above. It was muffled almost to a whisper, but it was unmistakable as Megumi. The Wolf-Girl was getting fucked again? Maybe going up and meeting with Zephyr could get him answers or at least material to turn on the Atayo swordswoman... but at the same time, who could say what would happen? Setting a trap for Sherry was also a possibility since her room was marked as the one beside his own, but it would likely require picking the lock and getting into her room (Precision). Maybe, however, he could trick her into coming to check on her bug with some tampering to the rune, though a failure would bring her coming no doubt with some serious alertness about her and likely blow up any sort of thing like that (Intel). Of course, trying to talk to her... was an option. But he'd have to ensure he didn't let on that he knew about the bug the whole time (Charisma checks per round)!

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Aedan paused as Aria reach forth to grasp his clothes. Even as she merely dusted them of, he wasn't quite sure what to expect until moments after she kissed his cheek and stepped away with a demure expression.

"I...well...heh, I'm flattered..." He smiled and chuckled, but the man was clearly taken aback. Not in a horrified or even hugely awkward way, but it would have taken a very wild dream indeed for him to even begin imagining everything that led up to this.Most hired guns would probably kill to be in his position all the same, though. "We'll see what the future holds, alright? We're on a voyage to the Center, after all. There's almost no telling what's going to be waiting for us there."

Aedan offered the maid what was intended as a reassuring smile despite his words before she left him to his own devices. Which were considerable, thanks to whatever Sherry was hoping to accomplish with that bug of her's! The marksman stepped outside his chambers for a few moments to contemplate his next move. He did a doubletake when he saw that the steam-wielding sorceress's quarters were literally right next to his own! What?! Was this some twisted coincidence, or proof that the rune of observation was just one part of Sherry's plot against him?

A moan echoed through the ceiling above him loudly enough for the former soldier to hear despite the woman's clear effort to keep it muffled. He even recognized the voice. Megumi...

"Gods, how thin are these walls?" Aedan muttered as he tapped the one just outside Sherry's quarters experimentally. Did she even need that run engraved insect with the way this ship was constructed? It didn't matter. He'd deal with her one way or another. Right now, he had a de-facto employer to meet and a wolf-bitch to troll.

Aedan adjusted his gear with a smile that was slightly more wicked than usual as he made his way up the stairs towards the captain's quarters. The marksmen would have picked out the best vantage point that he could lean against and wait for his prey to emerge. Whether it was the wall next to the door to the captain's quarters or some barrel or furnishing opposite of it didn't really matter. He just wanted to make sure his feigned boredom with waiting for the two lovers to finish would be the first thing either of them saw when they emerged. Maybe he'd even be able to hear a few more juicy howls from the wolf-bitch in the meantime!


Jun 24, 2016
While his plan had been seemingly sound, Aedan could hear things much more clearly at the door. Lewd slaps were likely Zephyr fucking the woman nice and rough would remind the male in him that he lacked a woman in such a way as Zephy had. It was the moans of both man and woman that keyed him in to the end, the door opening after a few moments. Face-down and ass-up, Megumi was visible on the nice quarters' bed. Her tail looked as if it had been pulled a bit, but her extended gut made it clear she hadn't been just filled... but her tongue and distant eyes hinted she's been fucked silly! Zephyr had opened the door, his chest bare and covered in sweat as he smirked.

"There you are Aedan! Sorry for the wait, but I've been really rutting her to ensure we can get her pregnant. Come on in! Sit for a while!"

Turning, he moved in and left the door-wide. The room had a desk, a sofa, and plenty of delicacies a ship captain needed. Turning, he plopped back half-nude with a sigh. The fact he seemed so ready... was it possible Megumi was putting up with him all this time?!

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Aedan listened to the sounds of Zephyr and Megumi's fucking with wry amusement. Oh yeah, this was going to be good. From the sound of things, the wolf-bitch was probably going to have trouble walking straight by the time they finished. He actually kind of hoped she'd take a swing at him once he let her know exactly what he thought of the hypocritical horse shit she was trying to pull on him. The least he could do was show her that this "Ulatahn pervert" had some teeth and a backbone if she insisted on calling him that.

The corners of Aedan's lips curled upward in a wicked smirk as soon as the door opened and he got a good look at Megumi. Perfect. She'd need a bit to be coherent enough for any needling on his part to be appreciated, but he could wait. Zephyr's casual invitation to come on in despite his wife's nude, fucked senseless state did make the former soldier pause and blink in faint surprise. The man hadn't exactly been shy about his sexual adventures or desires where the likes of Lady Ori were concerned but...damn.

It didn't actually stop the marksman from entering the captain's quarters and giving them a quick look over. Zephyr would indeed be traveling in style. Par for the course from what he'd seen of Doria expeditions so far really.

"Thanks. Yeah, Lady Ori seemed rather interested in your future offspring..." Aedan said with a smile as he sat down opposite of the half-dressed man and spared Megumi a quick glance just to see how she was recovering. His tone was clearly a half-hearted attempt to pry a little more information out of Zephyr. The man hadn't been forthcoming yet, and it wasn't really a big issue to the hired gun, but maybe now that Aedan was settled in and had seen some of the complications within Doria Expedition, Zephyr would be more willing to trust him.

"I was able to take a look around. It's a very impressive ship. I couldn't help but notice that Sherry seems to have quarters assigned to her, though..." The marksman sounded incredulous, and not without reason. His personal conflict with Sherry aside, she was the one apparently paying for everything and given how nobility and inheritance could work...well, it would have been nice to figure out whether or not they would be screwed if something happened to her and why she had to personally come along with them to one of the most dangerous places on the island chain.

...Also, it would be much easier to cow the spoiled brat if he could remind her that it wouldn't be any skin off his nose if she were to tragically captured and used as breeding stock by the sea-dwellers.


Jun 24, 2016
"Lady Ori is only part of the reason. Back when I originally dueled with Megumi in her homeland, my conditions were that I'd fuck her whenever I wished. I figured since milady wanted a kid, I might as well cash in all the times I allowed her to talk me down. The Doria are all incredibly gifted with profound libidos after enough sex."

The man shifted in his chair, a bulge shifting to life almost as if to back-up his words. Unlike Aedan who was an average-enough Human in the downstairs part, it looked like Zephyr had opted for magic alteration at one point or another. An outline of a foot-long beast was springing to life down the side of his pant leg, in sight for all but a moment before he shifted and crossed his legs. It was only now that the man could spot Zephyr's left hand bore three magical rings, the runes seeming strange and likely in the Atayo writ. Two silver ones on his pinky and a gold one on his ring finger, possibly indicating that his transformation and abilities were improved by such treasures of these rings.

"I'm glad, however, you noticed Sherry has quarters now. There is... reason for that. Specifically, Lady Ori requested I move her so you would be able to take a job from her. While I'm not a fan of it, she insisted... and when the woman funding our future efforts more so than even Sherry's initial plans for the group asks you to do something you do it."

Carefully looking toward Megumi, his hand moved to brush some of the sweat of his chest as he tried to grasp something. Getting up, he began to idly stretch as the uncomfortable gaze only grew. Walking over and motioning Aedan to follow however, Zephyr had already begun to tug his pants off once more. It wasn't until he'd reached the bed that he'd lowered them enough to slip his dick out, his back turned to Aedan to prevent any unsightly looks at it as he finally moved to put his hands on either side of the wolf-girl's well-proportioned hips. Even in her ahegao-like state, a training or instinct seemed to kick that her distressed tail snapped up and away to reveal a cum-stuffed and almost perfect cunt. She had just enough pussy lips to the gem to contain the semen almost in a lewd line of white that drooled down her legs and to the bed. But that was only visible for a moment, Zephyr blocking the view as he pulled her back and off the side of the bed to rest face-down and with her beautifully-shaped just-plush-enough ass accessible to him. And he didn't wait long, a lewd-moan and grunt from the pair coming only an instant before the lewd smack of their hips signified he'd thrusted fully into her.

"N-Ngh~... Gods be blessed for giving me this woman. I need to get her a ring to keep her t-tight... b-but... right. L-Lady Ori - Megumi, try harder to line up or you're getting spanked! - wants you to take my cousin down a few pegs. With how her father knocked her out of the family, she's not aware that she's just a normal person to most of the royal c-courts now. She wants you f-for taking a shot at her through force, wit, or her own will."

The man delivered a loud spank to the blissfully fucked white-tailed woman's ass before looking back and slamming into her fully as his eyes met with those of Aedan.

"She has asked that I make you a p-partner in both name and more power. You're to become the owner of Sherry if you wish... A-Aria would be included in that, of course, but only if you swore yourself to Lady Ori. It was much like h-how Megumi's lord had upset her long ago when she visited Atayo... s-she sent me back then to best her in a duel and take her so her prior owner would be forced to watch me fuck her against her will. Their culture supports such things, however... and, of course, she ended up coming to terms and loving me once she got over our initial... i-issues. But the point is, you can gain favor with one of the strongest women in Oria if you choose to do this. I'd recommend you consider it... b-but begone! Unless, that is, you want to fuck Megumi with me. Or if you're one of those types who likes to watch."

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Aedan raised a brow ever so slightly. So, the wolf-bitch gave Zephyr the same attitude she'd been giving him before the man was able to force some courtesy out of her? And the Doria really were more than a little sex-crazy? Neither was a tremendous revelation, truth be told, but it was good to know for sure, and a little amusing where Megumi was concerned.

His eyes reflexively glanced over Zephyr as the man shifted, glancing from his cock to the three rings he wore. The latter were where his eyes lingered as the former soldier put two and two together with a slight grin. It was the foreign markings on the package-enhancing jewelry that amused him the most. If they really were from Atayo, then that put a bit of a damper on Megumi's efforts to dismiss all of Ulatahn as the perverted nation. She might have been able to dismiss and even turn rampant fucking she enjoyed with her husband as a point in her favor there, but he couldn't wait to see how she explained the time, craftsmanship, and specialization required to produce those pieces of kinky jewelry.

"So...I'm supposed to take a job from Sherry and see her humbled? I guess they're not technically mutually exclusive..." Aedan leaned back against his seat and rubbed a hand thoughtfully across his chin. He could work with that. Oh, gods could he work with that! Not only would it be okay for him to show Sherry just where she could stuff all that cash of her's if she thought she could do whatever the hell she wanted because of it, but it'd get him at the very least a nod of approval from Lady Ori?

"Does it now?" Aedan's grin couldn't have gotten any larger at Zephyr's remark about Atayon culture. He spared Megumi a quick glance as well. Tragically, the wolf-bitch seemed to still be fucked too silly to comprehend what was happening around her, but that was fine. If he was going to make her regret every sneering comment she'd made so far, he would have preferred to do it on his own rather than by piggybacking off Zephyr's withering glances and shameless candor when it came to their sex life.

"Nah, you have fun. I'll be seeking out some entertainment of my own now..." The marksman's smile barely changed yet somehow there was a predatory quality to it as he made his way out the door. Perhaps that was overstating things just a bit. Truth be told, he could give or take lording over Sherry for the entirety of the expedition. Aedan preferred women with more than a little backbone to them, after all.

Aedan intended to go to his cabin first to collect the rune of observation...and then it would have been time to break into Sherry's. Even if the mage wasn't there, he'd be more than happy to take a look around and wait to give her an unpleasant surprise. The former soldier was more than a little confident in his ability to get the precise work needed to jimmy such a door open in short order...with very good reason.


Jun 24, 2016
("So, Atayo makes cock enhancers?" "No, Zephyr wrote them in their language so he could wear them in foreign courts." "W-Wait... really?")

Leaving behind the once-again moaning Megumi to get fucked into a no-doubt sex-coma, Aedan wouldn't find it hard to make his way out. The blushes, damp spots, and bulges of the various people working on the deck as he'd make his way out made it clear that he was the only one not getting worked up by the sheer rut. As he made his way down and back to his room, the bug would be simple enough to recover. Sherry had yet to arrive and, as he was left in the hall to study the mage's door, he'd feel the presence of magic. Was it possible she was already there? He could take the risk and pick the door and face the consequences of a potentially present Sherry (PRC), try to determine if she really is in her room (INS), or wait for now. (Relationship Option, For Banging A Cowgirl!) Of course, maybe Aria knew a way to get him in... getting her help could prove useful more than any! She'd already begun to rebel against her mistress, so maybe with the promise she'd belong to him after dealing with the disinherited daughter of Doria could net the cowgirl's natural strength, knowledge of the ship, and voice to slip into the woman's quarters and carry out his plan!

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Aedan paused in front of Sherry's door for a quick moment. Getting Aria involved in this was an option, and an intriguing one. It'd take a bit of time to track her down, though, and how sure could he be that she would follow through on a full, possibly violence betrayal of her mistress? Or that the noblewoman didn't put her under arcane observation as well? If it hadn't occurred to Sherry to monitor her Makiore-addicted slave before, what about after she was gleefully raped by the lusty cowgirl thanks to Aedan and his utter rejection of her offers and authority?

Perhaps there was a bit of personal pride in being able to humble the steam mage all on his lonesome too. Not that she was going to pose much of a physical threat if that teleporting trick was the only tool in her arsenal.

The man crouched next to the door and pressed his ear against it for a moment or two. Perhaps he could find out whether or not Sherry was in there and actively moving about so he could plan accordingly. Either way, he was going to be taking his tools to the lock.