Think-tank: Adding new races, TFs and locations to CoC


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
New Races, Transformations and Locations for CoC Mods

Let's talk about potential new races and transformations for CoC mods here and keep the other discussions/threads mostly clean of that.
In this first post I'll only add approaches to implement this in CoC Revamp by Kitteh6660. If a race has matured enough to deserve its own thread, I'll move it there and link to it from here. Well, not really a new thread since I suggest you to start a google doc about this. If you want to use a different Google docs account for CoC, Google actually recommends to register a new one, so you can switch between them.
@Muffdiver884 waded through the forums and compiled a nice list of old and abandoned suggestions: CoC Group Ideas. Maybe we could revive one or the other.
About claws: In this thread I'll only post, how they look like and how the TF could possibly go.
New Additon: Possible new Locations

Trello Card: See here

Ok, nuff talking:

List of potential new races and TFs for CoC:
  • Raptor (TF and race)
    • Possible locations: Forest, Deep Forest, The Plains, The Jungle, Jurassic Forest or Volcanic Crag.
    • Transformation Item: Raptor claw (combat drop)
    • Traits, Perks and Stats
      • STR -5, SPE +20, INT +5~10
    • Perk: Oviposition or Dinosaur Womb
    • Bad End? Maybe raptor TF could lead to a bad end due to overdose. e. g. PC joining a pack and goes out for hunting.
  • T-Rex (TF and race)
    • Possible locations: Forest, Deep Forest, The Plains, The Jungle, Jurassic Forest or Volcanic Crag.
    • Transformation Item: T-Rex blood (combat drop)
    • Transformation:
      • Size gain (taller than minos?)
      • Growth of existing sexual organs (Relative to tallness)
      • Gain Rex tongue (Similar to human tongue but bigger and longer)
      • Predator arms (not the short Rex arms) or ARM_TYPE_TREX (if you really want them shorter)
      • The usual stuff (scales, feet, face, ears and so on)
    • Traits, Perks and Stats
      • STR +25 TOU +15, INT -10, SPE -30 (Rexes are clumsy)
      • Perks: Oviposition or Dinosaur Womb
    • Attacks: Claws, Bite, Lust based attacks (e. g. Tickle, Cuddle, Lick and so on)
    • Gender: Male, Female and Herm (rare)
    • Behavior: Rexes are horny and I mean horny ;) They don't hunt for prey to vore, they hunt for lovers to reproduce or just for the sake of having even more sex. :D
    • Encounters: Gender depends on PCs gender, e. g. Male PC: 80% female / 10% male / 10% herm. Female PC: 80% male / 10% female / 10% herm, Herm PC: 40% Female, 40% Male, 20% herm.
    • Combat: Focuses on lust based attacks (e. g. Cuddle (gently, I mean, they're huge, lolz), Tickle, Lick player or player dick and so on, Stroke player or dick and so on
  • Scorpion (TF and race)
    • Idea: @Ormael, @AnimalGirls
    • Possible locations: The Plains
    • Transformation Item: Scorpion Blood (combat drop)
    • Notes:
      Claw TF would probably TF two of your fingers on each hand to scorpion claws and the remaining three will be human fingers. Maybe with a carapace, similar to spider-morphs and driders.
    • However: I won't add a new skinType, like SKIN_TYPE_CARAPACE, since I see scorps as having carapaced scorpion tail+lower body+arms with the rest being different (maybe normal human skin only, like in mander TF)
    • AnimalGirls has set up a nice Google Docs document about the Scorpion TF.
  • Lamia (TF)
    • Idea: @Stadler
    • Location: Desert (Nagas)
    • Transformation Item: Enh. Snake Oil (Snake Oil enhanced by Lumi. Drop from nagas or present after 'visiting' them)
    • TF may go this way (Not necessarily in that order):
      1. Gain snake hair (meaning hair on head replaced by snake skin, hair growth stops + baldness)
      2. Gain snake skin (lizard skin with different skinDesc and skinAdj, needs us to consider snake skincolors)
      3. Gain snake face
      4. Gain predator arms with lamia (or simply lizard) claws.
    • So basically they would be more powerful nagas (making them stronger aka balance them).
  • Hellhound (TF)
    • Idea: @Stadler
    • Location: Mountains (already ingame)
    • Transformation: e. g. by eating a Black Pepper or another Double Pepper (check, if they already have two dog cocks or two breast rows). Requires midnight black fur, dog face and dog ears. Similar to the hellhound master encounter requirement, but without the corruption requirement I think.
    • How to handle their multiple heads? Thats simple: Don't handle them. The PC would have full control of both heads and both would be of the same gender. Face becomes FACE_HELLHOUND and mainly just adds fluff.
    • Traits, Perks and Stats
      • INT +25 (resulting in +15 INT with INT -10 from dog-morphs) due to the PC having two brains that act, as if they were one.
      • Perks: Slightly more powerful Breath attacks, but no additional Dragonfire attack per day.
    • Bad Ends: Same as Dog-morph bad end or Cerberus bad end slightly modified, since the PC already has two heads and would only gain one more.
  • Centaur, Unicorn and Alicorn (TF)
    • Idea: @Ormael
    • Transformation Items:
      • Unicornum, Alicornum (or just TF with Golden Seed for Harpy Wings and then back to Unicorn, leaving the wings intact.
      • Centaurinum: Variant of Taurinum, TFs lower body to hoofed
    • Traits: Protection from Equinum Overdose Bad End due to their magical horn.
    • Notes: Already ingame, but gaining a unicorn horn can be a pita without debug mode or hacking, so adding a transformative is recommended. Same problem with hoofed lower body (I don't want to lose my vag or my cock)
  • Ant-morph (TF)
    • Idea: @Hades
    • Transformation Item: Obtained through desert exploration or from Phylla
    • Quoting Hades here: "You can develop a character that becomes extremely insect like, similar to Bee-Morphs and Spider-Morphs. A fully developed Ant-Morph PC will have a substantial strength increase (due to ants being able to lift over 10x their weight.) But a slight penalty to toughness and a moderate drop in intelligence."
  • Panda-morph (TF and race)
    • Idea: @Hades
    • Quoting Hades for now: "Ursine specific transformatives have been considerably lacking. This is nitpicking a popular subspecies simply for crowdpleasing, but I'm sure it would be easy to incorporate other ursine-types using the same template a Panda-Morph would use. Item could be found in the Deep Forest as a stalk of checkered bamboo. A Panda-Morph PC would have a large boost to toughness, large penalty to speed, and receive a perk that increases the player's Satiety meter to be increased by 50"
  • Rattlesnake Naga (TF)
    • Idea: @Hades
    • Transformatives: Rattlesnake Oil obtained by:
      • Talking to Rathazul with 1 snake oil and 1 scorpion acid if added.
      • The crafting system using the same ingredients when implemented by Kitteh6660.
    • Transformation includes:
      • Rattle (If PC has lower snake body)[Gives PC a physical special attack, "Rattle". Rattle intimidates the enemy, lowering their attack for the next attack and gives a small chance for them to be paralyzed (Stunned) for 1 turn.]
      • Longer Neck
      • Diamond-Like Eyes
      • Patterns in Scales (If PC has scales)
      • All Snake Oil TF's
    • Non-physical changes include
      • If speed is < 80, then +1-2
      • +2-6 sensitivity
  • Jackrabbit Morph (TF)
    • Idea: @Hades
    • Quote: "Yet another existing racial variant, I actually have the entire existence and encounter already written, yet never approved."
    • Transformative: The item would be called a "Wasteland Flower" (a common consumable for desert jackrabbits) and is only obtainable through desert exploration or the unofficial Canyon area.
    • Physical transformations of Wasteland Flower include
      • Short Coat of Silver/Sandy/Brown Fur.
      • Extremely Long Floppy Ears
      • Long Rabbit Feet
      • Pink Button Nose
    • Non-physical changes include
      • +2-3 speed
      • +.5-1 intelligence
      • -1 toughness
      • +1 libido
      • Chance to go into rut
  • Platypus (TF and race(?))
    • Idea: @Zevos
    • Face: Duck Bill
    • Skin: Fur (Brown)
    • Hands: Platypus (fur, webbed, claws)
    • Legs: Platypus (fur, webbed, claws)
    • Tail: platypus (fur, short)
    • Racial perk: Racially confused: Transformative influences and substances always have one transformative effect, no more, no less. Lost of racial score for any race other then platypus goes above 3.
  • Red-Panda morph (TF and race(?))
    • Idea: @Coalsack
    • Transformative: Ailur Berry, or Ailur Seed (from Ailurus fulgensis, the scientific name of the species) found randomly in the forest, or in the jungle.
    • Perks:
      I'm not good planning perks, so anyone can suggest something for this race. The TF itself could be a bit similar to the raccoon TF.
      A possible perk could be: Adaptation/Adaptability: Removes threshold of lust. That means, no minimum lust for sex scenes, but the threshold remains for rape-actions or the others that require corruption.
    • Physical Transformations:
      • Face: Red-panda muzzle
      • Skin: Russet/Reddish fur with dark brown fur (in the legs and arms)
      • Hair: Russet, brown, dark brown and white colors
      • Arms: Red-Panda (fur, padded hands, short claws)
      • Feet: Red-Panda (fur, padded feet, short claws)
      • Tail: Red-Panda (long, ringed, reddish fur with white rings of fur)
    • Non-physical Transformations:
      • +15 Speed (Not unlike Raccoon-morph) and maaybe +5 Intelligence.
  • Wyvern (TF and race)
    • Idea: @Stadler
    • Transformative: Wyvern blood
    • Location: High Mountains
    • Perks: Oviposition or Wyvern Womb (would replace other Wombs cept Basil Womb, since that one is semi-permanent),
    • Dragonfire Perk: Not removed
    • Stats: STR -0~10, TOU -0~10 SPE +20~30, INT -10~+10 (They could even have a speed bonus only and retain dragon stat bonuses). #
    • Transformation
      • Face: Wyvern (long, toothy maw, longer than lizards)
      • Tongue: Wyvern (optional, keep dragon tongue)
      • Eyes: Wyvern or lizard (basil eyes overwritten? Well, somehow I like the idea of wyverns to be able to use the stare attack or to petrify imps )
      • Ears: Wyvern (optional, pointy ears, not elven ears!) or lizard/dragon ears (dragon ears could add points to dragonScore to keep the dragon stat bonuses)
      • Horns: Wyvern (optional, one pair, longer than draconic) or retain dragon horns and remove others (more points towards dragon stat bonus)
      • Neck: Wyvern, (optional and only if implemented, I don't want to push my neckLength, neckType and neckLocation into CoC Revamp! --> slightly longer (18 inches?), repositioned)
      • Rear Body: Wyvern (optional, See above! --> like spiky dragon mane but new rearBodyType so it doesn't add dragonScore-points)
      • Arms and Wings: Wyvern (TF synchronized since your wings are attached to your arms/fingers, starts with ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR and WING_TYPE_NONE, then for small and large wings)
      • Claws: Wyvern (No wings: CLAW_TYPE_LIZARD)
      • Feet: Wyvern, nuff said
      • Tail: Wyvern, nuff said ;)
    • Notes:
      • Balancing of winged wyvern arms and claws is done though their claw-based combat (Discuss over there)
      • And I repeat: I don't want to push elongated necks and the rearBodyType into CoC Revamp. So there are completely optional and may never be implemented in CoC Revamp.

List of possible new locations:
  • The Jungle
    • Idea: @Stadler
    • Discovered by: Random Exploration, Bog Exploration, Plains Exploration or ?
    • Races: Raptors, T-Rexes and Mantises (@Ormael?)
    • NPCs: ?
    • Places: A new city? Maya temple?
  • Offshore Island
    • Idea: @Stadler
    • Based on: Ark: Survival Evolved
    • Discovered by: Random Exploration, or Beach/Ocean Exploration (New loc?)
    • Races: Dinos, dinos and more dinos xD
    • Note: Possible alternative to crag for dinos
  • The Canyon
    • Idea: @Hades
    • Discovered by: Exploring the desert while level >= 15 and the Desert Cave has been discovered.
    • NPC's: Giacomo, Shiela, +Misc OC's of mine. (This canyon location would move every Shiela encounter from the plains as well as randomly found Kanga Fruit.)
    • Encounters: Jackrabbit Bandit, Vulture Scavenger, Coyote Scout, Coyote Pack, Jackal-Morph, Rattlesnake Naga.
      (I know I haven't defined what Vultures, Jackals, and Coyotes are yet. Typing on my phone is hell.)
    • Races: Kangaroo, Vulture, Coyote, Naga, Jackal.
    • Places: None (Yet)
    • Discovery scene:
      You trek the blazing hot desert sands for what feels like hours. You bow your head to the sun’s cruel heat and sweat profusely. More time passes by while you drag your [ENTRY FOR PC LEGS/FEET] along the desert floor. You pull yourself along the coarse grit hoping to find the trail back to your camp, but you begin to notice something else peculiar.

      Is the ground… harder? You stop for a brief moment and slowly raise your head to observe your new setting. The ground a couple yards ahead of you is much less sandy, but still bone dry. You walk forward some more and notice that the land beyond this point looks more like an outback than a desert. The ground is mostly cracked rock and is littered by small packets of grass and dead shrubbery, but something catches your eye.

      You glare at the end of your obscured vision. The waves of heat prevents you from looking too far, but you’re able to make out a very large ditch of some sort. You rush eagerly to the ditch in hope that there might be some water, but the closer you get to the tredge, the more apparent it becomes that this is no ditch. You stop yourself in your tracks as you realize that the giant crack is an enormous drop off to a river about a kilometer below. You stand there in awe before a quiet disturbance of rubble echoes through the rocks. You know you’re not alone, but it seems you’ve found a new site to be explored!

List of new TF potions for CoC:
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For mantis race you can put as TF item name Blade Grass. Well they are really fast so location that allow for some hidding to then make fast ambush would be fine. Not gave much thought about locations but I think forrest and deep wood would be good place. Plains also would work for some stronger one mantises.

As for scorpion there was someone writing this TF that left link on Revamp trello. Not sure if this person got acc here if yes then would be better to contat him/her and I suppose change who would work on this race to this person. For possible location aside plains could been also desert.

And not forget about unicrons and alicorns :p Unicornum and Alicornum are their TF items I got in my mod. For location I would say to meet them will be for sure Lake (there PC can find equinum) and then some location with enemies around 8-10 lvl (I suppose plains fits this req.) and third area would be...yet unnamed area with enemies using heavy soul skills in fight (call it thematic area for my mod that is in term of levels between blight ridge and glacial rift). Ofc in case of Revamp places for either uni or alicorns would be up to person adding them there.

Other race slight similar to unicorns that may fit with theme of coruption are bicorns: Bicorn - Monster Girl Encyclopedia

Also in some other thread was talk about manticores and lions as base of cat parts of manticores so I suppose we could think over if we should also count as possible new race lions.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
About Unicorns and Alicorns: Somehow they already are in the game although they are quite hard to get. Unicorium would be an idea, since its a pita to gain it through Rhino Steak without debugging.
To become an Alicorn Gain a unicorn horn through unicornium and eat Golden Seeds until gain harpy wings and then TF back to horse-morph (keeping the wings). I think about wings + horn protecting you from the overdose bad end.
Anyway: I'll add them to the list later.
Oh: about Taurinum, Centaurinum and Super Taurinum. Maybe I'll add these recipes to my mod later.
I guess, I'll update my list later including Bicorns.
About Manticores: That wouldn't actually be a new race just a TF, but I'll add them to that list.
And I'll add Lions TF from Enh. Whisker Fruit from Lumi.
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Active Member
May 24, 2016

Through items acquirable from either -

     A.) Desert exploration

     B.) Phylla 

You can develop a character that becomes extremely insect like, similar to Bee-Morphs and Spider-Morphs. A fully developed Ant-Morph PC will have a substantial strength increase (due to ants being able to lift over 10x their weight.) But a slight penalty to toughness and a moderate drop in intelligence. 


Ursine specific transformatives have been considerably lacking. This is nitpicking a popular subspecies simply for crowdpleasing, but I'm sure it would be easy to incorporate other ursine-types using the same template a Panda-Morph would use. Item could be found in the Deep Forest as a stalk of checkered bamboo. A Panda-Morph PC would have a large boost to toughness, large penalty to speed, and receive a perk that increases the player's Satiety meter to be increased by 50.

Side note:

I think more zones should be implemented to help introduce more transformation items and possibly new persistent characters, similar to Behemoth and the Lizan Rouge.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016



I'll add both, when I find the time to do it. :)

Side note:

I think more zones should be implemented to help introduce more transformation items and possibly new persistent characters, similar to Behemoth and the Lizan Rouge.

Good idea. I don't want to fill up existing locations with too many new races. Although this would require to reintroduce pagination to exploration CoC Revamp.
Well I had no problem with pagination in CoC Vanilla so I don't think, this would be game-breaking.

I'll add a section about new locations to the first post and update the threads title, when the first location suggestion comes in here.

[Edit:] how about the jungle? Found through random exploration. With Raptors for starters.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
T-Rex i know that seems dumb but sine there is Raptors

Could you explain a bit more how you expect them to be?
Personally I would make them bigger than normal humans (similar to minos) and horny (like minos). They don't hunt for prey to vore, they hunt for lovers to reproduce or just for the sake of having even more sex ;)
Your opinion? Please share your thoughts.
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Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
Really i like your ideas and there would be T-Rex tribe in the Deepwoods and if the Pc gets near it a Scout would ambush him/her if they win the TF item would be their blood but if they lose they get violently raped or sent to meet their queen to be a slave


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
FOr T-Rex(es) and Raptors there could be some location lokking simialr to jurraisic forrests. Well Something named like...Lost Valley (yeah I know not much orginal) that could be used to put eventualy maybe 1-2 more dino species. I think ancylonosaur species could be added and ofc their main featuers would be bonuses to tou derived from having most of the body covered with tough plates and ofc trademark tail attack dealing heave phys dmg ^^

As for mantises I would say they arms are handels more like on this pic I mean they got quite normal hand with all 5 fingers but from wrist extend this scythe they use to attack. So not much issues between having quite long scythe and having normal hand with all quite normal fingers. Well I think hand could be covered in chitin or smt and figernails only slightly tipped not dealing any significant dmg as using scythe would be way better way to attack someone using their arms so hands would be left to other stuff like precise manipulation of items, holding weapon/shield, using it for 'other' acitvities ;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015

Ursine specific transformatives have been considerably lacking. This is nitpicking a popular subspecies simply for crowdpleasing, but I'm sure it would be easy to incorporate other ursine-types using the same template a Panda-Morph would use. Item could be found in the Deep Forest as a stalk of checkered bamboo. A Panda-Morph PC would have a large boost to toughness, large penalty to speed, and receive a perk that increases the player's Satiety meter to be increased by 50.

Panda-moprs would be for sure thing added someday in Xianxia (some pointed me not some time ago about this animals fits mod theme ^^) Also increasing satiety...yum I like that idea for them.

@MissBlackthorne Hehe for sheep-morphs...they will be a thing when archery ex-pack land at Xianxia (so that at max 3 builds away ^^)

Also speaking of lions... accounting they will be not only effect of simple using TF but actualy race where to pace them? On one of existing places or well take Rucharde unfinished project of Savannah and put them there?

Some thought about dino-species location. Maybe makes it something ike...forrest and deepwood are. So first location would be some like Ancient Jungle (somehow would imply possibility of meeting 'ancient' species) where they are with low chance encountered and then other location found like some valley or smth where they mainly encuntered species.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
So I was thinking about something along the lines of a fish-morph.

Then I realized we have the Sharks.

But while looking around Google images before realizing about the sharks I found this:


(Too cute...)

I was wondering if Otter-Morph TF's were ever added?

I mean we do have Callu as an NPC.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As long someone write this TF for otters we could have them. Even if they not gonna be getting any bonuses or penalties at stat it could be done. Like mods made us lazy and want all races got bonuses, right? But we still got more than few races left in dust without any benefits over giving players feeling of gettingcloser to their fantasy ^^

And as we speak of otter anf other water species I recall someone in Xianxia thread meantioning some water naga or smth like that race. As we got already sharks then maybe add turtle race members aside Venus plus totters and this race I forgot it name atm we got near enough to form some water area (maybe even underwater as PC could have gils so breathing won't be an issue xD )


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Finished updating the first post.

@ThatOneJester I had to recherche for the page of that pic. Please always add a link to the page, where you've found a picture. I don't think, that artists want their pictures to be hotlinked without giving them credit.
@All: Don't just randomly name races without any info. Share your ideas :)

Really i like your ideas and there would be T-Rex tribe in the Deepwoods and if the Pc gets near it a Scout would ambush him/her if they win the TF item would be their blood but if they lose they get violently raped or sent to meet their queen to be a slave

Rexes are solitaire hunters and I doubt, they intend to share their fucktoy with other rexes. ;)
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Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
Finished updating the first post.

@ThatOneJester I had to recherche for the page of that pic. Please always add a link to the page, where you've found a picture. I don't think, that artists want their pictures to be hotlinked without giving them credit.
@All: Don't just randomly name races without any info. Share your ideas :)

Rexes are solitaire hunters and I doubt, they intend to share their fucktoy with other rexes. ;)



Active Member
May 24, 2016
Rattlesnake Naga;

Rattlesnake Oil, an additional transformational obtainable from -

     A.) Talking to Rathazul with 1 snake oil and 1 scorpion acid if added.

     B.) The crafting system using the same ingredients when implemented by Kitteh6660.

Physical transformations of Rattlesnake Oil include -

* Rattle (If PC has lower snake body)[Gives PC a physical special attack, "Rattle". Rattle intimidates the enemy, lowering their attack for the next attack and gives a small chance for them to be paralyzed (Stunned) for 1 turn.]

* Longer Neck

* Diamond-Like Eyes

* Patterns in Scales (If PC has scales)

* All Snake Oil TF's

Non-physical changes include -

* If speed is < 80, then +1-2

* +2-6 sensitivity

Jackrabbit Morph;

Yet another existing racial variant, I actually have the entire existence and encounter already written, yet never approved. The item would be called a "Wasteland Flower" (a common consumable for desert jackrabbits) and is only obtainable through desert exploration or the unofficial Canyon area. 

Physical transformations of Wasteland Flower include -

* Short Coat of Silver/Sandy/Brown Fur.

* Extremely Long Floppy Ears

* Long Rabbit Feet

* Pink Button Nose

Non-physical changes include -

* +2-3 speed

* +.5-1 intelligence 

* -1 toughness

* +1 libido

* Chance to go into rut
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016

Face: Duck Bill

skinFurScales:  Fur (Brown)

Hands:  Platypus (fur, webbed, claws)

Legs: Platypus (fur, webbed, claws)

tail: platypus (fur, short)

Racial perk; Racially confused: Transformative influences and substances always have one transformative effect, no more, no less.  Lost of racial score for any race other then platypus goes above 3. 
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Active Member
May 24, 2016
This is from my personal document regarding the zone I spoke of in my second post, the Canyon. -

The Canyon

Idea: Hades

Discovered by: Exploring the desert while level >= 15 and the Desert Cave has been discovered.

NPC's: Giacomo, Shiela, +Misc OC's of mine. (This canyon location would move every Shiela encounter from the plains as well as randomly found Kanga Fruit.)

Encounters: Jackrabbit Bandit, Vulture Scavenger, Coyote Scout, Coyote Pack, Jackal-Morph, Rattlesnake Naga.

(I know I haven't defined what Vultures, Jackals, and Coyotes are yet. Typing on my phone is hell.)

Races: Kangaroo, Vulture, Coyote, Naga, Jackal.

Places: None (Yet)

Notes: I already wrote the discovery scene:

You trek the blazing hot desert sands for what feels like hours. You bow your head to the sun’s cruel heat and sweat profusely. More time passes by while you drag your [ENTRY FOR PC LEGS/FEET] along the desert floor. You pull yourself along the coarse grit hoping to find the trail back to your camp, but you begin to notice something else peculiar.

Is the ground… harder? You stop for a brief moment and slowly raise your head to observe your new setting. The ground a couple yards ahead of you is much less sandy, but still bone dry. You walk forward some more and notice that the land beyond this point looks more like an outback than a desert. The ground is mostly cracked rock and is littered by small packets of grass and dead shrubbery, but something catches your eye.

You glare at the end of your obscured vision. The waves of heat prevents you from looking too far, but you’re able to make out a very large ditch of some sort. You rush eagerly to the ditch in hope that there might be some water, but the closer you get to the tredge, the more apparent it becomes that this is no ditch. You stop yourself in your tracks as you realize that the giant crack is an enormous drop off to a river about a kilometer below. You stand there in awe before a quiet disturbance of rubble echoes through the rocks. You know you’re not alone, but it seems you’ve found a new site to be explored!

You've discovered the Canyon!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Another racial idea

Red-Panda morph

-Face:  Red-panda muzzle

-Skin: Russet/Reddish fur with dark brown fur (in the legs and arms)

-Hair: Russet, brown, dark brown and white colors

-Arms: Red-Panda (fur, padded hands, short claws)

-Feet: Red-Panda (fur, padded feet, short claws)

-Tail: Red-Pada (long, ringed, reddish fur with white rings of fur)

+15 Speed (Not unlike Raccoon-morph) and maaybe +5 Inteligence.

I'm not good planning perks, so anyone can suggest something for this race. The TF itself cound be a bit similar to the raccoon TF.

A possible perk could be:

Adaptation/Adaptability: Removes treshold of lust. That means, no minimum lust for sex scenes, but the treshold remains for rape-actions or the others that require corruption.

 Item: Ailur Berry, or Ailur Seed (from Ailurus fulgensis, the scientific name of the species) found randomly in the forest, or in the jungle.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
One poster in my mod thread meantioned crane race...well aside it would prolly needed to deal with beak things it could be some good ocassion for your longer than usual neck case @Stadler so not only dragons could use it by then. Also about Bicorns I think for sure as they corrupted version of unicorns (due to lore on encyclpedia page it would req. slight changes to not make most of male PC's turning any meet unicron into bicorn). As for location I think Blght Ridge would fit them (that location I got added in Xianxia mod - technicaly place where PC can find imps, succubi, incubi, omnicubi aka all demonic and really corrupted enemies)

TF item from them would be probably Bicornum and aside typical unicorn Tf effeect will be giving PC twin horn (new type of horns) plus ofc corruption gain after each use.

Using fact it's about new races and to lesser degree places thread I want to ask you all fellow posters: what name you would propose for location mostly filled with water or totaly underwater? It would be place where PC will need to have some way to breath underwater to explore.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Nice suggestions. I'll add them later.

My approach to feet and hands with webbings would probably be to following:

  • For arms with webbings between the fingers and no claws: new ARM_TYPE_AQUATIC or for special cases: ARM_TYPE_RACEXYZ.
  • For arms with webbings between the fingers and with claws: new race specific armtype (ARM_TYPE_RACEXYZ) and claw being set to CLAW_TYPE_RACEXYZ.
    The arms would count as predator arms unless their claws are useless in combat.
    In the latter case the clawType would simply revert to CLAW_TYPE_NORMAL (human) and the claws would be hardcoded in the arms description in the player appearance tab.
  • For feet with webbings between their elongated(!) toes and no claws: new LOWER_BODY_TYPE_AQUATIC or for special cases: LOWER_BODY_TYPE_RACEXYZ.
  • For feet with webbings between their toes (elongated or not doesn't matter here) and claws: LOWER_BODY_TYPE_RACEXYZ
  • In the TF descriptions I'd suggest to revert arms, fingers and claws back to human with fingernails and then they grow webbings and new claws if any.

In short: I won't modify ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR to take webbings into account, since this would be quite a pita to code and to take care of. And for the same reason: no feetClawType because managing transitions between every lowerBody type would be a pita at its finest and just uselessly bloat. Writing a method aka function to handle this won't be much better, since you have to handle every or at least most lowerBody's TFing from one to another. This would result in up to 24*23=552 possible permutations (Not counting the deprecated centaur lower body).

One poster in my mod thread meantioned crane race...well aside it would prolly needed to deal with beak things it could be some good ocassion for your longer than usual neck case @Stadler so not only dragons could use it by then.

Actually I'm considering to add the prop neckPosition (false: default, normal 'human' position and true: at the backside) to my Dragon Mod later. I'll probably add basilisks and dracolisks as a subrace of lizans to the list later and I'm considering to grant dracolisks elongated necks with their necks being repositioned. In other words: Wait, till I'll add those to the list above.

PS: Please bear with me, since I'm working on RC4 of my Mod (no patch anymore) and plan to file some PRs for CoC Revamp later.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ohh speaking of arms...I was recently thinking of giving shark-morphs specific arm type. Well mostly difference would be that they got fin somewhere on forearm or well at the elbow attatched and rest of arm would be hmmm normal one or quite similar to this of the human one. Sadly shark morphs got so hard to been attained with quite limited choices of body parts specificaly tied up to them. Some features they only get by combining at least 2 things to count toward they score :/

EDIT: Heh I was wondering when you will emantione basilisks and dracolisks :p
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For aquatic race would it be possibel to add idea from this post made at xianxia thread?


Also when I was emantioning shard arms I was thinking something along lins fot hsi monster girl above arms ^^
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Heh well if not Kitteh getting over to plant Tf in next 4-6 weeks I would probably be the one to do this since it's long promised TF item in next batch of TF items I will add. But yeah it should be also added here. Location to find those npc would be obvious  aside Hilli both corrupted and pure version possible giving it (well there isn't pure Holli version but I intend to add such along with plant TF).
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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2016
I played world of warcraft a lot sooo... draenei? (hooved+tailed+horned+no fur = me very happy). And they already mastered dimensional travel so they don't even need a portal to reach mareth in a first place.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
I've played WoW too and I'm quite sure, that Draenei are trademarked by Blizzard.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well so they technicaly would be something like furless cows and minoses at least as I see dwagon choice of body parts for them. Plus I think they usualy got not typical human color of skins usualy having...err demon fav type of skin color...hum suspicious how mareth demons and draenei could be the same if we well take out demons wings and both genders had hoofed legs instead of clawes/high heel ones xD
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