The Golden Venture (RP/IC Thread)


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Raising an eyebrow at the tentacle mans request, Katyusha chuckled. "This is very strange way to water a garden... but you are very convincing man, so I will help you." Slowly removing her armor and setting it by a tree at the edge of the glade, she took a moment to stretch and Hague the tentacle mans response to her acceptance. Carefully stepping into the glade, she continued, "I can step into garden, yes? How would you like to... Water the garden, then?"


Jun 24, 2016
Standing still as she stripped, the prick oozed what seemed like pre-cum in just the anticipation. The stuff appeared far more slime-like, however, as it seemed to hang off his cock for a few moments before one tentacle began to stroke and use the substance to lube up the rod. The first step had induced some worry in the monster-man, but he'd finally nod.

"It is... a-an old way. M-My monster-kin would abduct men and women alike to use their fluids for the garden... raping them. I couldn't do such a thing... all I ask is that you let me pump you full of my fluids to enrich your own. We shall create the mixture to water it... from our pleasure and your climax. It's imperative, because of that, you hold on as long as you can while taking as much as you can."

Tentacles left the cluster on his back, two of them snaking slowly and clearly in her gaze as the brushed over the outside of her legs. Two more moved as he came closer and placed either hand upon the taller woman's tits, the thumbs gently rubbing her nipples as he met her gaze. The two upper-snaking tentacles moved behind her back, gently wrapping around her. A monster would have used the distance to wrestle their prey to the ground... but as she'd feel the prick slide between her legs, it was clear that this was simply a being who appeared monstrous. The tentacles brushed and rubbed over her beautiful skin as if they were trying to study her, their texture just wet enough to induce something different than skin. They didn't trail slime upon her, but they had the sensation of it as he began walking them back into the glade. It was only as he did so that she would see the flower she had been looking for was different because it was positioned in the center of a glade.

"I-I will be leaving my g-garden soon... l-looking for a home... the f-fat man has made promises but I do not trust him... my Garden knows this and will disperse its seeds through the air soon... the more you give me, beautiful one, the more seeds they shall release... but this flower is special... if you would help me, I shall let you take any flower including it... but if you wish to have it, I ask that you let me come with you... my precious garden will not be nearly as important as that flower shall become. Not to just me... but to you."


The scout was quiet as Helwen approached, slowing her attempts in a mix of shame initially. However, as the healer turned and began to clean herself as if nothing happened, it drew a confused look from Jen. It took many moments, the weak woman's attempts stopping as her breathing returned to normal. Her eyes transfixed on the nice derriere of the other woman, she'd finally bite her lip. The sound of the water shifting was the only sort of warning that the healer had, the scout's arms wrapping around her waist and her being pulled up against something. That something, of course, was Jen's face burying against the plump rear. No words came, the scout's strength just enough to firmly hold the woman still as she turned and pulled Helwen with her weight. Even weakened, the woman's pull was enough to put the naked healer against the rock and give Jen a better angle on her prize. Specifically, the tight cunt of the holy woman. And the first thing she did was buried her face against it, lowering just enough to lick at her clit ever so gently.

"You tease... I-I'm too horny to nngh~... care a-anymore! I'll make you enjoy it, so just hold still and watch for monsters. Aralisk has shown me favor giving you an ass like this..."


The arrival of the said-orcs was no doubt impending. It'd take all but a minute and a great stride as Otto moved up and into the tree, the vial vanishing as the ranger reached the very cluster of branches that hid Kate. How he had got up so quietly with his large bow was nothing but a bizarre miracle, but he didn't seem readying himself to fire. Instead, he moved a hand to clasp the bolt on the woman's weapon.

"No. You don't kill any of them."

His eyes were stern, resting the bow ever so slightly in the branches. There'd be a bizarre lack of scent on Otto, no doubt partly why the ranger had no doubt been hunting the orcs so openly. His eyes turned toward the group of orcs just as they'd enter the clearing, each of them sniffing and looking about as they walked quietly to the campfire. Initially, only three walked into the clearing... but then two more came out with chains over their shoulders tugging along what looked like a cart. Within the cart, nude girls and girly boys were contained. The smell of spunk and sweat was all it took to tell that these were the playthings of the orcs. The weaponry the sex-focused monsters carried was that of wooden spears... but as the cart came up a single orc alone towered at an astounding foot over the others. Almost nine feet tall, the orc's body was covered in crude steel plate. As the others laughed and cheered, Otto would lean closer and whisper against the hood of the other marksman.

"If we kill them here, we won't find their den... finding their den is the only-... way to save others like that. These aren't smart monsters... and if we were to try and take these six, even by surprise, we would be found and captured. And unless you like becoming breeding stock, you'll think twice. Talk quietly and-.... only when they do. The smoke you released will ensure they don't find us for now.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
Kate unloads the crossbow and turns to whisper to Otto. "I dont see how we can follow them though, you might be masking your scent but i was banking on the smoke to cover my own." Kate licks a finger and holds it in the air, a small smile coming across her face. "Looks like its our lucky day, the wind's blowing towards us." Kate leans back against the tree, checking over her crossbow, satisfied she puts it on her back and whispers to Otto. "So let's hear that plan, you're gonna have to be quick, sooner or later they're going to leave."

Kate silently moves to the branch next to Otto so they can talk more quietly. "I really didnt want to use an explosive bolt but it looks like the only way to take that guy down." She motions to the large orc in crude armour. "Never seen that one before, only ever been small fry coming through the clearing. I guess those slaves are important enough for some major protection." She sighs, leaning back against the tree and taking a drink of water from a small hip flask, also emblazoned with the Aravarsian Democracy military crest. "I hope they move out soon, don't know how long this wind is gonna hold up and we wont get a chance like this again." She looks into Ottos eyes, looking unsure. "I'm gonna trust you with this plan of yours, dont betray that trust."
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Helwen tried to push the scout from her tight, but when her arms met the scout shoulder she met significant force. Helwen knew she could easily brush away the scout, she was so weak from her wounds. But her arm refused to move her a single inch. Than she started to hear a voice. She knew this voice . Sometime the voice was murmuring in her head, too quietly for the young maiden to hear anything comprehensible. This voice has been speaking to her since she was a child. Sometime speaking to her each day for a week, sometime she could not her the voice for months. She was never preoccupied by the voice as it was so quiet. Last time she heard the voice was six month ago, when she left the cloister. "Give in..." the voice murmured.

"Give in, give in, give in..." Each time it was louder than the last one, and was following the rhythm of the scout tongue on Helwen small clit. Helwen put even more force on the scout shoulder, she could even see her vein coming out of her arm as she was pushing, but even so, the scout was still unaffected. "Give in! Give in! Give in!" Now the voice was shouting so loud Helwen head was hurting. Her arm were shaking as she was trying to push Jen away but still without result. "GIVE IN!, GIVE IN!, GIVE IN!" The voice started to lose breath but Helwen will was breaking.

Then the voice shouted with was remaining of her strength, and the maiden willpower broke. Her left arm moving to firmly grasp the large rock behind her, and her right arm on Jen head pushing her against her virgin cunt. "I hope no monster is around..." she murmured before closing her eyes and raising her head in total ecstasy. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Leaning in close Katyusha gently chided the tentacle man, "Shhhhhh, this is enough of business for now. We will talk after we have our fun..." Kissing him lightly on the nose her hand drifted to his shaft and she gently nudged his tentacles away, taking it in her own hand and slowly stroking it. Blushing at the absurdity of the situation she found herself in, not to mention thoroughly aroused by her partners exotic nature, she whispered in his ear, "So, how will we do this? Should I climb up onto you," she kissed his cheek and grinned, "or will my new friend climb up onto me and rut me like beast." She punctuated her sentence by passionately kissing her partner on the lips, holding him close and using the hand that was stroking him to line his odd shaft up with her slit.


Jun 24, 2016
It hadn't taken much effort to remove the tentacles from the monsterman's prick, it pulsing ever so slightly in her grasp. No blush came as he'd meet the kiss. The hands on her teats moved away and grabbed her hips. The soft grasp of tentacles around her forearms and legs gave her the answer as he pulled the woman from him and held her in-front of him on display. More and more the cluster seemed to open up, small and thick tentacles alike moving around him to keep her busy as he slowly circled behind her. Small ones rubbed at her nipples and clit gently, medium-sized ones about an inch-wide brushed along her spreading the slime-like sensation over her body, and the largest ones moved to circle both the breasts and slide between her legs. Once positioned against her gash, with the binding tentacles slowly bending her over and parting her legs in a display of strength as he held her off the ground, the slimy and large tentacle began pushing against her entrance and sliding back and forth to stimulate the entirety of her cunny's outside.

"For being willing... I will ensure you enjoy everything. Don't worry about bearing a child... my kind do not reproduce using a womb..."

Moving the short distance and adjusting her to be suspended just in-front of him, he'd begin lightly working her exposed asscheeks in either hand. Kneading them as if they were his personal possessions, he'd push her lightly down and allow his prick to slide up and above the thick tentacle stimulating her, running it in lengthy rocks of his hips. When he'd push forward, the head would ever so lightly bump against her anal opening before sliding his shaft smoothy along it and between the cheeks. Drawing back would allow him angle himself once more and deliver a teasing and far more direct wiggle against her opening.

"Kuuuh~... using either hole shall satisfy me... perhaps I will use both of them. What do you think, strong one?"


While she hadn't lost notice of the initial struggle, Jen had no reason to speak. The internal struggle hadn't changed her goal as she licked along the pussy before her. Despite her lack of using Gaia, she knew how to handle a woman bound up as tight as Helwen while as horny as she personally was. The lust coursing through her body was almost like adrenaline as it fueled the weakened woman to finally focus on Helwen's clit. Albeit brief, she'd kiss the button and then press against it in a sucking smooch, popping away as she smiled.

"The only monster is me... and I'm going to eat you up!"

Sliding a finger up the back of Helwen's right leg, she'd end the trailing movement with a spank on the hearty ass. She'd press her lips up against the inexperienced woman's lower mouth and finally push a tongue inside her experimentally. But rather than make her assault basic, she'd bring both of the hands together to clap against the ass more thoroughly. The left hand tugged the left cheek aside just a bit, her gaze looking up from her muff-dive to ensure she'd start pushing up against Helwen's virginal backdoor with her right pointer finger. The scout's nails were cleanly cut, allowing her to tease the other hole as she tried to memorize the taste of the healer's cunt.


"You don't kill the ant when you want to get rid of them. You follow them to their queen."

Otto's eyes turned toward the orcs below, the trio spreading out and sniffing about and examining the campsite. The two nearest the cart turned to laugh and mess with their captives with shakes of the caged cart. The armored one was barking in some unknown tribal language to the trio as they wandered, clearly all of them looking for anything at all. A crack of wood could be heard as one of the orcs stomped on a branch in some display of instinct. It was a lengthy period of examination that made one thing clear: the chains not being sat down meant this group wasn't going to stay. The armored one began barking orders as the group reformed near the chain-bearing duo, just in time for Otto to speak.

"The one in armor... it knows where their den is. Put your explosive bolt in the ground and disrupt the five."

The man shifted the bow deliberately but slowly through the branches, the sure path and expertise of a brush-sniper obvious as he finally steadied the bow. Even sitting in the branch as he was, with a few branches nearby, Otto had little problem recovering one of his much larger arrows. As he'd draw it back and aim, the pacing armored man seemingly impervious, it was clear why he was going to fire. The end of the arrow had a single magical rune for lightning.

"You fire first. When he turns... I'll put it into the leather padding between his guantlet and pauldron... it'll stun him for a few minutes so we can take care of the others and chain him up. We take him alive, we get the information to find the den. Those people will pay you a lot more if you bring back the head of a chieftain that has plagued many towns rather than a few heads of weaklings. I put down more than enough rebellions to know what inspires the people the most..."


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
"I hope you're right about this." Kate reaches inside her coat, counting the number of explosive bolts before pulling one out and loading it into the crossbow, she pulls the string back and rests a finger on the trigger. "Luckily those cages are going to be far enough away from the blast, could've been a heck of a lot more messy otherwise. Ok, here goes nothing" Kate reaches inside her tunic and pulls out a aging and battered silver necklace and locket, she opens it, taking a brief look at a picture of a young girl with long white hair and brilliant blue eyes before closing it. She breathes out as she takes aim at the center of the group and pulls the trigger, runes along the length of the metal bolt glow orange as she fires the bolt, the bolt leaving a faint orange trail behind it as it flies.

The bolt impacts the ground in the middle of the group, a near direct hit on two of the orcs and causing damage to the other three smaller ones. "I'll deal with these assholes, you take the big guy." With that Kate loads a normal bolt into her crossbow and drops out of the tree, giving the orcs little time to react as she rolls to a kneeling position, quickly taking aim at one of the three less injured orcs and sending a bolt through its eye, the pointed head sticking out the back of its skull. Kate quickly loads another bolt, sending it into the arm of another orc before running to another tree in the clearing, climbing it and reloading her crossbow, waiting to see which orcs are left after the dust clears.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Ahhh... Yes!" The maiden moan were loud. All the inhabitants of the forest knew what was happening in the river at this point. "She is teasing my anus...And I am asking her to continue... It's wrong... But it feels so good..."She said in her head. With her left hand she brushed away Jen head and turned around. Placing both hand on the large rock in front of her and arching her back so her virgin ass was at the level of Jen mouth. "Con... Continue... pl... please..." Helwen breath was short.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
(Sorry to be so brief; busy irl but I didn't want to leave everyone else out to dry)

Katyusha shivered in anticipation as the tentacles rubbed themselves all over her. It was the strangest, most fantastic foreplay she had ever been blessed with she thought and if the man wanted to come with her then he was certainly welcome to.

Moaning, she looked back over her shoulder "Strong one likes your idea, s-she likes it very much." Quivering in the grip of the man's tentacles, she was dying to find out what they would feel like inside her.


Jun 24, 2016
With his prick nestling against her backdoor, the tentacle man could only smile at her response. Squeezing his grip, his tentacles would slowly move her arms and pull them tight against her sides while lowering her even further. She'd feel the softness of the inner glade's grass on her knees, the tentacles bending her over face-down ass-up before her lover. His hands moved to her lower back as he climbed gently over her back and pinned her ever so lightly beneath him. There wasn't any further teasing, sinking slowly into her backdoor with a smile and the tentacle that had been brushing against her would ever so gently push just the end of it within her cunt's opening and holding there for a brief moment before popping out. It was clear he had considerable control to pin her down and fuck her in the ass while the tentacles continued their work on her body.

"Good... I-I will use you well... e-enjoy this as much as I intend to..."


Jen spanked the naughty, twisting girl ever so lightly on the ass. It was clear she hadn't enjoyed having her object of sexual fun get pulled away, but with Helwen's ass presented to her she put on a devious smirk. She'd move the finger to its entrance once more and slip inside, gently moving to lightly kiss and gnaw on the plump ass. Despite her flat chest and talk of the Gods as if she was a proper student of faith, the scout's ass-nibbling would strike the inexperience woman to the core while she began slipping her finger deeper within the virginal entrance. It would take a few gnaws more before she'd pull away lower into the water and beneath the finger-filled backdoor to the pussy from before, pushing her face against it without any regard for the woman bent over the rock. She wasn't tending to her own needs yet, simply too carried away in the moment of making the innocent woman practically begging for more.


"Whazzit 'den!? Get up an' fight for the holes!"

The armored orc had turned in the confusion and spoke aloud with an uncomfortable amount of self-control, watching the scene with Kate as he pulled free a vial. He'd thrown it ahead and almost directly at the girl, the vial shaking mid-flight and shattering. The liquid flew all about, some of it dotting her across parts of her just-barely uncovered body. By the time she had made it to the tree, tingling through her body had hinted at a lust-inducing concoction of some sort. But the commander of the orcs, as he prepared to bark orders and reveal her as he had seemingly traced her location, a twang more than loud enough to be heard from her distance could be heard, an arrow catching him between the armor on his arm and pinning the orc to the cart. He looked toward Otto's direction, the marksman already drawing another arrow, only for a brief moment before the arrow activated its rune-like charge. Magical electricity tore across his body, the orc yelling loudly and half-collapsing with his body giving out.

"He's done for now..."

The two orcs that had been hit by the brunt of the woman's explosive bolt had stayed down, another slain in the chaos as she tried to change position. She'd already injured one of them, the best yelling and charging after her. The other one was pulling free a fist-sized rock that was no doubt intended to be thrown at the woman. But only mere moments after firing the first arrow, as the orc fully rose and drew his arm back, a large arrow pierce through his shoulder going down through his upper torso. Slain instantly as he fell and left only the orc rushing Kate, Otto turned his gaze with a hint of curiosity. She had a lengthy reload she was still going through by the time the orc found her and was preparing to throw his cleaver. Sliding an arrow into place, the mercenary was content to watch and see just how skilled she was... with no clue of what she had been hit with as she ran earlier.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
Kate gasps as the strange fluid hit her exposed hands, forearms and face, the potion having an immediate effect. "OH.... fuck, fuck, fuck." Her pussy gets wet and her nipples harden as her body heats up, something she had only experienced rarely before. "Otto, they got me with some kind of potion, i cant think straight!" She shouts, only noticing the Orc as he throws the cleaver. "Oh fuck!" She tries to load a bolt but fumbles and drops it to the ground, then she quickly pulls her short sword out, hitting the cleaver and sending it spinning off into the undergrowth.

The quick action sends her backwards off the branch, landing on the ground and she lays there for a few seconds to regain herself, thankfully with no more serious injury than a bruise. Her crossbow lies a good five meters away but she still has the sword in her hand, not that it is much use in a one on one with the orc that is much more skilled at close range combat. She pants as she holds the sword up, getting to her feet and backing away towards Otto while facing the orc, fighting off the arousal for now.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
With each slap on the ass Helwen was moaning, clearly enjoying it. "Sor-Sorry m-my fa-father, f-for my... Si-Ahh! Sin. Plea-Please don't puni... Punishe me" Helwen was visibly struggling to keep her focus on the situation. Her small white ass was turning red from the spanking as was her face from the arousal. "I know why people commit sin all the time, it feels so good"  She said in her head, while her right hand was back on her small nipple toying with them.


Jun 24, 2016
(Moving on for now =3=b)

Jen looked up from between the now rosy cheeks, the wounded woman pushing her tongue nice and deep for a few moments more. She'd worked the girl up as much as she needed, sinking the finger to the knuckle within her virginal backdoor before pulling it free and shaking the hand within the water. She'd had her fun stimulating Helwen, carefully standing up and taking hold of her hips to turn the innocent lust-driven healer to face her. Jen's entire body was on display, her pussy soaked with both water and her girly fluids alike. She'd move her hands to Helwen's shoulders, the two girls roughly the same size and meeting her eyes with a lustful and girl-cum slathered gaze.

"O-On... your knees. I-If you don't try your hardest to eat me out with that tongue of yours... I'll have to punish you."

It was clear from her partial embarrassment that the dominating gal wasn't used to speaking in this manner, but her cunt was doing all the talking as she'd slide her hands to massage Helwen's palm-filling tits. Were she able it was likely she'd have pushed their chests together and made out with her, but the wounds upon her chest ensured that wasn't something she could do...


The orc smirked, stalking ever closer with one hand moving to pull free a steel dagger. It was more than likely he was going to beat her, the thoughts of being bred by the big and strong orc starting to appear within her mind. The orcs had been known back in their primitive years to employ breaking potions, tools that when used could make even the strongest willed women likely to break with the right pressuring. Inhibitions began flying out the window as Kate would feel her body betraying her by the moment with each step. The orc had reached out toward her pair of concealed tits without fear, the smirk on its face lasting all but a single moment. An arrow whistled as it sailed in, the sheer length of the arrow allowing it to stick through the monster's thick chest.  It momentarily stagged, looking toward the way it came with uncertainty. The arrow had pierced but hadn't hit anything vital. Another arrow whistled from the trees and stuck the orc through the hand holding its knife, the creature raising it quickly in confusion. It had started to turn and run, but a final arrow whistled into its back and out the front almost dead center in its hide. The orc fell to the ground with a loud thump, Otto moving and dropping from the branches with some considerable grace.

"Sloppy... one could believe you were hoping the orc would have its way with you. I suppose you gave me target practice, though... I know where to shoot them besides the head if I want to kill them."


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"I cannot, that would make me break my vow..." but as soon as she saw Jen pussy she could not resist and got on her knee and started to clumsily finger Jen pussy. After two or three minutes she could no longer resist the display. She took her finger out of Jen pussy and started to lick them. " What am I doing..." She said in her head. When her finger were clean she started to gently kiss Jen pussy. After a couple of kiss the young maiden was just eating out the scout. Then she raised her head to look in the scout eyes, seeking feedback on her performance.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
"Nnnghhh, what the does that even mean?" Although she had felt the feeling inside her before, like when she found one of the younger knights in her company in an open air bath completely naked, it had never been this intense and she had always been able to fight it off, but this is a battle she is rapidly losing. She kneels on the ground, curling up into a ball and starts to sob, scared of the weird feeling. "W....what's happening to me Otto?!" She grows more distressed as the potions effects grow stronger, trying and failing to fight off the alien sensation. 


Jun 24, 2016
Despite her injuries, Jen moaned and held herself up as her cunt was fingered and then licked by the innocent but crumbling healer. With a grunt, she'd push her cunt against the girl's mouth and take her head gently in both hands to keep Helwen smelling the girl-fluids and licking the pussy properly.

"N-ngah~... if only I were one of the guys... k-keep... g-going..."

Leaning forward, she'd pin the healer to the Rock and ever so gently angle the wet and ready womanhood to lewdly run back and grind the gal's face. The pressure and pinning meant Helwen got to taste up and down the tight entrance and had her face practically slathered.


Otto lowered to the ground, putting his weapon down beside Kate. But rather than wait or speak up, he slips behind her and pushes her into her hands and knees. The bow-user quietly held her down with his right hand while the left took hold of the clothes covering her nice rump and pulled them down. Some of the Orc slaves looked over, the carnage of their captors nowhere near as fun to care for as this. The marksman would push her panties aside to gently rub her womanly entrance.

"Your body wants fun... which means you other hold still so I can do it or you get a slave or orc to plug your ass. Up to you. Orcs use this stuff so they can rut through a virgin's making you cum is vital. Just remain calm..."


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
"W.....what do you think you're doinnnnnnggghhh!" She moans as her virgin entrance is rubbed, the effects of the potion and her inexperience with the pleasure almost too much to handle for the young woman. She closes her eyes and bites her bottom lip, hands grapping hold of clumps of grass as she surrenders to the pleasure, too weak to protest even if her body would let her.

"I've never done anything there before.... fuuuu.... it feels too good!" She shakes her nice tight ass, liquid running down the inside of her thighs. She kicks her legwear to the side, a pair of comfortable brown leather leggings, although they show off her toned legs she wears them for ease of movement rather than sex appeal.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
(From now on things written in Italic are thought of Helwen and not actual things she says. I was running out of original synonym for thinking :(  )

Even if it was her first time licking a pussy she rapidly got the hang of it, like some sort of natural talent, and she definitely enjoyed all of it. The scout was definitely enjoying it. "what would the girl back at the cloister would say seeing me like this. Committing sin and liking it, even asking for more?" The breath of the scout was becoming a lot shorter, her climax was near for sure and Helwen was doing her best to pleasure her. "I hope nobody has seen us, I don't want to be seen as a cheap whore or worse a sex slave" 


Jun 24, 2016
"G-Good... good work, h-healer..."

Jen's right hand gently took a fistful of Helwen's hair, her left moving to grab at her bandage-covered flat chest. She'd ride the healer harder and harder, her cunt practically leaking by as her breaths grew short and her hand moved to grab her own dyed-hair. One powerful rock of her hips gave the innocent pussy-eater her best taste-test yet, her body shaking as she took a firm grip of the hair and brought her head back. Her moan was loud enough to disturb the glade they were in, her cunt splattering the tongue and mouth that had been attending to the scout. She collapsed forward and over Helwen rather quickly, panting and resting on one arm weakly to avoid having collapsed onto her wounded chest.

"H-Ha~... haaaaa~... s-so... good... m-more!"

The wiggling of her hips was almost an identifier to the religious gal that she wasn't satisfied even after the body-quaking and cunt-soaking orgasm. Just how pent up was she!?


"If I'd had a dick still," Otto said while rubbing his finger up and down her soaking cunt, "Then you could really learn how it feels to be a woman. Those potions might be the work of monsters, but even a man from Reisig can respect its uses. I drank one of them back when I was the rangers and fucked my way clear across monster territory and ended a small war with a tribe of minotaurs..."

Placing one arm and hand over her waist and clasping her hip to hold her still, he'd focus on rubbing and teasing her clit without even the slightest of blushes. The aroused woman was someone he was helping, after all, and nothing more. After a few brushes, however, she'd hear shuffling as he pulled free something in plain view of her. From his back, he'd pulled free a seven-inch long and two-inch wide dildo with remarkable detail to its cuts that would make any slut jealous.

"I had this made for one of my girlfriends... it's about as big as I was. It's not the real thing, but... it'll do if you'd rather have me help you out. I can still hand you over to the orcs, if you'd want..."

The man was enjoying getting to tease the woman who seemed so confident, bringing the large dildo's tip to brush its smooth and cool tip against her. It was crafted of some sort of stone no doubt, but for not Otto was content to rubbing it up and down her entrance while waiting for her to ask more properly. After all, she had come ill-prepared while hunting the orcs. To Otto, the man smirking knowingly as he began bumping it against her clit, there was nothing worse than someone carrying such a destructive weapon who thought so little ahead.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
She pulls forward slightly as the dildo bumps her clit. "I've never put anything in there before.... can you just carry on like you were?" Her mouth is saying one thing but her lower mouth is saying another, a drop of clear lube escaping the virgin hole and landing on the end of the dildo, running down its length. Her arms lose their strength and she rests her head on the ground, one hand groping one of her small breasts through her clothes.

"P...please, I can't handle any more and those orcs are disgusting." She closes her eyes, letting out soft moans each time ahan brushes across one of her hard nipples, she gives both a squeeze with each hand, biting her lip as she does it. Her hips are shaking as her lewd tight hole drips down her thighs, pussy hungry for the dildo even if her mind doesn't want it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Helwen realising what she had done felt disgust about her action. "I had sex with another woman, what am I doing". Pushing away Jen collapsed body with disgust and anger, Helwen washed away all the pussy juice from her face and left the water to go back to her clothes. while putting them back she thought "I need to get new clothes, only a whore would wear this and I am not a whore".  


Jun 24, 2016
Jen gasped, the sudden shove taking the wounded scout off guard enough that she fell into the water. She had got up, face blushing in both embarrassment and her still-present arousal. The wounded girl fetched her blade as she followed along. She dropped it by the water's edge the instant Helwen finished dressing, pulling the healer into her arms from behind. Her wet and bare form meant her bandaged nipples could be felt on Helwen's back. The healer was quickly pinned face first against the nearest tree, Jen reaching her hands around to brush her now-covered pussy.

"Hey, I went and t-trusted you and you shoved me! I already... feel bad. N-now you get me bothered like that? C-Come on... just... o-one more time?"


"Time to learn what you've missed out on, then."

Slipping the dildo up, he'd tap the bottom of its shaft on her exposed rump. But rather than take her cunt, she'd feel his spit and girl-fluid-lubed sex toy against her backdoor. The initial pressure was great, but magic within the phallus tool made her feel only the pleasure as it sank inside her anus.

"Try not to fight it... it'll feel better and better... and you need to cum as best you can, if you want to stay a proper virgin. If you can't get off this way, I'll use the other hole."

Sinking it halfway in slow enough to give her time to steel herself, Otto leaned down to lick and tongue the in filled cunt. She was getting both holes seen to, the sniper not a bit worried as he tried hard to get this show on the road.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
", that hole it's..... it' dirty!" She rocks her hips back and forth as her tight anus stretches around the intruder. He pussy clenches around an imaginary cock as Otto eats her out. She moans, closing her eyes and giving in to the new pleasure of her stretched open anus and dripping pussy. The hand on her breasts pinches her nipple, gasping as she rapidly approaches the first orgasm of her life.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Helwen was clearly angry at herself and Jen. She had broken one of her vow, and Jen tried to rape her, resulting in Helwen broking said vow. Helwen was back in controls of her body and thoughts now. She just pushed Jen aside saying "You have reason to feel bad... You made a saint woman broke her vow... Now I need time alone to think about all of it, just keep an eye on the horse while I go grab some medicinal herb near the river." The Angry tone in Helwen voice was rapidly becoming the tone of someone who was going to cry. Tear were already forming on the corner of her eyes, as she was going in the forest in the direction of the town.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Katyusha gently bit her lip as she felt the man slowly push into her rear. "Oooooh, I am sure I will enjoy-" she stopped suddenly as she felt the tentacle that had entered her pussy pop back out, moaning softly. "Oh you are such tease," she whispered softly, wriggling back against both of the tentacle mans appendages. "Or perhaps you are afraid, yes? You sound very nervous." The words were spoken teasingly, and the glint in her eye along with her devilish smile clearly showed her intent to... Encourage him. "Lean close now, little one, it would not be passionate without romantic kiss, yes?" She arched an eyebrow and made an exaggerated "kissing face".

(Guess who's back! Sorry for wing gone so long, was a lot more than I intended)


Jun 24, 2016
The tentacle man leaned forward and over her back, his face a mix of self-doubt and arousal as he kissed the larger woman. Tentacles surged out and into the ground around them as he pulled himself entirely atop the woman to make out and align the exotic prick to her cunt with a wiggle to slip himself in. She'd feel the length drive into her and fill her as the lengthy additions rubbed over her form. The smack of their hips meeting was met with a sticky fluid dumping out into her and then gushing out with the following thrust. The grass between her legs that was splattered twitched and magically grew a few inches longer. The pumping of liquid into her was alternated with his thrusts, a single thought reaching her mind.

Cum for me. Give yourself to me, strong one. Cum for me!

The tentacles snapped and tugged on her modest chest, the prized flower in sight as her thorough fucking with the monsterman began properly.


Jen fell back and then to the ground, nude as the day she was born as she looked on in confusion. The accusation hurt her, the woman watching the healer walk away.

As she moved and left the wounded woman to ponder their encounter, she'd walk the woods without finding a thing. The lack of flowers meant that she saw little to nothing as she neared the town. But as she walked, she would finally come across the sight of an odd tree. Odd due to an ornate staff with a letter strung along the bottom of it. Totally... natural, right?


Otto laughed, his freehand moving to spank her exposed heiny softly while enjoying the opportunity to work the dildo in her rear. The bowman thrust his tongue deeper into her as he pushed the dildo entirely inside her anus. The slaves in the wagon were moaning and panting as they watched, the women and feminine lads playing with themselves to the site.

"Mmmfh~... looks like you got an audience... might want to cum faster..."


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
"C........cumming!!!" Is all she can manage to say as her whole body shakes and she lets out a loud moan. Kates virgin pussy squeezes the tongue lapping at its insides as she sprays liberal amounts of girlcum onto Ottos face. She falls forward, her strength gone and she closes her eyes, basking in the glow of her first orgasm. The dildo falls out her ass with a satisfying pop, leaving her rear hole gaped, Otto can see her fleshy pink insides as Kate pants on the ground, unable to speak or even think.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Helwen faith was in crisis. Her whole life was one of perfect devotion. Her religion always promised safety and happiness to the most devout. But since the day she was forced to flee her home, her life was never safe nor joyful 

"maybe my god is testing me? Maybe the voice in my head was the test and I've failed my test. No. This voice didn't try to tempt me, this voice forced me to do awful things. Maybe it's a demon that is possessing me?" As Helwen was ponding about her fate she saw the tree and the staff. 

She took this discovery as a sign of her God. She fell on her knee trying to decipher the rune on the staff. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Katyusha's tongue dove into her partners mouth the moment their lips touched, seeking out the tentacle mans tongue as she gave a delighted moan. Closing her eyes, she let her exotic lover mount her, her pussy clenching around the newest intruder. 

She shivered when she felt him inject his sticky payload into her, the sensation of the liquid squirting back out and coating her thighs making her shiver. When she "heard" his request she thought back (in what she assumed must have "sounded" rather breathless and frustrated, though she attempted to make it sound as teasing as possible) Do you want me to cum or do you not?


Jun 24, 2016
Rather than answer her through the mental communication, the cock inside her doubled its efforts to excavate the love tunnel and fill it full of the enriching material. The various tentacles across her body began squeezing her lovely assets and form as if trying to milk every inch of her. But as the lewd smacks grew harder and she'd feel herself nearing being filled entirely, a new tentacle found its way to her derriere and coiled itself enough to not impede its owner while stretching and testing the experienced backdoor. Even if he was an intelligence born from a rape-machine, there seemed less and less reason to worry beyond her losing her mind to the many attempts to stimulate her nerves. The garden itself was steadily spreading out as the liquids pooled on the ground no doubt, the man's tentacles burrowing deeply into the ground nearby in search of moisture to ensure he didn't spend all of his own body's liquids no doubt. His body was freely cumming so much at this point that she'd likely end up with a bloated gut, but her experienced cunt was more than enough to finally inspire a verbal answer from the tentacle-sporting male.

"C-C-Cum... cum please! M-My garden needs it! I-I need it! T-To be... w-w-with a human... I-I've not been with one in so many years! OoOoOoOOOO~!"


Helwen's deciphering took a few moments, but as she completed understanding the rune's meaning it was too late!

Understanding is transforming.

The staff dislodged quickly from the tree, a glimmer of power emanating from it as her body froze in place. No one came rushing out to attack her nor did some creature reveal itself. Rather, the staff spun around and put its large end against her clothing-covered groin. The instant it bumped her clit, the light burst forth once more and her body was released. Nothing about her body felt dramatically different... but it was almost like she could feel... a sensation. A revival of the voice that had been in her head, whispering to her the lewd things she could do to the scout she had left behind. But before any of that could change, she'd feel a carnal sensation fill her as a single thought cut through her mind with precision to ensure she understood it without any sort of misconception.

Become my champion, child, and no God will look down on thee. You have lived a life devoid of pleasure... but I, Ethera, will give you the tools to enrich both male and female lives alike. Should they desire the companionship of a male, you can beckon your body to grow such a rod. Your body will heed your call and change between the two genders as you wish... you will be my instrument of aid for this land. Where they lack stability and a promising way of life, you may give it. Ignore this gift if you wish... but I ultimately grant you this choice because you are fit to be the one to carry my message and intent where I refuse to take a mortal form. Good luck, Helwen... we may not speak again for some time...


The orgasm brought on by Otto's efforts has the ranger smirking and licking up the tasty virgin's fluids for all but a moment before having to pull away to watch the dildo fall to the ground. It took all but a moment to recover it, looking it over before giving the spent crossbow-wielding woman a nice and rough spank to her rump and getting up with a chuckle.

"You sure came hard. You'd be exactly my type if I still had a prick... you might not be a virgin in that backdoor anymore, but if you ever get doused up with an orc mating potion again and I have my dick back? Well, we can make a fair trade..."

With little to no ceremony, she was left to sit in her own orgasmic wind-down as he moved to grab binding from the wagon to try and secure the pinned orc. It wasn't with any sort of hesitation, the androgynous-framed individual taking all but a moment to finish preparing their hostage and letting the much larger brute fall face-first into the dirt. His gaze turned to the wagon for a brief moment before sighing.

"I guess I have to either leave them here to die or take them back to Gridon... damn it, things can't ever be simple..."