Bad idea brainstorming center

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Alas multi-cocks are hardly ever mentioned in sex scenes.

One of my gripes with the game and the writers. I swear they need to get their heads straight and at least "try" to remember a lot of us play the game with multiple penors on our characters :laugh:


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
Here is a list of truly horrible ideas.  Sadly, i lack any writing talent, so i do not expect any of these things to become reality.  :shibe:


One thing i want to see is a effect that allows Steele to shape-shift into a wolfie with most features locked, but some alterations possible (like myr venom, hair/fur color, genatails) with both appearances being saved able to be switched back to.   I'm pretty sure that lorewise this is within the capabilities of Steele's nanosurgons. 

What about a black market Ausar TF that has unwanted side effects? I've been really wanting to see a market for illegal TFs emerge in TiTS and a shady TF called something close to Wolfsbane might be a good place to start.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
What about a black market Ausar TF that has unwanted side effects? I've been really wanting to see a market for illegal TFs emerge in TiTS and a shady TF called something close to Wolfsbane might be a good place to start.

maybe a small NPC group on the next planet can be a secret wereausaur pack and offer the mod to Steel after a short quest? 

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Heat and Rut when?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
So, I've started reading this...Parker Interstellar Travel series. It gave me a bad idea for TiTS. The premise of the book series is that humans achieved interplanetary travel and found signs of alien life, but that's it. Humans couldn't find any aliens; they all went extinct somehow. I haven't read much yet, so if you've read it, please don't spoil anything.

Anyway my idea is this: have alien ruins from long dead alien civilizations. Some intrepid explorer decides to explore the ruins to learn about the past (that way we can avoid perishing in a similar manner to how they did). She will hire you and a bunch of others to be the muscle and to take care of any threats to her person while she collects data. This archaeologist will be...not innocent...doe eyed maybe? I'm thinking it would be funny for them to be...not ditzy, but...something. She wholeheartedly believes in her cause and sees the good or usefulness in everything. She isn't exactly innocent since she would have had sex before, but she believes that nothing can stand in her way and is focused on her work. If someone has a better way to explain this personality then feel free to do so. There will be:







And of course, in true TiTS fashion, the ruins that the explorer decides to investigate turn out to be some pleasure palace. All the traps aren't actually traps, but devices built for pleasuring the user for hours on end. Steele and/or any other people on the expedition will have the chance to be subjected to these machines. What would be funny though (at least to me) is that the explorer is the one that gets caught in most of the pleasure "traps" trying to figure out what they do. They pleasure her until she orgasms, at which point they stop. Rather than be discouraged, she takes the opportunity to record some notes on what she had witnessed and experienced and decides to press on. It isn't until the end of the exploration that she realizes it isn't some grand civilization building, but some kind of smut palace. She gets depressed for a few minutes after she realizes that her current research wouldn't help in advancing technology, but immediately gets reinvigorated and ready to find another ruins to explore.

This would be some kind of mission thing that you can do on each planet. It could be it's own separate dungeon on the planet. That way, the normal planet map doesn't have to be expanded to include a nearby ruins. Each place would be something different, but they would all somehow be related to sex/sexy times.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I was also thinking of the T part of DATASS to be some kind of slut ray similar to what Doctor Badger has (she stole the idea from a ruins and made her own. BACKSTORY for a hated character). :p
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Pregnancy ray. Fire it at NPC's and make them pregnant.

@Galgano I really like that first idea of yours. Would be fun


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
That settles it - we need a superadvanced alien technology upgrade for the slut ray. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
One more idea now. So, y'all remember how Captain Korgan (or however you spell it) had that interesting fight mechanic where you would have to move between cover and what not? Well, that got me thinking about bosses that have periods of time where they are invulnerable, or at the very least have 90+% resistances. Basically there would be more to the fight. Whether it be dodging between cover, aiming at the nearby shield generator to temporarily lower defenses, or doing something like the Pokemon attack Bide, where the more damage you deal during the attack, the more damage they deal back to you. Something that could maybe spice up the battle and make it more interesting. That way it isn't AA for the win all the time.


Shapeshifter. Randomly changes gender and body bit location every time you visit.