I have an idea- Slavery!


New Member
Jun 4, 2016

I felt the neeed to create an account specifically to make this post. Just a fleeting thought that was lingering in the recess of my mind since the earlier versions of TiTS. I have no intention of working on it. Just selfish idea to throw at anyone who chance upon this; that may or may not have been mentioned hundreds of times. Sorry. In fact, I have yet to try any of the latest builds, and some forms of it may have already been implemented.


Without further ado... Slavery!! Well not really; depends on how you look at it.

I believe the game currently has several/many persistent followers. They, more often than not, choose to be with you. That's where my idea comes in, to also include possible persistent NPCs that may not actually want to be with you; at least initially.

This idea was inspired by one of the earlier adventures in TiTS. The specific scene was after the player defeats Tam in the Stellar Tether arc. For some reason I liked that scene quite a bit since it's seems different from more generic ones (in my bias opinion). Then flashed the wicked thought of 'what-if' you can take her with you instead of turning her in. I also thought it can fit since she's kind of a mentally unstable character.

That said, one can compare it to corrupting followers in CoC; but the opposite. This idea is 110% biased, because I'm not one who prefers dark paths. The idea is to take in persistent unwilling/hostile NPCs and they end up willingly follow you (for whatever reason) as your adventure progresses. Showing them the light! the just in your ways! and they can become your potential followers... kind of plot. Hence it's slavery but not really slavery depending on perspective.

Of course some people would expand the idea into the darker side, but that's about all I can put into words about my idea on a whim. In short, it's adding persistent characters/followers as usual but with a twist. Depending how much a writer wants to flesh it out, it should be no more difficult to write (with a little imagination) than the current persistent characters. I expect no one to just grab some idea and run with it, but it might be interesting if it sticks to someone. huhu


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You know, there are a couple of writers out there who take commissions. That is certainly going to be better than hoping somebody picks up on your highly specific idea.


Active Member
Nov 25, 2015
I feel it'd be best to maybe commission or even write a character yourself who has this mechanic instead of trying to incorporate it into characters that already exist. That being said, it does sound pretty interesting.  

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
So you want there to be more followers that are into BDSM? Get in line, lol. Everyone's off doing their own thing though, so you'll have to commission anything like that.

I want something isolated and easily "pausable", like the Prisoner mod for CoC.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Sounds like you want a Stockholm simulator. And as world-shaking as your idea is, boop.

That said, it could happen if you're willing to throw money at it.
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New Member
Jun 4, 2016
You know, there are a couple of writers out there who take commissions. That is certainly going to be better than hoping somebody picks up on your highly specific idea.

This post is not really something towards the "I want it!" side, but more "It would be interesting and unique/add variety."

I feel it'd be best to maybe commission or even write a character yourself who has this mechanic instead of trying to incorporate it into characters that already exist. That being said, it does sound pretty interesting.  

Into character that exist would be going above and beyond. My suggestion is enough if it slowly integrate itself into future characters. Kind of something to spark the imagination per se.

So you want there to be more followers that are into BDSM? Get in line, lol. Everyone's off doing their own thing though, so you'll have to commission anything like that.

I want something isolated and easily "pausable", like the Prisoner mod for CoC.

I don't care for BDSM, so can I make a new line? haha What I have in mind is like... e.g. NPC A is rebellious or you caught them on some adventure/quest. Then maybe depending how you treat them or if they learn more about your character, they may not 'mind' tagging along. Rather than the generic, oh your the MC let me hope aboard; which can easily result in NPC 1, 2, 3, etc all basically the same but with different names, descriptions, smex, etc.

Sounds like you want a Stockholm simulator. And as world-shaking as your idea is, boop.

That said, it could happen if you're willing to throw money at it.

Sorry, never heard of Stockholm sim. And world shaking? sure, or just thinking outside the box. How complex and interactive the final results? Will depend solely on the writer. And... that quote, I actually read that post before I made mines. haha. No idea is bad technically, but I fully understand what he meant. I don't have any expectations that anyone will pick it up. If it happens, great. If not, I've already said what I wanted to. ;)

I have conditioned this forum well. What they all said.

haha I could see. Conditioning is good; keeps everything in order. ;p Though! can limit ideas to certain extents. Coming from me is not very convincing though ,since I'm never the creative type.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I-I don't know what you want.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
This somewhat reminds me of Nonesuch's Enslaving Sera story idea.
Frankly, I liked that better. If we're going to capture NPCs and drag them back to the ship, might as well give the player the option to break them as well as reform them.


Aug 27, 2015


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
I just want to note that the title of this thread is highly amusing when spoken out loud in a spongebob-like voice. Or any voice, really.

Just, uh, don't do it while anyone else is around.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
I just want to note that the title of this thread is highly amusing when spoken out loud in a spongebob-like voice. Or any voice, really.

Just, uh, don't do it while anyone else is around.

So long as you keep it to cartoony voices, you might get a chuckle out of other people.

i think it would be most intelligent to have a "slave training simulator" if you in the future releases decide to join the black void pirates or whatever there called

it could be one of your jobs you can get a randomly generated npc with one one of a few personality also randomly selected and your given your orders to train them into a sex slave and you have to devote time effort and alittle bit a brain power to sculpt them into perfect slave and then when your ready you give the ok and your paid based on how much the slave was sold for which will be based on how well you train him/her then rinse and repeat indefinitely it could be a good way to make money while satisfying the inner dom 

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Random/Procedural generation is a recipe for mediocrity. At least in this medium and context.


Jun 24, 2016
i think it would be most intelligent to have a "slave training simulator" if you in the future releases decide to join the black void pirates or whatever there called

it could be one of your jobs you can get a randomly generated npc with one one of a few personality also randomly selected and your given your orders to train them into a sex slave and you have to devote time effort and alittle bit a brain power to sculpt them into perfect slave and then when your ready you give the ok and your paid based on how much the slave was sold for which will be based on how well you train him/her then rinse and repeat indefinitely it could be a good way to make money while satisfying the inner dom 

Write the content and code it :^)


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
A group and the duo of named NPCs representing said group, that are slavers in all but name, will make it into TiTS, unless Nonesuch will decide to shelf them. PC will be able to buy people from them, and some of those people may or may not have potential abusive and degrading content.There already are options to be a cruel son of a bitch to Reaha and Bess. 

So nothing prevents such content from being added into the game, and I can just say that I really don't want it.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Cruel in what way? Like actually forcing them to do things they don't want to do and ignoring their persistent protests the entire time? Or, for the equally as reprehensible but -- to some -- less upsetting method of doing it, mind break/mind control? Those are the first things that come to mind when I think of "cruelty" in a sexual context.

More along the lines of emotional abuse and degrading in case of Reaha, and flat out stunting the personal growth of Bess/Ben and reverting them to being sexbot after initiating the whole thing. Now that I think about it, Gianna is a more clear cut case of a potentially SoB PC, since her sub content is gated behind destroying her self-esteem and making her enjoy being used and abused.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
TiTS uses the idea of PC's partners being somewhat okay with having sex with due to various (sometimes dubious and morally questionable) reasons to skirt around both a lot of the unfortunate implications and depicting 'realistic' rape. And if my initial post read as me suggesting that we already have, or will inevitably end up with Free Cities level of fucked up content, I should probably go and change it.

However, PC can already get a hold of several individuals over whom they can exercise full control and be a dick to them. When you combine it with the fact that hardcore slavery content won't go against the content guidelines, then theoretically there is nothing that will prevent that content from getting in. But I doubt that any of the purple people will be willing to write it, and OP sure as he'll won't do it themself, so....


Active Member
Jun 13, 2016
Idk theres a big difference between dubious consenting bjs with a waspboy and the kind of genuinly horrific stuff in FC. I cant even play that game anymore because its so sick


Active Member
Jun 13, 2016
Well, here's the thing: TiTS would realistically be almost as horrifying, we just sort of throw a sheet over it and glance away. I understand why we do it, but it doesn't change the fact that it makes the universe come off as kind of silly and unrealistic. New Texas is the stuff of nightmares for some people.

I mean, obviously TiTS doesn't have the super hard stuff from FC like outright torture, but we have everything leading all the way up to mind break/drugging. It's a pretty fucked up universe. Most kink-based realities are.

Thats true i geuss. The indentured servant stuff is pretty nasty, as is the whole situation with red venom addiction and trench wives.

Still though, just because it exists it doesnt mean we should give the player the option to become a slaver.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Really only the Gianna content bothered me; you had to choose between raising or lowering her self esteem, if you wanted to keep sexing and interacting with her. I mean, I like sub content and all but that was just mean.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I don't like lampshading things and I sort of feel that obfuscating ethical atrocities with the thematic equivalent of a shrug inherently puts them in an acceptable light and softens peoples' opinion towards them.

Misty, please don't go full sensationalist journalism here. I seriously doubt that even one individual can potentially take that away from CoC or TiTS.

Additionally, there is non-con and there is non-con, and I feel that most of PC loss scene are the exact kind of content the majority people will be fine with when they think 'Boy, wouldn't it be fun to make my avatars get raeped by that hunky alien man/curvy alien woman.' Serious, brutal variations of such content, if allowed into the game, should IMO be gated by bad ends that are telegraphed like crazy, or very specific NPCs.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
Thats true i geuss. The indentured servant stuff is pretty nasty, as is the whole situation with red venom addiction and trench wives.

It would be a VERY short argument to get from NT or Red Myr to straight up slavery.

You'd be surprised how people will rationalize twisted things. People are sick.

This bothers me a little Mysty, it's kind of like telling an autistic to be normal. There's no such fuckin' thing. We are ALL sickos! NONE of us is normal! Morals and ethics are some sort of sieve through which people who can "pretend" to be a part of "normal" society are filtered. It's insane. /endranteventhoughtheresmore

That's actually what I was saying initially. I don't think that would fit in TiTS

I agree that, thematically, slavery does not fit the TiTS universe well as a PC performed action. As something Steele Jr. has the opportunity to stop or curtail absolutely.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I agree that, thematically, slavery does not fit the TiTS universe well as a PC performed action. As something Steele Jr. has the opportunity to stop or curtail absolutely.

I'm not entirely sure how well Captain Steele being a slaver will fit into the gameplay, but IMO it will suit the setting and the character pretty well. PC can be decidedly criminal-minded and immoral, and several things that vary from almost slavery to thinly veiled slavery to simply slavery are quite prominent throughout the setting. 

If Champion of Ingnam that had succumbed to the corruption of a demonic world could have slaves, than I don't see why Captain Steele that embraced the viles of a corporate dystopia can't.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
That's a different story. In TiTS anything that takes away Steele's ability to control her own actions in more than a localized way (Sera may fit here under some circumstances) results in a bad end. I've yet to see any kind of REAL corruption mechanic be introduces. There's Libido and that's pretty much it. The personality scale is a limitation but not irreversible. Libido Is the only thing in the game I'm aware of that you CANNOT undo that doesn't result in some very short term way in a bad end. Basically you're implying that if some outside force could "control" Steele's actions then there could be slavery content, but clearly anything that does so results in a bad end. I find it therefore highly unlikely that slavery content in any way beyond the Domme/Sub stuff that is already extant could really be included Reaha is probably the closest we'll ever see to such, maybe Sera if the sub line pans out in certain ways. It's kind of antithetical to both of them though Sera and Reaha are both strong personalities that would refuse to be enslaved. Subbed . . . maybe, but NOT enslaved.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Isn't there already an in game option to capture two Zill and sell them them to xenogen for biomedical experimentation? Thier captivity is perhaps relatively short term but it's still very much against their will. (And given how they are mutated/ altered by the experiments even that short term period as slaves to Xenogen will follow them for the rest of their lives.) So Steele is established from pretty early on to be potentially willing to be a slaver just to make a quick buck.  


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
Though we never see it in game we are assured (by a corporate representative >.>) that they will be released once the TFs are created.