This is probably gonna be the most expensive item in the game if it is ever actually introduced.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2016
Giga evolution neural emitter or 'G.E.N.E' is an accessory that while worn will provide the character with the ability to change their entire body structure  at will to the tiniest detail at the cost of tiring you out and giving muscle strain for 48 hours,  this is different in the goo changes in that you can toggle your ability on or off by either wearing or not wearing the device and that you can basically custom design your body from the available changes in game without the hassle of the randomness of TF items.

The only downsides to this item besides the negative status effects would be that you would have to have the species unlocked in your codex to make use of their transformations, I'd imagine it would look like a backwards choker with the actual device at the back of your neck.


It's highly likely that even if it was well written and parsed that this wouldn't be added to the game. It defeats the whole purpose of Tf items.

Although I suppose an End-game item maybe? Could be what Steele Tech is working on in secret.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Gedan will be happy to code this.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Gedan happy to code or happy to rip person that wrote this thing/proposed idea to pieces?

More seriously...I think most expensive item will best Capital Ship :capitalism: (Ship CAN be considered as items too...just quite HUUUUUUGE items most of the times)

And yes having shortcut to Steele the Master Race PC would be boring.
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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Gedan happy to code or happy to rip person that wrote this thing/proposed idea to pieces?

More seriously...I think most expensive item will best Capital Ship :capitalism: (Ship CAN be considered as items too...just quite HUUUUUUGE items most of the times)

And yes haing shortcut to Steele the Master Race PC would be boring. Depening how would be handles getting new body parts it may even people write new TF been boring since those scenes they come with could be not used in this item case due to need of constant updating items TF effects to include all those new scenes from each new TF item. So even after introducing this itmes....maintaing it been up to date will be another nightmare for....writers/coders.

lol personal capital ship with enough room for a small army of followers yeah...


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Giga evolution neural emitter or 'G.E.N.E' is an accessory that while worn will provide the character with the ability to change their entire body structure  at will to the tiniest detail at the cost of tiring you out and giving muscle strain for 48 hours,  this is different in the goo changes in that you can toggle your ability on or off by either wearing or not wearing the device and that you can basically custom design your body from the available changes in game without the hassle of the randomness of TF items.

The only downsides to this item besides the negative status effects would be that you would have to have the species unlocked in your codex to make use of their transformations, I'd imagine it would look like a backwards choker with the actual device at the back of your neck.

This has come up alot. 

I actually had this idea but it was pod that built off of the dong designer,  and stuff to essentially be an ingame chacter editor for transformations. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
lol personal capital ship with enough room for a small army of followers yeah...

Well Fen or other dev stated that capital ships will have 'unlimited' space for all our space waifus and husbandos :p Like only capital class ship for PC will have this unlimited cap. That gotta cost MUCH credits, right?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well Fen or other dev stated that capital ships will have 'unlimited' space for all our space waifus and husbandos :p Like only capital class ship for PC will have this unlimited cap. That gotta cost MUCH credits, right?

Hm... Does this include unlimited storage?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hm... Does this include unlimited storage?

I only heard about unimited waifu/husbano storage there. We need ask Fen or Savin to know wehat about other storage types on capitol ships. hus I bet they not yet worked much on fleshing details of those yet. Not like *rolls eyes* even ships system isn't added yet so what point to think about kings among kings of ships if we got only the tinest one to use :/


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
So this will raise the question of what happens if you lose space combat? Do you get boarded? Both in the literal and sexual sense? And what about your waifus and husbandos? Does everyone band together to try to fight off the boarding party or does everyone get the deed done to them? Or will it end with "YOUR HEAD ASPLODE!"


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Until space combat will be finaly added only devs and those they told already know answers on your questions Galgano. I hope someone from them came here and drop at least some hints.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well, then the easiest way to get some hints dropped is to keep guessing and hope Savin reads the idea. I've seen a few ideas where Savin chimes in saying that "this idea is totally not part of X thing"  :p. I jest...but seriously, Savin keeps spoiling things -.-

Unless they were on a free-to-look-at doc and I didn't realize it
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well on other hand he do dropping tiny clues here and there so people may try work on it creating some crazy ideas that later...can turn out much close to real stuff. I not think there is free-to-look-at gdoc unless one is one from dev team. Or eventualy very lucky not dev team but give access. For sure there is some clues on handling space combat on TiTS Trello which is trully exclusive plave not seen by mortals like us only by devs and handpicked group of chosens. Once again Savin do sometimes dropping SS of it for all rest to look at. Usualy there are chances to notice some interesting stuff there.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
What I would like to see is a machine that can 'save' your current appearance, and then restore it, possibly with multiple save slots. Because as was stated, a machine that can just make whatever changes you want would make TF items irrelevant. This would only allow you to easily customize yourself if you had the TF's, and would allow you to more freely experience the game's content, with the knowledge that you can always easily go back to the way you were before.

I think a good start to this would be adding this functionality to the Dong Designer, so that you can always go back to your custom dong.