The Coceter Chronicles (RPGMakerMV)


May 27, 2016

Current Public Build - v.06e
Current Patron Build - v.06e Patron Edition

The Current Public Version is available on my Patreon Page

The Game:
The story starts off in the world of Runda'almare, where a rift has appeared leading to our world. This isn't uncommon, however do to what happened the last time a rift appeared, the El'wen (Fae race of Runda'almare) are choosing to be cautious. You take the role of Tabitha, a not so normal Fae, who's been tasked with scouting the human world, and examining how they have evolved since the last rift. Though something isn't quite right, and the history books may have been lying about the last human world expedition.

1280x960 Resolution (1024x768 coming soon)
Full 3d rendered scenes (Currently 400+ Slides with 50 Animations)
Good story with a bit of lore (personal opinion of course)
Custom Music (created by Joshua Empyre at
Custom Sound Effects (Again from
Custom Sprite Animations (created by me using Daz3d Studio and Photoshop CS)
Custom movies (created by me using Daz3d Studio and... (shamefully) windows movie maker)

Preview Images:




Thanks, -Jos-

The Current Version now available on my Patreon Page
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Reactions: ZTP and jennylaw28


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
I like what you've built in this game. It's the lore combined with the look and feel of the game that tends to pull you in. The models are attractive and the 4th wall is my favorite. LOL. There's a bug where the bathroom scene with Tabi doesn't show the picture.. just a blank screen. Only odd thing I've noticed is that when you try to leave the castle on the second day, the game becomes non-responsive. My suggestion is when you are the end of content either lock that area out so we can free roam or put a screen in saying "end of current content.". Good job on the game tho!  :yeah:
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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2016
Oh - I ended with a map of the town, a message saying "end of content" and the option "to explore an empty town". This was on the Mac version...


May 27, 2016
@muttdoggy Thanks for input. There should have been an option as @Hoboy stated when you left the castle, I'll have to look and see if it's bugged in some way.

Did the scene with the Prince start when you left the castle, or did it let you go to the next map and then hang there?

Nevermind, believe I found the culprit, under just the right circumstances the Prince could bug out the Castle leaving scene. I had accidentally left some test material on him.
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May 27, 2016
Updated the Beta to fix a few bugs. Beta .01a

-Fixed Game freezing on rare occasions when leaving the castle on day 2.

-Fixed Game crashing when entering larder cellar on day 2

-Removed sound effects from Animated Scenes due to several reports of them causing Lag and Stuttering. (Will add them into the movies themselves for next update)

-Fixed a few minor grammatical errors throughout the game.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
What happened was the prince "confronted" tabitha and told her what to do later that night. Then she went to leave the castle to get the clothes requested and got stuck. Tabitha had made choices that were more focused on the females there on that run. Didn't do any other routes fully since my oldest dog started getting gravely ill and had to get on that. She's improving now but not out of the woods yet but she'll be okay now. Thanks for figuring it out though. Will download the new fix and test it later. 


New Member
May 30, 2016
I stumbled across this game by accident and i find it to be a really good game plz  keep up the good work I look forward to seeing more of it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016

After spending the night with the princess, she gives me a dress and says i am to go see the ambassador... 

Unfortunately, she pops in front of the door, preventing exit.  

Edit>> Note that if you go stand in a corner, she eventually starts roaming around and you can exit. 

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May 27, 2016
@buffmuffin Lily's movements are completely random while she is in her bedroom, she just happened to move to that spot. All the NPC's can end up doing that at some point, just depends on whether it's the Cutscene Version or FreeRoam version of the NPC active at the time. Just have to not block their path and on their next movement they'll move out of the doorway.


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
This game looks Amazing! One of the few rpg maker games with 3d art with something different from the mass!

The only downside is that a lot of ppl dislike MV, still not completely sure of why...Probably because as far as i know you can't use cheat-engine with it...
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May 27, 2016
@senryu-sensei Thanks for the compliment.

No real reason to use cheat-engine with this game, no real attributes or stats to speak of, and the combat (which is optional in the current version, and very easy) is being taken out for the next release. Games more about the story and choices player makes and combat just doesn't feel right in it. Plus the Java version wont have combat anyways.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2015
This game looks Amazing! One of the few rpg maker games with 3d art with something different from the mass!

The only downside is that a lot of ppl dislike MV, still not completely sure of why...Probably because as far as i know you can't use cheat-engine with it...

I (usually) dislike RPGMaker games, is a good tool but people tend to use grinding systems like "classic" JRPGs and Medieval/fantasy themes... and didn't improve resources (a lot use default ones).

But when I find something like this project here... well, I am happy ^^


May 27, 2016
The Coceter Chronicles has been updated to version Beta .02

Links updated in OP

*Bug Fixes*
-Fixed several typos and mis-colored text.
-Fixed a bug with the bathing scene that left the scene Black in some choices.
-Fixed a bug that caused Tabitha's avatar to revert to the default one when leaving the castle.

-Lily has had a breast reduction (Sorry boob lovers)
-Scenes between Lily and Tabitha have been redone.
-Added a slide during the talk between Lily and her father
-Added a slide during the scene with Astal and Nadden
-The bathing scene now has two different paths, with different slides and animations (Dependent on exploration before bathing)
-Added a confrontation with Sage during the course of the first night.
-Some dialogue choices have been added to the initial confrontation with Sage and the Prince.

-You can now toggle Movies on or off in Tabitha's journal. Turning them off will give an animation loop instead. These do not look as good, but can increase performance on older/slower machines.
-Many new scenes (305 total slides at this point, with 18 movie animations)
-Day/Night 2 is completed, keeping these additions secret for now to avoid spoilers.


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
Thank you for the update!

-Lily has had a breast reduction (Sorry boob lovers)

I know, i know, to satisfy different taste, different boobs sizes are needed, I've reached the same conclusion for my game too ;P
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May 27, 2016
Thank you for the update!

-Lily has had a breast reduction (Sorry boob lovers)

I know, i know, to satisfy different taste, different boobs sizes are needed, I've reached the same conclusion for my game too ;P

Originally Lily had smaller breast, I'd made them larger after a few friends I had test the first version said she looked to young like that. After releasing the game, some folks got me thinking of turning them small again, personally I prefer her smaller frame and bust.


New Member
Jul 8, 2016
I came across this game and think what you've done is amazing so far. Tabitha is very sexy and her body is perfect. I can hardly wait till version 3.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Sorry that I only just noticed this game, but I have a quick question.

What fetishes are present?


May 27, 2016
Sorry that I only just noticed this game, but I have a quick question.

What fetishes are present?

It's still early in the story so the fetish list is pretty tame at the moment. Mostly Lesbian and Straight content with some forced/coerced scenes. There's a Futa/TG scene in the next update (avoidable by dialogue for those who don't like that).

I'm rather open to almost anything going into the story, although I wont touch anything related to pedo, scat, or snuff. Those are my three no-no's.


May 27, 2016
Version .03 is now available on my Patreon Page

This update isn't as big as the last one, mostly due to the amount of Map work needed in preparation for Chapter 2. But also because I'm revising the story and scenes a bit, to allow for more growth of Tabitha as a character. Expect Chapter 1 to grow a little larger in the next release.

Bug Fixes
-Fixed Tabitha animations (slide version) in the Bath not working
-Corrected a few typos
-Corrected some tiles that should not have been walkable.
-Fixed the Prince and Tabitha scene, it was ending early in some circumstances

-TEMPERAMENT: The game now tracks Tabitha's Temperament, think of it as a scale of her Dominance/Obedience
-Removed the "Current Goal" option from Tabitha's journal. It will return in a different format next update, for now the less obvious goals have giant glowing balls above them on the map.
-Yusara has had a bit of a makeover with some custom textures
-Fiora has had a makeover, new look and textures.
-Sage has had a minor makeover
-More Flavor Text has been added to the various NPC's in town. Some of which offer choices that could have consequences later in the story.

-7 new Scenes (two sexual, two semi-sexual)
-4 New Maps
-Three new characters introduced
-Several new backdrops with custom textures that more closely resemble the maps.
-Ran all the pictures through PNGCrush to shrink the file size of the game down.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
There are a few instances where the game asks for files under the wrong name - starting some words with uppercase, while the names of all image files are in all-lowercase. So far I've found requests for "Sage_Neutral.png" and "Taler_Happy.png". There may be more.


May 27, 2016
There are a few instances where the game asks for files under the wrong name - starting some words with uppercase, while the names of all image files are in all-lowercase. So far I've found requests for "Sage_Neutral.png" and "Taler_Happy.png". There may be more.

Those will be gone next update, I've gone to a single conversation bust system to reduce file size of the game, 6 bust per person with so many actors was just to much.


May 27, 2016
The Coceter Chronicles version .04 has been released. The downloads can be found on my Patreon page.

A lot has changed behind the scenes and a new game will be required.

--Change Log v.04--

-Lowered Game size by roughly 550 megabytes.

-Fixed 2 slides in the TalerTabi Scene that didn't display correctly.
-Fixed Choices in Thug scene not tracking properly
-Fixed several instances where Lore items could not be reused
-Fixed some dialogue inconsistancy with Mavarn.
-Fixed a few more typos
-Fixed Choices in Yusara/Tabi scene not tracking properly
-Fixed leaving Padrones workshop before trying on the clothes breaking the Main Quest.
-The Futa/TG toggle now works
-Corrected a couple testing flags being set on entering the human world
-Fixed Tabi's bust staying on screen on entering the castle day 3.
-Fixed an infinite temperament bug with yusara on day 3.
-Fixed being able to enter a slums house with no way out (shouldn't have been able to enter it)
-Fixed TG saying it was "on" when it was really "off"
-Fixed maps not being explorable at end game.

-The Castle (Completely redone)
-There is now only 1 conversation bust per actor, this was done to lower the overall file size of the game.
-All conversatin bust have been remade
-Flavor text for the guards in the castle has been redone. (They may be plotting something)
-Added animation/movie to the Sage Fiora peep scene
-Dialogue changes to the Finding Avren Side Quest
-Dialogue changes to the final scene of Chapter 1
-The peephole events have been modified slightly
-Maddy had a slight makeover
-Ulcoc had a makeover
-Padrone had a makeover and got a new avatar
-Astal had her clothes changed... sorta.
-Keegan had a slight makeover
-Redid the Caught Naked slides with Keegan
-Redid the Astal Nipslip slides
-Moved a couple lore items to new positions in the town.
-Removed the Tabi/Sage peeping scene (Just wasn't happy with it.)
-Dialogue changes when talking to Sgt Brooks.
-Dialogue changes with Lily after returning from Master Padrone.
-Removed the Screen Tint on day 2 after leaving Padrones (that could strain the eyes something fierce.)
-Added 1 frame to each animation that should smooth them out for those that toggle Movies off.

-Added a Skip Scene option to the game
-Added a replay option to all movies/animations
-Added a new Quest Journal
-Sgt Brooke has a conversation bust now.
-Avren has a conversation bust now
-Keegan has a conversation bust now
-Added Keena (Keegans sister)
-Alternate scene in the bath when TG content is turned off.
-Tabitha has various thoughts on the various rooms in the castle on the first time approached.
-Tabitha can now overhear a part of a conversation between the King and Yusara.
-New scenes available on day 2 (Hint - Maddy's got a bedroom now)
-New backdrops, Fiora's room, Castle Hall Intersection, brothel room, Maddy's Room

Patron Version Additions
-Tabitha's bed has a new option available on Night 2/Day 3
-Added a new peep scene on day 2 in town.
-Added a sort of scavanger hunt mini quest.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2016
Damn - seems that RPGMaker MV has changed something such that Mac versions no longer work. Downloaded both this and Ryen's new version of Ascension and neither now work on the Mac. Cannot launch this at all - blocked by OS X. Double damn.


Aug 22, 2016
love the game.question why in one game i got the scene with the "angel"in the bath and in other game i have the scene with 2 girls???


May 27, 2016
love the game.question why in one game i got the scene with the "angel"in the bath and in other game i have the scene with 2 girls???

You have Futa/TG content toggled off, it is off by default.

Damn - seems that RPGMaker MV has changed something such that Mac versions no longer work. Downloaded both this and Ryen's new version of Ascension and neither now work on the Mac. Cannot launch this at all - blocked by OS X. Double damn.

I haven't actually upgraded to the latest MV yet (waiting for scripts I use to update) however another user in another forum posted this as a fix for the Mac Version

start up Terminal, go to the folder the Game file is in (named CoceterChronicles by default), and enter these commands:

chmod +x
chmod +x\\ Helper
chmod +x\ Helper\\ Helper\ EH
chmod +x\ Helper\\ Helper\ NP
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