Uveto secondhand spaceship shop.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I didn't write the codex entry either mind you.

I know...

In this case that knot-like thing should not count as knot for scenes, but rather an extra modifier to volume to work in any sensible way.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Fuck, it's late. Probably gonna be a restless night too with my brain storming... oh well.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I like the look of this project. Wonder if the dragon girl would look like your character pic :)  

I do have my own personal suggestion of a ship if your interested. Here's a pic.


I tend to do names that have thematic alignment with the character. Usually first and last linking together. Case in point: Aislinn O'Meara (as if I haven't blabbed about her enough already, but she's my sole example  :p ). Her first name means (in the context I'm using) "dream, vision" and her last name is actually of dubious meaning, tracing back either to "O Meadrha" into the Gaelic word "meadhar" which means "merry, happy," OR it can trace back in English origin to "O(f) Mara" or "descendant of Mara." Mara means "bitter."

I've just have to state that my profile pic is a being called Mara, although the SMT/Persona games keep confusing me in whether it's based off the Buddhist demon or Hindu goddess.

In total, there are 5 Mara's from many different religions and myths.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
I like the look of this project. Wonder if the dragon girl would look like your character pic :)  


Naww, while Lenore will probably adopt many of my avatar's mannerisms, she's a lot closer to the Dragon side of the dragon-girl spectrum than Natya is. (Not my fault, Nat is my rp mainstay but she also started as my mmo avatar. Kinda limited by character creation there.)


Aug 26, 2015

We already have that ship.

I tend to do names that have thematic alignment with the character. Usually first and last linking together. Case in point: Aislinn O'Meara (as if I haven't blabbed about her enough already, but she's my sole example  :p ). Her first name means (in the context I'm using) "dream, vision" and her last name is actually of dubious meaning, tracing back either to "O Meadrha" into the Gaelic word "meadhar" which means "merry, happy," OR it can trace back in English origin to "O(f) Mara" or "descendant of Mara." Mara means "bitter."

So you can view the name in a poetic/romantic fashion as meaning "dream/vision of happiness" or "dream/vision of bitterness." Both are equally valid given the murky history of Gaelic and English integration.

Do I put too much thought into character names?

There's no such thing as "too much thought." 

Except there totally is, overthinking is bad.

I don't do theme naming for my NPCs with one exception, which is Dr. Edward Lessau.  The rest are pulled from random name generators.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
To be fair, I only do thematic names for characters I'm really invested in. When I'm just throwing bodies into something to fill out ancillary roles, I tend to go with setting-appropriate random names. Sometimes I letter-swap/drop for fantasy names if I feel it works, but I usually prefer simple non-English (origin or spelling) names for inhuman characters. Because I'm culturally insensitive or whatever people like to accuse English-speaking authors of being... ¬¬

I'm also inconsistent in my use of etymology. Sometimes I'll use names that call to mind certain imagery based only on the way they sound (with their actual meaning being a non-factor), while other times I'll go digging for obscure symbolism. Really just whatever I feel like doing at the time. :p

So you never try to use NPC's name to set up a certain dynamic between them and their parents and/or society?
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