Alternate gender-neutral vine equipment?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So I've gotten the vine equipment and I took a look at them only to find out that they're labelled as bra and panties. Which is something a girl or crossdresser would wear. And that makes my gay masculine male character sad.

Would there be a possibility of alternate version designed for male and gender-neutral? Something like vine adornments for top, vine loincloth for bottom? Though it might require a bit of writing but it's just a single minor scene for swapping.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
The Character you get them off is female [Orchid ]

what are you expecting?

They maybe a magic Bra & Panties set, but I don't think they are that magic.

If you are uncomfortable wearing female attire then don't [a rule for life not just the internet] , maybe there is someone in your party that  would be comfy in them.

But I accept that of the currently available companions that could equip these none of them can't be male. Now I think about it one of your husbando harem dressed as a harem girl would probably be rancid yak butter in your tea.

So are you pitching this as an equality of access issue? which is fair enough.

What about a Bolero jacket as the top they are skimpy and unisex, of course you have pencil thin to carry that look off?

So what would you suggest as the trigger?

  • pronoun could be used for the ensemble but as they are separate items it might get buggy if you mixed and matched
  • Body parts? <A cup Bolero else Bra... the problem comes with the crotch maybe penis= posing pouch else panties

Next question who changes them

  • Nexelle/Fera - cos they alter cloths Nexelle would charge, Fera probably not (if your relationship was high enough)
  • Asche - cos they is magic she would definitely charge
  • Mother Tree - cos they are made of vines (a free-bee she is nice like that) I suppose spirit might substitute

Mother tree would be my choice as you could fit into the post Orchid de-brief

That then raise a further question, which would be is this a one-off when you get  the out fit or is it checked every time you meet the altering NPC to allow for TFing?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It might be easy. It can involve asking Mother Tree to swap. I've chosen the adornment and loincloth as they fit better in fantasy and they're closer to nature.

As of right now, Layla can't equip items even though I kinda wanted to give the vine equipment to her. I have Kai (male), Terry (maleherm), and Layla (herm disguising as female).