Atha and her plethora of dicks


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Not gonna put up a poll or anything, but I thought this might be interesting to explore, seeing as Adjatha spent so much time writing this lovely dark-skinned dick beta-tester/reviewer. So, in your guys, gals and inbetweeners' minds, what was the scene that had you snaking a hand inside your trousers the most? And if you're willing, write which one killed your boner, if any.

Since I'm the OP, I might aswell start. I absolutely love the Ausar scene. Now, while it's true that my fetish for knots has something to do with that, I just love the build-up, and how the feeling is described. Makes me sad we can't have that kind of dick-modding technology, but oh well.

For the boner-kill... probably the final episode, with the cockvines. Though I have nothing against cockvines, something about the... I guess tone of the last bit freaked me out a little, while that may have been the point, it contrasted too much with the other 11 episodes.

I'd love to hear your thought on this, I found this was a boner-rific addition to the game, and I'd love to see more content from Adjatha in the future. You really hit the nail on the head with this one, for me.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I thought I had seen all the videos...guess I was wrong. Whooo...checks out the tentacle video, NOOOOOOO.

Hopefully there will be a season 2...I´m not good with stuff like this.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I'm not sure if I got through them all. Gonna have to go through them again to see what I like.

Gotta wonder if I was the only one who put in their steele's name to see if anything would happen because I was warned against it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm not sure if I got through them all. Gonna have to go through them again to see what I like.

Gotta wonder if I was the only one who put in their steele's name to see if anything would happen because I was warned against it.

Nothing happens. I have tried "SteeleKid" "SteeleHeir" and the name of my character "ValSteele".


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Yeah, I guess, I would volunteer to write it myself, but I feel it's best if Adjatha does it (if there's interest), to preserve the character's feel.

Yeah, I'm just confused about the whole thing. Why warn us if there wasn't any scene variation regardless of what name we picked?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Ah. Well, I gave it my all. :)  

It's alright, and I do get what you're saying. It's basically goading you into trying it, but it then lets you down.

There's a litterary rule for that, it's called Chekhov's Gun. In essence, if you mention something in a piece of written work, it has to play some role in the story.
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Aug 26, 2015
Having just gone through the whole lot, my answers are basically the same as Woider's.  That last one is kind of a sudden dark swerve out of nowhere.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
It's alright, and I do get what you're saying. It's basically goading you into trying it, but it then lets you down.

There's a litterary rule for that, it's called Chekhov's Gun. In essence, if you mention something in a piece of written work, it has to play some role in the story.

It's basically just a simple in universe warning, that you shouldn't use your real name to register on porn sites, because it's kind of unprofessional. It won't have any direct consequences that you directly see, but people on the extranet might suddenly wonder if this porn site account really is the one of the heir(ess) of Steele-Tech.

It's just like when the ingame email-system suggests to not use any email adress along the lines of buttslut69@SteeleTech.corp because that is just unprofessional, even if its the truth.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
It's basically just a simple in universe warning, that you shouldn't use your real name to register on porn sites, because it's kind of unprofessional. It won't have any direct consequences that you directly see, but people on the extranet might suddenly wonder if this porn site account really is the one of the heir(ess) of Steele-Tech.

It's just like when the ingame email-system suggests to not use any email adress along the lines of buttslut69@SteeleTech.corp because that is just unprofessional, even if its the truth.

If I were worried about professionalism, I wouldn't being fucking not only every future employee of mine that would consent, but also every employee of rival corps that would consent.

Or be such an exhibitionist.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
If I were worried about professionalism, I wouldn't being fucking not only every future employee of mine that would consent, but also every employee of rival corps that would consent.

Or be such an exhibitionist.

And you can be wholly unconcerned about professionalism, ignore the warnings, and make your email adress butslutt69@SteeleTech.corp and log in on porn sites with your Steeles real name. Aside from further cementing their role as shamless sexy slut/stud it just won't have much consequences.

Also you forgot current employees ;)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
And you can be wholly unconcerned about professionalism, ignore the warnings, and make your email adress butslutt69@SteeleTech.corp and log in on porn sites with your Steeles real name. Aside from further cementing their role as shamles sexy slut/stud it just won't have much consequences.

Annoying the guys who handle the company email by making your address super slutty and inappropriate is hardly the same as using your very real and somewhat famous identity on a porn livestream. Especially if you're the sort who probably has a bunch of amaturely taken exhibitionism vids up there from when you jerk off in public.