What are some attributes of your character that you feel don't get enough attention?


Jan 8, 2016
Partially inspired by the thread about hypers, I decided to ask because I'm writing up a couple of scenes for a bad end. Bad ends, imo, are far more effective when they feel unique to your character. I mean, all scenes are, but that's a logistics thing. Anyway. I'm mostly asking this because it's not that hard to accommodate this kind of stuff into a bad end because sometimes it really doesn't take much, and even if it does it's only a single scene anyway. Give me your opinions!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Probably Libido, it seems to me that there isn't much of a perceived negative effect of a high libido, despite being clearly presented as a bad thing for NPCs (Penny and Emmy, for instance.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Intelligence. Id doesn't feel right when you can be fine when you are dumb as brick.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Tone and thickness don't get enough attention outside of the plug in descriptors for various body parts. Also height doesn't always seem to matter enough if you're on the extreme ends of tallness or shortness.

Yes the armor you can buy from holiday was my favorite, how'd you know?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Tauric and naga body, tongues, different types of nipples and I agree with the comments above.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Parasitic friends you have attached atm, thickness, nagas and taurs.

Minor things I'd love to see that'll probably be left to player's imagination in the vast majority of scenes: tentacle hair and/or antenae used for caressing/getting a feel of peeps.

Probably Libido, it seems to me that there isn't much of a perceived negative effect of a high libido, despite being clearly presented as a bad thing for NPCs (Penny and Emmy, for instance.)

The negative side being omitted for combat is a major design decision that won't be changed any time soon, if ever. Being always horny all the time outside of combat doesn't seem as a negative only from the porn game player perspective. If there were more non-sexual interactions and high lust prevented us from them, then maybe it'd have changed.

More scenes that would be forced upon high Libido characters is something I'd like to see, but people would flip their shit.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm referring more to scenes happening outside of combat, like character succumbing to their libido without player input.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm referring more to scenes happening outside of combat, like character succumbing to their libido without player input.

MC succumbs to their high lust and they seek out a nearby way to get off :p
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm referring more to scenes happening outside of combat, like character succumbing to their libido without player input.

The ability to resist Elder Venus Pitchers or Lane's bad end is tied to Willpower. Which would be my attribute gripe, outside of those two situations there really isn't much of a reason to raise it. And even in keeping it low, with my trap catboy character with max libido and having blue balls within an hour doesn't really hamper him all that much.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2016
The negative side being omitted for combat is a major design decision that won't be changed any time soon, if ever. Being always horny all the time outside of combat doesn't seem as a negative only from the porn game player perspective. If there were more non-sexual interactions and high lust prevented us from them, then maybe it'd have changed.

More scenes that would be forced upon high Libido characters is something I'd like to see, but people would flip their shit.

This. Especially the bold part. People get really angry about things.  I've had a hard time finding any content I'm locked out of from having low Libido anyways. Also, 70+ gives you the convenient ability to masturbate anywhere you want. Does high libido even hurt you in terms of lust attacks in combat?

Intelligence also seems underused out of combat.
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Jan 8, 2016
Good info here. Also, just thinking about it, it seems like referencing intelligence is pretty much impossible in sex/combat. What is the NPC going to do, derive your intelligence from your enlarged brain case? Deduce that you're intelligent through a series of Sherlock-esque deductions based on how you've efficiently tied your shoes? Okay, I kid. There just isn't much room, imo, for intelligence to be utilized in a sexy scenario. It has to take place via dialogue internal or otherwise, and I feel like intelligent internal dialogue during a sex scene is going to seem pretty contrived except for specific character archetypes that are impossible to get a solid grip on with TiTS characters. For example, an intelligent nerdy bookworm Steele might indeed react to things with big words or blush when her prior knowledge of alien sex (due to books!) comes to the fore of his/her mind, but the Treated guy with both 35 int and 35 physique isn't gonna react the same way. How are you gonna separate the two? It can be done, but the process is gonna be ridiculously arduous.

Dunno. Basically what I'm saying is that it's probably not hard to have little shoutouts (things like figuring out an NPC is in heat because of their countenance because 'observational skills' are probably filed under intelligence in this system), but wide acknowledgement is very difficult unless it's like a conversation between the doctor on Myrellion whose name escapes me right now, or something like a political figure. And then you have to rewrite the entire scene because "intelligent dialogue" isn't just adding an adjective if your int > 30. Probably only ever going to happen for really important NPCs, I guess.

I actually totally agree with the height/tone/physique (and taur) stuff, which I'm trying to combat already. I really like writing scenes for taurs. There are so few specific ones.

I'm referring more to scenes happening outside of combat, like character succumbing to their libido without player input.

This happened, sort of, in CoC when you were a centaur. Can't masturbate for obvious reasons so you end up with maxed lust and fucking whatever you run into next. I thought it was neat, but for a regular player that's probably going to be a pain.

Virginity state is actually one I didn't think about. Does every alien have a hymen, though..? Thinking about it more, virginity is a huge can of worms. Most characters in TiTS are pretty experienced with sex (understatement, everyone's fucking everyone given how ready to fuck they are at the drop of a hat (I suppose Steele is a sexy 19 year old billionaire though)), and dealing with a virgin is... Some characters would probably be ecstatic (Sera comes to mind), some it'd be really difficult to keep them fucking a virgin and stay consistent within their personalities imo. Takes a certain type.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2016
Virginity state is actually one I didn't think about. Does every alien have a hymen, though..? Thinking about it more, virginity is a huge can of worms. Most characters in TiTS are pretty experienced with sex (understatement, everyone's fucking everyone given how ready to fuck they are at the drop of a hat (I suppose Steele is a sexy 19 year old billionaire though)), and dealing with a virgin is... Some characters would probably be ecstatic (Sera comes to mind), some it'd be really difficult to keep them fucking a virgin and stay consistent within their personalities imo. Takes a certain type.

Embry is the only virgin in every meaning of the word that I've seen so far.


Active Member
Mar 23, 2016
So many, I can't even list them all.

The reason is the game's approach to how it handles events, I feel a token system should have been used rather than rely on contributors to account for every single feature.

Take Knot size for example, very rarely (actually never) does any NPC mention it or does it create a problem. Maybe someone somewhere wrote something in, but that is just a really backwards way of going about things.

When I asked why sex scenes don't end with a tied knot, someone responded with "I know I wrote some scenes in", that kind of made me figure out that the "game" doesn't monitor those things and relies on contributors to write it in. So, if you build an Asur for example or a Kui-tan, you end up looking for just the content created by a specific person in order to at least read scenes built for the features your character has? That just doesn't make sense to me.


Aug 27, 2015
When I asked why sex scenes don't end with a tied knot, someone responded with "I know I wrote some scenes in", that kind of made me figure out that the "game" doesn't monitor those things and relies on contributors to write it in. So, if you build an Asur for example or a Kui-tan, you end up looking for just the content created by a specific person in order to at least read scenes built for the features your character has? That just doesn't make sense to me.

It doesn't make sense to you because you've never tried writing for this game. Here:

Basically what I'm saying is that it's probably not hard to have little shoutouts (things like figuring out an NPC is in heat because of their countenance because 'observational skills' are probably filed under intelligence in this system), but wide acknowledgement is very difficult unless it's like a conversation between the doctor on Myrellion whose name escapes me right now, or something like a political figure. And then you have to rewrite the entire scene because "intelligent dialogue" isn't just adding an adjective if your int > 30. Probably only ever going to happen for really important NPCs, I guess.

This can be applied to so many features that have been brought up here. How is "tone" or "thickness" going to be meaningfully applied in a scene, beyond a nod that your flesh is jiggling or rock-hard as the furry futa waifu has their wicked way with you? I'm probably not going to do anything with "height", because if I even fucking acknowledge the fact that there are idiots who have made themselves ten feet tall, it opens up a massive can of worms about what can and can't happen in a scene. What's worse about this is it actually makes it worse if I do acknowledge you're ten feet tall and make the scene work for you, because in the next scene along everything will go back to pretending you aren't. That's the problem with giving the PC a huge number of outlandish physical options in a nutshell.

For most characters (and this is particularly true of story driven characters and mobs, for whom nobody can be excluded), you usually have to write at the minimum two One-Size-Fits-All sex scenes, one for each gender (FOUR for mobs, two wins and two losses. Nobody wants to write mobs). These scenes have to kinda sorta make sense for almost anyone, and at the same time be satisfying and characterful. They're frankly exhausting. That is why writers say "I mentioned knots in a scene somewhere" rather than "I made this scene specifically for knots", because that's what happens - you throw in small variables within the larger framework if they occur to you as you go along. Now and again, somebody will write a scene or a big special bit within a scene which specifically makes use of a physical feature which is special to you. But that is the exception, not the rule, because everyone has to be catered for, not just petite raccoon furry futa with knotted dicks that like a particular kind of sex.


Jan 8, 2016
Embry is the only virgin in every meaning of the word that I've seen so far.

Right. For the PC, though, it's inherently different. The PC can treat a virgin NPC however they want, it's up to the player whether they want to make it an intimate experience or to fuck them with their horsecock and throw them a napkin. An NPC reacting to a virgin PC, though, that's really difficult. The player's preconceptions about virginal sex may not match up with the NPC's - the poster earlier mentioned that virginity status isn't used enough. What are they looking for out of the scene if they give up their virginity? I don't know, and no-one else does except that person. I can't write a scene where I don't know what the player's "goal" is. That's what I meant earlier with staying consistent with their personality. Some characters, if they had scenes where they paid special attention to Steele being a virgin, would react straight up negatively if they were real and that's just punishing the player, which is totally unfair if they were looking for some nice writing where their PC gets taken care of or whatever. And then the polar opposite is also true, where a player could want to give up their virginity to the girl with a 20" horsecock for no reason other than that they want to, but are instead denied because that girl doesn't want to bang a virgin.

Honestly you could probably handwave all of the negative reactions away with "alien culture!!!" but that still leaves the problem of "impossible to know what the player wants out of the virginal scene for this NPC". ALSO, for all this effort, you can obviously only ever do it once. There's a lot of problems, honestly.

So many, I can't even list them all.

The reason is the game's approach to how it handles events, I feel a token system should have been used rather than rely on contributors to account for every single feature.

Take Knot size for example, very rarely (actually never) does any NPC mention it or does it create a problem. Maybe someone somewhere wrote something in, but that is just a really backwards way of going about things.

When I asked why sex scenes don't end with a tied knot, someone responded with "I know I wrote some scenes in", that kind of made me figure out that the "game" doesn't monitor those things and relies on contributors to write it in. So, if you build an Asur for example or a Kui-tan, you end up looking for just the content created by a specific person in order to at least read scenes built for the features your character has? That just doesn't make sense to me.

It sounds like you just don't know how code works, I think. You can't just write code that autodetects a knot and creates a scene for it based on the NPC. It's not actually impossible, but it might as well be for the good it'd do. Everything has to be manually written.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF

Vitriolic and verbose as always I see. Could have just channeled Couch and point out that 'writers aren't obliged to accommodate for anything besides general genital configuration'. So oftentimes they structure the scene around doing that in a satisfying and interesting manner, consistently throwing in their fetish. Like Fen's furries and futa, or your D/s dynamics and trap-stuff. If TiTS team doesn't have a writer who is passionate about your fetish, you have a chance to find some content that heavily features such content, but better not get your hopes too high.

In any case, you really shouldn't just assume that all the people here will be ungrateful bastards and start to complain/demand more instead of appreciating the fact that they got a scene catering to their kink.

As for the ways to implement meaningful shout-outs to character's thickness and tone without structuring the whole scene about it: NPCs commenting on them offhandedly is all that comes to mind right now. 'Ooh, #playername#, you are plump as a peach. Me gusta.' Although I'm certain there are a lot of other ways to do just that.


I haven't tested it yet, but .sol files for TiTS have Booleans for each of cock, vaginal and anal virginity, on top of hymens for orifices. So potentially it can track mental and physical aspects of the issue separately.

I'm 100% with you when it comes to desiring more fleshed-out instances of virginity loss in scenes, however not a whole bunch of people wants to always have that level of responsibility and/or intimacy in their porn. So far, I can only recall Jim's works as something that regularly focuses on virginity and virgins. Geoff is also pretty dope in that regard.

There are some people I know that stated their distaste for dealing with virgins, but I don't think any of them would bail on someone halfway through having a romantic/sexual encounter just because of that.
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Mar 9, 2016
I'm probably not going to do anything with "height", because if I even fucking acknowledge the fact that there are idiots who have made themselves ten feet tall, it opens up a massive can of worms about what can and can't happen in a scene. What's worse about this is it actually makes it worse if I do acknowledge you're ten feet tall and make the scene work for you, because in the next scene along everything will go back to pretending you aren't. That's the problem with giving the PC a huge number of outlandish physical options in a nutshell.

Shoo my 10ft tall God Empress, you're alright. Shoo. filthy xenos yes. yes.

In terms of sexual mechanics, I agree with you. Though I hope for;

"While talking you hit the doorcase with your head."
"You hit the doorcase. Again. Anno snickers."
Int > 50% "You remember hitting the doorcase. Not again."
Dex > 80% "Thanks to your perfectly honed, gruellingly combat tested reflexes. Your forehead, by a fraction of millimeters avoids the doorcase. Anno looks very impressed."
Goo "With a wet splotch your forehead strikes the doorcase."

Dunno about virginity in general, it seems like it would unknowingly hide a lot of content.. and I wouldn't describe the game as "virginity-simulator".

As for the ways to implement meaningful shout-outs to character's thickness and tone without structuring the whole scene about it: NPCs commenting on them offhandedly is all that comes to mind right now. 'Ooh, #playername#, you are plump as a peach. Me gusta.' Although I'm certain there are a lot of other ways to do just that.

mmh, during dressing/undressing scenes? "You wiggle out of your way too tight [item]"

I am kind of hoping for a bit more "texture" (tone) descriptions for limbs like;

body-part-surface[smooth, translucent, hard, soft, rough, furred, glistening, lubricated, wet, gloved, clothed, rubber-encased, alien, heavy, light, limber, strong, verdant?, bruised?, swollen?, enlarged?,inked, tattooed, checkered, swirling, hypnotic, addictive?, meager, scaled, gelatinous, bound, constricted, dirty, clean, dripping, vibrating, sticky] ..mh the words flow 
body-part-surface-belly+[toned, pregnant, trained, gravid, gigantic, epic-abs-bro, muscled]
body-part-fingers[claws, calloused fingers, long nails  ]

"He roughly grabs your [] legs and.. "
"Your [fingers] slowly stroke.."
"Your [] toes curl .."
"Kisses your [] belly"

Otherwise mmh, I don't remember feelers/horns ever being used, but I don't care too much about that.

Having more scenes using long tongue / long ears / non-cunt-tail would be neat.
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Aug 26, 2015
The only ones of those you'll get are tongue blurbs in oral and tail petting or spanking.  Ears maybe with some cases like Ceria.  A big array of arm adjectives would be just another thing nobody will use beyond the occassional [pc.arms].  A lot of the transformation stuff, almost all of it in fact, is there purely for decoration and to help you visualize your character just the way you want them.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Speaking of height. I've always wondered how big our ship's interior and bed are. As I'm doubtful a junker like our first ship is implied to be has the fancy amenities that cater to a wide range of species and TF addicts.


Aug 26, 2015
The Casstech is implied to be almost literally the Winnebago from Spaceballs, so about the size of a midsize RV or bus.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Another reason to go chakat for my taur characters - felines, at least, have innate talent to nestle snugly anywhere...


Aug 27, 2015
Vitriolic and verbose as always I see. Could have just channeled Couch and point out that writers aren't obliged to include anything besides general genital configuration. So most of the time they do just that plus their fetish. Like Fen's furries and futa, or your D/s dynamics and trap-stuff. If TiTS team doesn't have a writer that's passionate about your fetish, you are SOOL.

Cromulent, too.

My not-particularly-lambent-and-perspicacious-9AM-self was just trying to give some insight as to how you build a sex scene in TiTS and why things like knots get mentions rather than flowery paragraphs devoted to them, or change the whole dynamic of it. I also slightly resent the accusation we only ever do stuff which scratches our particular itches (and by his occasional outbursts on the subject you should know Fen does too). Sure I love power play and traps. but not to the exclusion of everything else. Semith does nothing for me but I still wrote him, because he does for someone out there. Similarly, as he likes to constantly remind us, despite his infamous dislike of pregshit Savin has actually done more than anyone to provide PC pregnancies. Preferences and fetishes affect things, of course they do, but it's not simply a case of do-what-you-will.


Jan 8, 2016
The only ones of those you'll get are tongue blurbs in oral and tail petting or spanking.  Ears maybe with some cases like Ceria.  A big array of arm adjectives would be just another thing nobody will use beyond the occassional [pc.arms].  A lot of the transformation stuff, almost all of it in fact, is there purely for decoration and to help you visualize your character just the way you want them.

When I started writing TiTS stuff I tried very hard to avoid parser calls because I felt like it restricted my ability to describe things. I didn't like the idea of pulling from the same list of adjectives as everyone else, especially when you see some of the word combinations so often. It felt like it made all writing the same and reduced word diversity. Ironically, the truth is pretty much the opposite. It's impossible to describe the PC without the parser when it's not a set character.

As for the virginity thing, I'll say it surprises me none of you have met guys who don't want to deal with virgins because of, yes, the "inherent emotional weight" and associated issues and I'll leave it at that. 

I also slightly resent the accusation we only ever do stuff which scratches our particular itches (and by his occasional outbursts on the subject you should know Fen does too). 

It's a bit of a victimless crime depending on what you like I guess. I like playing as a taur and as such I like writing for them, but as it happens they sorely need more content so everyone's a winner. I guess it's probably more of an issue when people have written so much.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Cromulent, too.

My not-particularly-lambent-and-perspicacious-9AM-self was just trying to give some insight as to how you build a sex scene in TiTS and why things like knots get mentions rather than flowery paragraphs devoted to them, or change the whole dynamic of it. I also slightly resent the accusation we only ever do stuff which scratches our particular itches (and by his occasional outbursts on the subject you should know Fen does too). Sure I love power play and traps. but not to the exclusion of everything else. Semith does nothing for me but I still wrote him, because he does for someone out there. Similarly, as he likes to constantly remind us, despite his infamous dislike of pregshit Savin has actually done more than anyone to provide PC pregnancies. Preferences and fetishes affect things, of course they do, but it's not simply a case of do-what-you-will.

I'm sorry if anything in my post came across as me saying that TiTS writers create nothing but scenes centered around their fetishes, or G-d forbid, that they write too much of fetish X.  I was just pointing out to @DreamBlade that the only realistic way to find the sort of consistency he wants when it comes to certain fetish being invoked and applied to scenes is to find a writer that likes it. E.g. Savin cares a lot for knots in scenes that can potentially feature them, so while it's possible to find great knotting action in other scenes, following his work is the most surefire way to get your doggie-dick fix.

I'll go edit my previous post now. 


I should really stop being such a sore loser and go explore more of Scorpion Pirate Man's content. But damn was it annoying to lose so many times in a row with 38 Int. 


How about some scenes where an NPC recognises that they are taking your virginity? 


Aug 27, 2015
I should really stop being such a sore loser and go explore more of Scorpion Pirate Man's content. But damn was it annoying to lose so many times in a row with 38 Int. 

The chess game runs off whether your Int is >90% of what it could be or not, over which you'll win 3 games out of 4. That's how I intended it, at least - Jacques does fiddle with these things as he sees fit.

Win or lose you can go smoke a bowl with him, which I did enjoy writing.


Aug 26, 2015
That's how I intended it, at least - Jacques does fiddle with these things as he sees fit.

Correction: Nachte coded the bulk of Semith's material, I just ran over it for mostly typo fixes. But yes, the I.Q. level should determine the chances of win-lose, so winning is still random, with favor to higher I.Q. characters.