

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
BTW, about machineguns, shotguns and such. It would make sense for them to do damage in split portions multiple times with own chance to hit for each shot. That would make them great weapon against armorless foes and for stable average damage per turn, while single-shot weapons could have high armor penetration and critical chance.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
He has those things in his catalogue, but doesn't have them with him on planet because he's retired and manning his relative's shop and doesn't have the permits to sell them in this location anyway. Even the ZK rifle (which I assume is some sort of assault or semi-automatic rifle) you get from his quest, he rewards it to you under-the-table.

I think you should re-read Couch's reply again, this time more thoroughly. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
I think you should re-read Couch's reply again, this time more thoroughly. 

Why? The things I said are taken directly from what Carl says in the game.

It's been mentioned before that Ted, who wrote Crazy Carl's stock, was not originally of the impression that TiTS would be following the JRPG style of each new area coming with better weapons than the one before it, so he wrote the Mhen'ga gear to be military-grade assuming that it was going to be the same gear you'd be using at the end of the game.  This is why immediately after Mhen'ga you see a sharp backslide in the technological level of gear provided: jury-rigged weapons made by a teenage bat and centuries-old laser rifles on Tarkus, World War I era rifles and axes on Myrellion, and on Uveto I've handed out a power suit that's supposed to be heavily stripped down from the actual version Akkadi produces for military units.

I assume that the inventory in Carl's stock was originally higher quality, and it was changed to be axes and revolvers, because none of that stuff is 'military grade'. However, it's still being produced and refined, as evidenced by Anno's dialogue that talks about the Holdout H.P.. I don't remember the exact words but the gun and/or the ammo are a recent technological development from within her lifetime (and she's young) that was subsequently abandoned.

In any case, I'm still not seeing much justification for the idea that space pirate grunts are walking around with extremely advanced weapons. (Even the guys in armored suits that attack you in the darkness of Deck 92 come at you with machine pistols, flashbangs, and smoke grenades, and those guys were supposedly pirate special forces or some kind of mercenaries)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Why? The things I said are taken directly from what Carl says in the game.

the game is in "alpha" and may change if deemed necessary. And I think he meant the part that insisted that the more advanced options are out of stock.

I assume that the inventory in Carl's stock was originally higher quality, and it was changed to be axes and revolvers, because none of that stuff is 'military grade'. However, it's still being produced and refined, as evidenced by Anno's dialogue that talks about the Holdout H.P..

Well, so are bows and crossbows. Have you seen a compound bow?

 I don't remember the exact words but the gun and/or the ammo are a recent technological development from within her lifetime (and she's young) that was subsequently abandoned.

It's the ammo. 

-"Like it? she asks, drawing it and setting it on her desk. “I custom built it, actually. I know, I know, ‘Anno, how do you have so many varied and awesome skills?’ Well, gunsmithing got a lot easier with 3D replication tech, let met tell you. I took your standard holdout rig, pulled in an integrated silencer pattern for the barrel I might have stolen from a German, plus redesigned the feed for a new bullet Steele Tech was working on. Ended up canning the project, but I snagged the replication code for ‘em, so I can fabricate my own rounds. - 

Note that it nowhere suggests that any of the systems work the exact way they do today, which you keep insisting that they do. Also she also mentions that the round was could be effective against armoured individuals and cyborgs so it is assumed that it is made with sci fi future materials

In any case, I'm still not seeing much justification for the idea that space pirate grunts are walking around with extremely advanced weapons. (Even the guys in armored suits that attack you in the darkness of Deck 92 come at you with machine pistols, flashbangs, and smoke grenades, and those guys were supposedly pirate special forces or some kind of mercenaries)

I wouldn't say extremely advanced, but advanced enough and effective for the purpose they came for. 

Again, future-material, advanced machine pistols, which, judging by its ingame tooltip, has recoil-reductive systems in place.

Flashbangs are a concept; not a technology. A device that overloads the enemy's senses of sight and hearing in order to incapacitate them can still be effective in the future and would have been if it weren't for that maddling captain Steele and their top-of-line microsurgeons. 

As for smoke granades, neither do captain Steele or Saendra wear anything that would filter out the smoke or allow them to see through it.


Aug 26, 2015
No, originally the thought was that when you got the ZK Rifle, that was basically going to be your weapon of choice for the entire game.  This is how it worked in CoC: you had one weapon shop, and every weapon in the game was basically on par with the weapons in that shop.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
No, originally the thought was that when you got the ZK Rifle, that was basically going to be your weapon of choice for the entire game.  This is how it worked in CoC: you had one weapon shop, and every weapon in the game was basically on par with the weapons in that shop.

Oh, ok.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
In any case, I'm still not seeing much justification for the idea that space pirate grunts are walking around with extremely advanced weapons. (Even the guys in armored suits that attack you in the darkness of Deck 92 come at you with machine pistols, flashbangs, and smoke grenades, and those guys were supposedly pirate special forces or some kind of mercenaries)

Hm. When you mentioned space pirates, I was initially thinking you were referring to the bumbling terrorists on Tarkus. Based on their codex page, calling the Black Void "pirates" is a bit like calling Al Capone's Mob "a bunch of muggers." While occasionally correct, it's completely misleading. Black Void is effectively the "Space Mafia," with (relative to the nations it works in) comparative clout to the prohibition-era Mob before Elliot Ness.

I'm getting a little worried about how off-topic this conversation is getting. It started as a complaint about a specific mechanic, and now we're arguing about the utility of black-powder firearms alongside energy weapons and the likelihood of space-faring outlaws acquiring high-end weaponry. It's kind of fun, but I'm hoping Trogdor isn't getting frustrated that his thread is getting hijacked.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
'm getting a little worried about how off-topic this conversation is getting.

It's the nature of discussion. One topic leads to another. So long as it's all civil there's no problem. It's when it devolves into nothing but attacks and flaming is when redirect or lockout should occur.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Well isn't this thread just Trogdor's personal question thread now?

It always was my personal question thread. It just kind of flows back and forth between questions and discussion. I figure it's better this way, rather than me flooding the forum with new threads every time I get a new question or a suggestion comes to mind.

Hm. When you mentioned space pirates, I was initially thinking you were referring to the bumbling terrorists on Tarkus. Based on their codex page, calling the Black Void "pirates" is a bit like calling Al Capone's Mob "a bunch of muggers." While occasionally correct, it's completely misleading. Black Void is effectively the "Space Mafia," with (relative to the nations it works in) comparative clout to the prohibition-era Mob before Elliot Ness.

Well, it just strikes me as a bit odd. There was a time when pirates and state navies and privateers were evenly matched and would fight naval battles using comparable technology. But that obviously went by the wayside. Nowadays it would be impossible for organized crime or pirates to build a ship that could stand up to a modern navy vessel in a fight. And I'm no historian, but I doubt Capone's mob was sinking money into R&D to develop new weapons and stuff.

I encountered a similar phenomenon (and forgive me while I kind of go off on a loosely-related tangent here) when I was playing a mod called Discovery for a space shooter RPG called Freelancer. In Freelancer, there are many different factions of varying legitimacy, controlled territory, and goals, and so part of the game was navigating this complicated web of relationships amongst pirates, traders, revolutionaries, and state actors.

Then along comes the Discovery mod, and they decide they're going to give players the ability to control not only the fighters and freighters they had in vanilla, but bombers, transports, gunboats, cruisers, and battleships. And they kind of willy-nilly decided that lots of factions were going to get these new toys, and write the story in around them to justify their presence. Now of a sudden you have what were a bunch of goons who descended from survivors of a cryo-ship that crashed out in irradiated edge-world hell, whom in vanilla were struggling to fight off aliens in their backyard, rival pirates, genetic mutation caused by radiation, and their own inability to even grow enough food for themselves, suddenly tooling around half the galaxy in the biggest ships the game had to offer, of their own faction's design.

I don't want to get into details, but this caused an awful lot of headaches and hurt feelings, as suddenly the people roleplaying those pirate factions went from 'we need these other guys to live because their quasi-lawful status lets them bring in food from the garden worlds' to 'Hey look at this powerful tech I have, I must not need any help anymore, fuck yo couch charlie murphy!'

Needless to say, despite how much time I invested in that community, this attitude of 'well the pirates can just do whatever they want now because reasons' drove me away.

tl;dr Vanilla had realistic space pirates, Discovery had OP space pirates that gained shipyards and mineral wealth and technological capabilities they really had no justification for, aside from 'this is how things are now'. They gained those capabilities because it suited the stuff the devs wanted to put in the game, not because it made any sense for those groups to develop that kind of tech on their own. It's one thing to have money and access to corrupt politicians and business executives in order to skirt the reach of the law; it's quite another to build space stations and shipyards out in buttfuck-nowhere and crew those things with sufficient cooperating people, yet still call them 'pirates' or 'criminals'.

We are really going off on a tangent here with the pirate thing, though; this whole topic started out as a discussion on what stats a couple of guns should have, and I think I'm about done with the topic.

As for getting frustrated, well, what Karretch said.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Well, it just strikes me as a bit odd. There was a time when pirates and state navies and privateers were evenly matched and would fight naval battles using comparable technology. But that obviously went by the wayside. Nowadays it would be impossible for organized crime or pirates to build a ship that could stand up to a modern navy vessel in a fight.

Nowadays, when most pirates are basically Somali terrorists with AKs and motor boats, sure. In the future where you have thousands of unexplored or poorly explored solar systems opening up to exploration all at once, with virtually no governmental involvement whatsoever for years afterwards? Yeah. 

I doubt the Black Void would want to go toe to toe with the J.A.F. or T.S.C. navies, but they also have very little reason to. They've been shown quite capable of neutralizing armed private security space convoys, however, and both pirate lords we've seen are more than capable of mobilizing small fleets of frigates and cruisers on their own, and probably have at least one or two dreadnoughts or carriers in reserve somewhere. It's also worth noting that they have access to nuclear weapons, apparently in no short supply.

I think comparing them to the mafia of Earth is probably pretty off. Lysander Chow's faction is the mafia, specifically that of the 1920s. The Black Void is much closer to Militaires Sans Frontières, but with more space battleships and fewer METAL GEAR!!!s


@Trogdor it's always nice to come upon a fellow freelancer fan. I never played Disco before they let everyone had battleships but I had some good times on there. Not as fun as the void mod though.

The Black Void is much closer to Militaires Sans Frontières, but with more space battleships and fewer METAL GEAR!!!s

So some private merc companies own their own worlds. Are these worlds with sapient lifeforms as well, or just habitable with no natives? 


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
@Trogdor it's always nice to come upon a fellow freelancer fan. I never played Disco before they let everyone had battleships but I had some good times on there. Not as fun as the void mod though.

So some private merc companies own their own worlds. Are these worlds with sapient lifeforms as well, or just habitable with no natives? 

Depends on the planet, I guess. Why not both?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
The UGC in game codex outright states that membership worlds can have almost any local government they want, including dictatorships. Given that, it's not unreasonable for merc company owned planets to be outright legal and accepted. Probably not out of the question for covertly owned pirate planets, either - or even blatantly, as long as all of their piracy is conducted outside of UGC space.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
The U.G.C. also doesn't control all of the planets in the galaxy. The vast majority, sure, but there are certainly going to be outlier worlds that remain independent. See: Thraggen. 


Space is wast and the UGC can't be present everywhere, especially not in backwater systems.

Yeah I realised after posting that the question was ambiguous. What I tried to say was does the UGC have rules about it, even if they can't do anything.


Aug 26, 2015
Yeah I realised after posting that the question was ambiguous. What I tried to say was does the UGC have rules about it, even if they can't do anything.

There appear to be at least some rules in place on member worlds to encourage uplifting rather than exploitation of natives, not that it stops some people from doing one under the guise of the other.  If it came up that there was a Void-controlled world whose natives were being used as slave labor, it might get public outcry, but what's the UGC going to do if it's not their space?

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
I don't know how long I can support a game that has no METAL... GEAR???s.

I like the BV. There's enough mystery around them that you can write a lot with them.

Fun fact: I pitched a side adventure on Tarkus where Big Deal pirates show up so Aurora and Shekka scratch build a junk mecha and you n' the gang beat up some pirates with your giant robot. It got turned down tho.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Fun fact: I pitched a side adventure on Tarkus where Big Deal pirates show up so Aurora and Shekka scratch build a junk mecha and you n' the gang beat up some pirates with your giant robot. It got turned down tho.

That must have been pure jealousy. All the fanbase would have belong to you after such a glorious X-pack.


Time to go get some moneys. PCxSpace VaasxSpace Citra threesome won't commission itself.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
I think comparing them to the mafia of Earth is probably pretty off. Lysander Chow's faction is the mafia, specifically that of the 1920s. The Black Void is much closer to Militaires Sans Frontières, but with more space battleships and fewer METAL GEAR!!!s

Yeah, I realized the mob didn't quite fit, but I couldn't think of any real-world example of an entity that thought of itself as a belligerent nation without delineated borders. Unless you want to buy into the whole Illuminati thing...

@Magic Ted, while I imagine giant mecha buddies would probably skew the progression curve to hell and back, I would love to see more Aurora content. Do you (or anyone else) know if there's more in the works?

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
There is a minor foot note re:Aurora resurgence, but it is unlikely to come to pass. Nor is it quite what ya'll want, either! 


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016

Can someone explain this gains table to me? It sounds like once you're at 50% exhibition, you no longer gain exhibition from minor scenes. But it also sounds like you don't get any exhibition from full exhibition scenes until you're at 50%, which doesn't make much sense.

Is this even still current?
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah, I realized the mob didn't quite fit, but I couldn't think of any real-world example of an entity that thought of itself as a belligerent nation without delineated borders. Unless you want to buy into the whole Illuminati thing...

think some medieval orders might have qualified as that (eg. Templars, Hospitalars), at least at some point during their existences. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016

Can someone explain this gains table to me? It sounds like once you're at 50% exhibition, you no longer gain exhibition from minor scenes. But it also sounds like you don't get any exhibition from full exhibition scenes until you're at 50%, which doesn't make much sense.

Is this even still current?

Hmm. According to the chart, drinking from Asennia after 12:00 is supposed to give 2% exhibition, but sure enough, it's not giving any progress. So I guess that really is how it works. Odd.

Edit: Nevermind, I'm a moron. I missed the 'has penis' requirement on Asennia's scenes. Going to Dally for a favor gives proper 2%.

Just found this when I went down to the deep caves:

Rather than climbing down the rappelling lines, you stretch your wings and start to fly down, zipping down like a diving bird of prey into the fathomless depths of the bug world. The cavern is much, much deeper than you had expected, you quickly realize: minutes pass in controlled descent, to the point that you start to wonder if there even is a bottom... until you suddenly see several large, stone spikes rushing up to meet you.

You pull up at the last minute, landing between several of the largest outcroppings.

Rather than climbing up the ropes ahead like some kind of wingless peasant, you spread your magnificent wings and take flight, soaring up the cliff face in all your inhuman majesty. The ascent takes what seems like ages, minutes and minutes spent in darkness and silence, barely able to see the ropes and rocks mere feet from your face.

Eventually, you arrive at the top of the chasm and land, stopping to catch your breath for a few long minutes. Whew, going up’s certainly a lot more work than going down...

I lol'd.

Hmm.. I've been noticing more and more instances lately of my character's ladyparts being referred to as 'null', like in this ganrael sounding scene:

For several lifelong minutes you’re transfixed, until the ganrael loses interest in her discovery and withdraws her hand to play with your null

I'm not sure what it's trying to refer to here, but I suspect having two clits might be screwing it up.

So I just discovered that I can use Goo Balls to style my hair, even though I'm not a goo-creature. The wiki makes no mention of this, so I just stumbled upon it; it seems to let you access some hairstyles that aren't available in the salon on Tavros.

However, the styles don't seem to be reflected in your character description...It still just says I have 'long hair'.
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Hmm.. I've been noticing more and more instances lately of my character's ladyparts being referred to as 'null', like in this ganrael sounding scene:

For several lifelong minutes you’re transfixed, until the ganrael loses interest in her discovery and withdraws her hand to play with your null

I'm not sure what it's trying to refer to here, but I suspect having two clits might be screwing it up.

If you have nulls showing up, post in the bug report section. That way it can be fixed. You're correct that having two clits is what causes it.