just a question....


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
TL;DR : Preg content seems pointless with the game still so early in it's life cycle. The consequences of it would slow down progression of the story tremendously. It should either be extremely toned down (god please no more getting egged content) or just taken out all together.

Or.... just wait for other things to be completed so there's time for pregnancy content?

It doesn't need to be toned down or taken out all together (btw, there were LOTS of pregnancies in CoC).

Lets wait on making any judgement calls on the state of followers and preg content because, in your words, the game is still early in it's life cycle.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
The point im trying to make, I don't think preg content should be in this game. Period.

Fundamentally agree, but I think we're outvoted many many times over. But, what MP is saying is across the board true.

Crew members are a particularly salient point, since their primary utility is going to be re: ship combat. Which... doesn't exist yet.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
I cannot and do not want to speak for the dev team here, but TiTS seems like it has a huge amount of content that's in-process. From where I'm standing, it's way too early to start talking about cutting content as if the game's about to go gold and ______ thing just won't make the cut. TiTS seems like it's under heavy construction right now.

What you say is true, but I'd like to say that with the style of development TiTS uses there's a distinct advantage to laying down the groundwork for content earlier, rather than later. In a more traditional development cycle the order in which certain elements of your game are designed can be very fluid. You can change characters to suit plot elements or vice-versa, for example. Ideally, you don't want to change too much too often, but nothing is set in stone until that game goes gold.

TiTS' development cycle works differently, however. When a certain element is put in, it's basically set. We might see additions, but we probably won't be seeing major edits to content people are already familiar with. Changes in TiTS are mostly projected forward, with retroactive changes having to be made to work within the existing content. Anything that gets in early will not only (probably) end up more fully realized, but have future content that is designed with it in mind rather than having to fit into past content that isn't.

For example, space content. Let us say that Fen eventually ends up putting his Mad Max-style planet idea into the game. If space content (and space ship battles) had been implemented by this point then Fen might decide to adapt the ship combat system for ground vehicles, and focus on that for the planet's content. Space content being done earlier rather than later could have a significant impact on how this planet might be designed. If space content hadn't been developed before the Mad Max planet then it's rather unlikely they would go back and radically alter the planet to include it later. This is all strictly hypothetical of course. I have no idea when space content is coming, and the Mad Max planet is currently just a glint in Fen's eye, as far as I know.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Fundamentally agree, but I think we're outvoted many many times over. But, what MP is saying is across the board true.

So not even Nyrean babies and Water Princesses are truly love children of your interest?


Someone had put it nicely in another thread: TiTS' very existence is based upon 'unnecessary' details/complexity and things that would be superficial to any 'normal' space adventuring.


That's true in general, but in case of pregnancy content, the coding basis is all there (AFAIK), so any author who'd wish to do such content justice following Observer's advice has all the tools to do that.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Fundamentally agree, but I think we're outvoted many many times over. But, what MP is saying is across the board true.

Crew members are a particularly salient point, since their primary utility is going to be re: ship combat. Which... doesn't exist yet.

I have to ask how players who happen to not like some crew members are to deal with their absence?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I have to say, the note made me feel all sorts of feelings.

It reminded me of one of my favourite CoC pregnacy scenes (the drider one and the [SIZE=12pt]"THANK YOU MOMMY."[/SIZE] spider web message). It almost made me forget the absurd amount of hours that pregnacy lasted.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
EDIT: And this is my hundredth post! ... Crap I was supposed to be saving this for my content update tomorrow.

Haha, you eventually reach the status of big league forum poster here (which isn't really too much to be proud of in my experience).

It reminded me of one of my favourite CoC pregnacy scenes (the drider one and the [SIZE=12pt]"THANK YOU MOMMY."[/SIZE] spider web message). It almost made me forget the absurd amount of hours that pregnacy lasted.

I just used save editing on that bitch when the save editor came out, that shit was one of the greatest utilities I've ever used (for a porn game).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'll  point out that I'm not a fan of "getting stuffed" with anything. So a lot of these pregnancy scenes I haven't and probably won't experience so the feelings presented in them arent really something I can relate to. 


I like the pregnancy content. I look forward to the nursery existing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I always set pregnancy duration to as long as possible. Yeah, it sometimes takes weeks of play to have everything come full circle. That's half the fun! :D  

It's just that, story wise, I am not interested in giving birth. That, and...

I'm not a fan of "getting stuffed" with anything.

That is not to say I want it banned, oh no. Pregophiles shouldn't be left high and dry! I just want ways to prevent that kind of content if I don't want to trigger it. Being a one time only scene-and an unusual one at it-, I felt I had to give the Queen of the Deep a try.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I like the pregnancy content. I look forward to the nursery existing.

It´s not much, but I too love what we do have.

I´m also looking forward to the nursery. I´d love to see my three Raskvel girls.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
It reminded me of one of my favourite CoC pregnacy scenes (the drider one and the [SIZE=12pt]"THANK YOU MOMMY."[/SIZE] spider web message). It almost made me forget the absurd amount of hours that pregnacy lasted.

How long does that pregnancy last normally? I did it in less than a week I think thanks to both the Fertility perk and the Fera's Boon (I think) perk knocking down the time by half each.

Haha, you eventually reach the status of big league forum poster here (which isn't really too much to be proud of in my experience).

I'm proud of it! Makes me feel like an active member, though man do I feel jealous sometimes of those that get to double my post count!


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I'm proud of it! Makes me feel like an active member, though man do I feel jealous sometimes of those that get to double my post count!

I mean, it made me feel giddy inside I guess. That's not weird right?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Oh, well... don't do it then? :p  

It's pretty easy to avoid in my experience, and even when you go outside the current oviposition/parasitic pregnancies, Sterilex exists to circumvent natural pregnancies with ease. It's not really all that much of a concern for people that want to avoid it.

I avoid any kinds of pregnacies like the plague (especially after CoC's experiences), but, as I said, I wanted to trigger the Queen of the Deep one. Sterilex hasn't been around until recently, so I previously had to deal with nyreans and (in the beginning of the game) venus pitcher seeds.

How long does that pregnancy last normally? I did it in less than a week I think thanks to both the Fertility perk and the Fera's Boon (I think) perk knocking down the time by half each.

I haven't played CoC in a while and I took the Sand Witches' brown pill as soon as I found it, so I can't properly answer here. I was comparing how those two pregnacies end, not how long they take :p


Is Sterliex permanent or can anyone in the TITS universe with enough money get fertile again?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Is Sterliex permanent or can anyone in the TITS universe with enough money get fertile again?

Unless overdosed it only lasts for 24 hours.

If you overdose you either get the perk Sterile if you have a vagina or Firing-Blanks if you have a penis. Or randomly one of them if you´re a herm.

According to the wiki the perks can be lost when you lose your genital(s).
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
You two are now the harpy twins.

Also I'm pretty sure there's *already* a reversible sterility surgery for dudes, at least. Considering this is the nanomachine future, gene mods and the like should theoretically be able to turn your jumbly bits on and off at will. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
You two are now the harpy twins.

Also I'm pretty sure there's *already* a reversible sterility surgery for dudes, at least. Considering this is the nanomachine future, gene mods and the like should theoretically be able to turn your jumbly bits on and off at will. 

Especially since we've got fancier microsurgeons. Maybe it could be an upgrade that could be toggled on and off in a menu like Emmy's remote sex toy/goo shifting? Have it unlock after we meet the dude who made them or something.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
This is the future, so men actually just have this weird tattoo on their balls that they input a three digit pin code in so that they're fertile for 24 hours via nanomachines (, son)

The future is a weird place.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
This is the future, so men actually just have this weird tattoo on their balls that they input a three digit pin code in so that they're fertile for 24 hours via nanomachines (, son)

The future is a weird place.


I'd pay for that in a heartbeat. 

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
There are a few. One is an easy tube tying. The other is snippity snip. As far as I understand snippity snip is actually healable, tho.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
You two are now the harpy twins.

I like this title :D

Joined by our immaculate taste in avatars. 'Tis a storied bond.


This is the future, so men actually just have this weird tattoo on their balls that they input a three digit pin code in so that they're fertile for 24 hours via nanomachines (, son)

The future is a weird place.

Born too late to discover new continents and too early for weird future genital technology...


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That is not to say I want it banned, oh no. Pregophiles shouldn't be left high and dry! I just want ways to prevent that kind of content if I don't want to trigger it. Being a one time only scene-and an unusual one at it-, I felt I had to give the Queen of the Deep a try.

While I do agree in some regards, I feel like the majors of preg content is generally directed to the female sex with there being far more opportunities for females to make use of the system and only what? 3 characters that are capable of being impreganted by make PCs. And two of them will enventually want to stuff what you fertilized into you, which again where I draw the line of comfort. Even trying the queen of the deep thing out for once, and a guy (and a father to a 8 month old daughter) in real life I had a hard time adjusting to the fact that I'm pregnant. Yeah I did like the way the birthing scene ends witch the young leaving you the note, but I don't think that's enough to make me not want to save edit this event from ever happening and not procing it on any other characters I create.

im not complaining that females have more than males or anything. I'm saying that at this moment it's become a problem for a lot of people who do and don't want it ( or at least that specific "get knocked up" method or procreation) and it does begin to feel like a majority rules type of thing. It's a clash that forces people to just settle. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
If you'll look at CoC, there was plenty of opportunity for male (or herm) characters to knock up female (or herm) characters. Just because there's only a couple of those now, in this far from complete game, does not mean there won't be more. It seems kinda silly to criticize pregnancy in Fen's games as being only or mostly for female characters. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It seems kinda silly to criticize pregnancy in Fen's games as being only or mostly for female characters. 

Correction, never criticized pregnancies in the games as being only or mostly for female characters. As you stated in your post and if i must be more specific, at this point in the game cycle there seems to be a focus of female PC pregnancies or if you're not female you still get stuffed and not so much as you doing the stuffing. Who's to say a year from now this reply will no longer be valid. My reply also wasn't a complaint.


Apr 6, 2016
Correction, never criticized pregnancies in the games as being only or mostly for female characters. As you stated in your post and if i must be more specific, at this point in the game cycle there seems to be a focus of female PC pregnancies or if you're not female you still get stuffed and not so much as you doing the stuffing. Who's to say a year from now this reply will no longer be valid. My reply also wasn't a complaint.

There are several reasons for this. In no particular order:

- If Steele is the mother, then the fate of the eventual child rests in her hands. The handwaved nursery helps avoid the rather nasty ethical issue of "hey, what happens to my kid when he or she is born in the middle of a hostile jungle / war zone / horrifying scrapyard wasteland / creepy cow planet?" Some PCs might be okay with sowing their seed across the stars, but others might not be, and the game really doesn't have support for "stay somewhere and become a responsible adult" as an option at present.

- From a writing and programming perspective, it's easier to show an impact with a PC mother. If the PC is the father, you either have to have a temporary or permanent companion system or you need to somehow write the fact that the PC became a parent into world events. Given how quickly a male Steele can arrive on a world, have sex, and leave, it's entirely possible that the PC could father a child and not even be aware of it. And even if Steele does stick around... what do you do? Do you write an event where some random local you knocked up comes and says hi? Does the player meet a half-whatever that looks remarkably like him? It's a complicated problem.

- There is choice and player agency to be gained from female pregnancies, whereas there isn't as much to be gained from becoming a father. As a mother (due to a random encounter, not a large narrative arc), Steele can decide how he or she reacts to that. Is she happy? Resigned? Upset? There are stories that can be told there, and the player can then make choices based on them. But as a father, because of the inevitable physical distance between Steele and the mother and child, it's a lot harder to make the player's choices matter without stomping all over the choices of the mother, which many people would be uncomfortable doing. Now, of course, you could solve this with an extensive writing project and a relationship with the mother, but... now we're moving out of the realm of random encounter offspring.

Essentially, for random event pregnancies (the predominant kind we have at the moment), female pregnancies are easier to write, offer more to the PC in terms of character and story development, and are less morally questionable. When we get some children from longer-term relationships, I suspect we'll see far more options, but for now... I would expect incidental offspring to be more of a feature for female captains.
Oct 16, 2015
I simply brought it up as a question, I didn't expect it to get this much attention o_O" but never the less I do wonder if Steele will be more involved in his/hers child's/children's life/lives, kind of like raising helspawn or visiting urta's kids