Behemoth - yarr, yarr we got one of those too ingame. I wonder what would people say for PC chance to became super strong behemoth...
Gorilla/monkey fits well with your wushu theme since of Son Goku
Wait a second, when was a Behemoth added?
I don't remember one in the game...
Also if you were wondering on morphs for this mod.
Why not a Crane?
I've always seen Cranes as being elegant, and beautiful.
So you could just imagine how they would look as a morph?
Speaking of muscles I been wondering which one fantasy race could be said have higest bonuses to strength? I not including races that are much larger than averange humanoid race similar to humans in height so no giants or titans as their would naturaly have this stat high.
Same with toughness. Which Mareth race would fit to been considered most oriented on having this stat really high?
EDIT: OH by going with asian belives this one post in thread is really unlucky one. All numbers 4 here as it's 444th post of the thread.
spider-morph = strongest? (ask Stan Lee for details about why)
For toughness maybe goo-people, have you ever tried to punch jelly til it ded? If you did you are probably not done yet, punch harder.
Maybe ant-morph if we had one as they can carry many tiems of it weight (thou here trouble will be people complaning if I made TF that not giving 4 arms :/ )
I can't seem to find an answer so I really have to ask... what does the tracheal system perk actually does? I know it says it implements a bug-like respiratory system but what are the benefits of that to the player character? =o
We do have a Ant-morph!
Phylla is too cute to forget!! T wT
If we are to talk about strenght based species
Cowgirl and minotaurus witheout a doubt are the stronguest physical behing on mareth however if we look at this the other way scylla posessing no less then 10 arms can easily pin down anyone into a grapple and dragon is of course legendary for behing all rounded superior to all race. Salamander also are born warriors altrought they are more known for theyre easy access to berserking as they are for their raw feat of strenghts.
Whats truly terrifying however is the fact you can easily be a cowgirl salamander dragon... stacking strenght way above normal mesures
Recype:Salamander arm (need salamander gland to have the full bonus at all time), human face, cow horn up to wicked, dragon wing to magnificent (must have the dragon perk), Hooves, cow tail, cow ears
Actualy I think it can be tpeed a lil bit higher still. Remember special perk of Scylla? I think it work all time I mean ink spray also stay with PC later even if it not have lower scyla.
Thus you can easily add Scylla Glands perk from having perk Ink Spray from scylla TF. ^^
Heh I bet @Savin would be proud if I made his belowed manders one of the most scary races of Mareth (as for them in term of strenght ofc ^^). But I think Scaylla or Minos got as much right to fight for this spot. Well I lied I not need only one race for each spot but I DO want have AT least one rase for each of 5 stats jsut for...balance reasons. And dragons...they let say out of this rivality having good stat bonuses anyway so they are like: pfff we not need to rival those lower races we already OP enough![]()
just playing around with the game some more today and noticed, though my character has both sets of gear, a lot of options for actions are missing in the game for me. even playing complete male or female messes up. a screenshot as an example of missing actions.
I always saw mixing races, would dilute the buffs a race gives.
I know a lot of people see it as, oh let me add the best of all races into one creature.
But how would that even work?
Most would say "Oh because magic is a thing".
Well I think even if you use magic to combine 2 or more races into 1.
There would be some bad side effects, or at worst the main body would reject the mutation all together causing a great deal of harm.
Am I using my brain too much for this..?
I looked in code and thus if you not mind I want to ask you few questions about PC you played and then made this SS.
Does your PC have cock (of any type) or haven't been genderless (so been male or female or herm) or if it wasn't taur (meaning not had lower body with 4 legs, eventualy with drider lower body type - not asked about 50 or more speed since I see this on your SS that you do have more than 50).
This three situations I asked about are req. conditions to show one of her three options.
yes, pc is herm with all the parts, nothing too big or too small. PC is biped, no taur or genderlessness involved.
Ok seems then there is something wron in code (if I not wrong you posted simialr thing in revamp meaning you got this in the other mod too, right?)
Would put this as new thing to check what is wrong with it to my bug list (not touched anything about Cotton in my mod so it shouldn;t be broken due to my changes -_-)
*Consider limiting cultivating soul force once a day, it pretty much removes the need for eating.
*In addition, hunger should change with player's size (body thickness + height) and not time.
*Bow training seems extremely reliant on Kelt. Consider adding more bows findable/purchasable.
*Spider driders are described as equine taurs. Also, iirc, their genitals are similar to Naga placement, and not like a taur.
*Evangelion has an affection meter, yet no way to raise affection (that I know of.)
*Previously, groups of demons were easy and died in a few swings. Now they are extremely overpowered for the areas they are located in and pretty much demand the player to know soul force to barely stand a chance.
*Will look into this to make it harder to became perma selfsustained PC (thou to have such state it req. PC to spend much time each day only for cultivating).
*Hunger changing you mean about increasing hunger bar lenght or speed at which PC becoming hungry?
*Bow related stuff will be changed with incoming Archery Expansion.
*This one looks for bug. Would then add it jsut like some time ago Cotton one to investigate.
*When my trusty quality checkers finish looking over talk scenes and intro to spar + scene for Eve lvl-ing up it will be then made psossible to rise her affection score. Since I got someone to look at my stuff (hurray to those amazing people for they good work ^^) I want wait till it's all looked over before I add it to the game. So 1 or 2 more builds till it will be possible to finaly start grind her affection score.
*That fault of me buffing hp and atk values of enemies across whole game. I still not added few other ways of dealing aoe dmg (which would speed up killing those and similar types of enemies that are in group). For sure there will be aoe special for bows and one of melee weapons will be dealing aoe dmg (whip them good). For now only as you mentioned one of soul skills can hurt them much and some special attacks or spells: Fire Storm spell or Ice Rain, Mantis Multi Slash special, Scylla grabbing them with all tentacle leggs, Salamander tail attacks are also aoe attacks. Does other group enemy fights are too tought now to fight aside those demons group (is this oasis demons from desert of some lter one group of demons)?
EDIT: Time for my most fav posters here to throw inspiration at meNeed races for two npc's I've been working lately (actualy I was trying to picture each of them with any possible ingame race and all of them looks equaly fitting for me so I need somoeone somehow tip me toward some specific one race for each npc). One will be at the arena and the second one at shop with equipment (for now it only have few weapons but plans are to it have also some other non-weapon items for sell).
*Can't wait to learn more about our new camp friend
*From memory, I believe there is one, but I'll need to go back and check. check . my primary issue with the pack of demons is they appear as soon as PC hits level 2 and you need to defeat them in order to obtain Phylla.
As for your edit, Rhino morph at the arena and a many-eyed spider girl.
A rino or a minotaur handling the roman "arena" would fit about maybe to well
my choice on shopkeeper would actualy be a Tanuki morph or a tanuki girl