CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Active Member
Jan 9, 2016
Urta Fertility Quest:

I'm running the 0.6c Xandia mod and just did the whole Urta Fertility Quest.  When I got to the end, I had Urta knock up my character.  That seemed to go well.  However, at the very end where it should have shifted back to my character that game froze.  I couldn't keep going and so had to re-load the swf file which meant Urta was still infertile.  Terribly disappointing.

I'm not sure if the issue is this mod or the COC_mod it is based off of.  Hope you'll investigate and let me know.  Thanks.



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yes that thing is something I'm aware and something that kinda puzzling me (I not so brilliant coder yet I admit) so I from time to time trying to chew this bug -_-' When it would be finaly take care of I will let you know (and everyone else too)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@CascadeRX The funny thing her is... I looking at code and it's like exactly the same as other places but it does not work. And I frankly speaking not a damn idea why it not work :/ Still got few things that I not tried to make it work but all of those could mess up other stuff so I slight hesistant to try them. So it always ends at the futher place than some other changes or additions to mod.

Probaby cuz of that I'm bad mod creator ^^
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
@Ormael Don't beat yourself up about it.  :yeah:   To tell the truth I'm not good at writing stories, but only creating them in my head.  :$


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@CascadeRX Heh thx for kind words. But I need get to this sooner than later. That bane is already too long over my mod head hanging :/
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Heh somehow I started to deconstructing and reconstructing anew Urta Quest to make it work.

Before someone start to cry it's just purely mechanicalwise and codewise changes. Nothing in scenes or fights will change. Well maybe Urta may get somehow slight stronger due to this changes but well knowing that monsters was already buffed up in both raw HP and raw base attacks dmg she may be needing some love to keep up with them...but that would be at best slight better few stats like HP, lust or fatigue.
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Jul 5, 2016
Hey, i play this game and these mod from long time cause i love it but i have 2 suggestions i'm surprised they have not made  ( sorry for my english )

- Maybe making a level of cum quantity that make anal load  continu to mouth ? ( in all way cum, for biggest tiers, cause when there is a lot lot it is more realistic and can be funny )

- Maybe making an utility to scopion tail in fight

- Maybe make another system of oviposition for people who want lay egg but without an insect abdomen :/

is that good ideas ? 

edit : I love really this game and mods are just perfect :)   ,  if you need a french translation a day ask me i can easyer translate english to french than french to english
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hey, i play this game and these mod from long time cause i love it but i have 2 suggestions i'm surprised they have not made  ( sorry for my english )

- Maybe making a level of cum quantity that make anal load  continu to mouth ? ( in all way cum, for biggest tiers, cause when there is a lot lot it is more realistic and can be funny )

- Maybe making an utility to scopion tail in fight

- Maybe make another system of oviposition for people who want lay egg but without an insect abdomen :/

is that good ideas ? 

edit : I love really this game and mods are just perfect :)   ,  if you need a french translation a day ask me i can easyer translate english to french than french to english

For first one idea I take it would be replacing highest tier of x month pregannt woman stage (and easier to try add than some suggestions I seen in TiTS section of all way throu scenes)

On second idea: this tail currently working similar to bee stinger just have slight bigger capacity to store venom and not much else atm. A new function to this one attack...maybe giving possibility to turn it into tail pussy...

On last one idea...that would be hardes of all those 3 things to do without long thinking. I may be worried that it could be close to impossible since whle fetish of pvipositioning could be based of having oviposter and insect tail (not much knowing about this one so not take my words as wholy truth - still doing some research won't hurt me but I not promise anything).

For now I more in need of writers so that would be meaning writing in english then french. I hope you would find more places to post in futre too.

TOTALY unrelated to reply to our new forum poster: I made Urta quest work in sense it endes but...I created few more bugs -_-' Well at least it can end now so will work one by one on those other bugs to remove them.
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Jul 5, 2016
Okay :D   would be great the first idea, i was waiting about this possibility long time ago.

For the second didn't find the fight utility but okay if it is here it is so.

The third mmm yea maybe. I don't know well, it is just cause i love testing all possible and it can make good things.

And for the writer mmm.. I have a lot of experience about erotic stories but i can't really turn it in english with my level actually :/ sorry.  But maybe in little more years


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For the second didn't find the fight utility but okay if it is here it is so.

And for the writer mmm.. I have a lot of experience about erotic stories but i can't really turn it in english with my level actually :/ sorry.  But maybe in little more years

Yeah well I not think CoC will be gone so fast so in future you may make great contribution to CoC mods or... who knows CoC 2 or TiTS.

On scorpion tail it not yet have option to been turned into tail pussy. That something I probably will try do in future for now treating it as: maybe I should go try do it and see if it work and been liked by people.
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Jul 5, 2016
Yea it is a good idea :D    but i was really thinking about fight utility for this time :p

Or maybe into an ovipositor oO :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Heh conecting scorpion tail and oviposter into one? Or some other fight utility you thought about?

Scorpion tail as like bee sting do both got some use in fight but it been dealing lust dmg with lust inducing venom (seems like you in mareth then even vemon isn't deadly just rising your lust). More or less dmg or more or less uses without recharging is what make them different.
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Jul 5, 2016

For the oviposition i wanted say adding this possibility to it.  I think for a scorpion tail the oviposition is more realistic than a pussy no ? ( or i can't imagine correctly what you mean ) with a litle changing of the sting in a tube for it


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015

Something like on this one pic for scorpion tail turned into tail pussy. I got few thngs I been thinking how to make them smooth move from one to other tail type. Would work out them when time come for adding some manticore npc to mod I suppose.

Gotta catch some sleep now so night everyone.

(even if I not made much today codewise that light of hope for fixing urta quest is enough for me to call it still a decent day ^^)
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Jul 5, 2016
Oo now i understand,  ( and i think it give me idea for futures pictures )
I will sleep same :D    good luck for fix


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So I came to conclusion for Urta Quest fix. It wil be either way:

1) I will not release 0.7a TILL I feel urta quest works again fine even if this version IS technicaly done and aside few small adjustment ready to be released.

2) For now would lock starting Urta Quest (well in her talk about infertilitty first option will be unaccesable elaving only second one of: maybe later. And her quest will be once again accesable when I done changing it to not bugging anymore.

So what all of you opinion? Pick 1st or 2nd solution. 1st mean...I not have idea when 0.7a will be released (could be even up to few weeks until I feel it's in proper state) and 2nd meaning 0.7a will be released in next 3-4 days but for max few next ones releases of mod Urta Quest will be unaccesable (depending how many builds I will release in those next few weeks I would work on UQ).
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
@Ormael Well if it's okay with you any way can you make a way were the orange kitsune is able to get the PC pregnant? Also how about the PC ( Urta as well but only in the quest ) should be able to get Katherine pregnant. I mean it couldn't hurt right?  :$   :$


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well looks like most of people that looked here kinda gave silent agreement for me picking it myself...thus... 0.7a deploy should be sooner than later ;)

UQ stuff mechanics I will change slight...well it may go hand in hand with my thoughts of adding EQ :p (EQ is short fo Evangeline Quest ofc - one of thoguths I got atm is that she would go throu dungeon to reach 'final dung boss' then after twist of fate she back to camp. Doing her quest will allow PC unlock the same dung to explore - no worry this one dung will have mobs that as long pc not 'pull the trigger' in fianl boss room will be keep respawning after PC leave dung so to calm all down I not thing it will be some super high lvl enemies but due to their current 'race' there will be reason they keep respawning).

@CascadeRX I think you mean red one kitsu as she's only one with cock of all three sisters. Yeah I not see problem to add this thing to list changes for kitsunes (those three sisters will be slight changed anyway since I plan make kitsune race as best gifted when it come to using soulforce attack and generaly much attuned to been good soul cultivators). As for Katherine...must look if there wasn;t somewhere linked gdoc with her preg cont. So on this one slight less but you can keep hopes I would look into it too (got many stuf I want so it may take some time till I get to Kath).
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Active Member
Jan 9, 2016
Ormael, I'm cool with however, you want to roll out your changes.  Glad you're adding new stuff.  CoC is one of my favorites.  I'm excited about being able to do an Evangeline quest chain.  Just having a chance to talk to her after letting her move into camp will get great. 

On that Urta button not working at the end, I noticed another button not working for me too.  It's when I try and buy a Cerulean tinted Potion at Giacomo’s shop.  Thinking it may not let me at the moment because my character I'm playing is female.  But if that's the case Giacomo should say something along those lines.  Not a big deal.  But seeing how that button is behaving might help with other similar type issues.

Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ormael, I'm cool with however, you want to roll out your changes.  Glad you're adding new stuff.  CoC is one of my favorites.  I'm excited about being able to do an Evangeline quest chain.  Just having a chance to talk to her after letting her move into camp will get great.

Yeah I well mainly got talk scenes written it's just want them this time been undergone quality control. Similar with stuff on intro to spar with her (sry all but for now she will only allow light spar like Izzy without any sex after winning). Not even sure anymore if those few lvl-ups for her will be accesable as I meantioned earlier (well from 2 to 12 lvl stuff is fine but 14-22 lvl ones versions of her are deep bugged). So proabbly only option to give her gems for lvl-ing up will be added probably (well suprise...she want PC gems to make her stronger - I think it's fair trade and not bad money skin for getting follower that getting tougher and tougher with time and gems spend on her :p ).

On that Urta button not working at the end, I noticed another button not working for me too.  It's when I try and buy a Cerulean tinted Potion at Giacomo’s shop.  Thinking it may not let me at the moment because my character I'm playing is female.  But if that's the case Giacomo should say something along those lines.  Not a big deal.  But seeing how that button is behaving might help with other similar type issues.

Keep up the good work.

That thing with Cerulean potion is already existing since vanilla CoC. Namely it's that this potion makes Special succubus visit PC at night and...her scenes req. that PC got cock so if PC is pure female Giacomo will never propose her to sell this potion. So if you seen missing this button at Giacomo when playing PC without any cock it's normal not bug.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
@Ormael Thanks for correcting me I forgot what color the kitsune was.  :$   :$   By the way 'gdoc' does it mean goggle document?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@CascadeRX Yes it's term all here use due it's way shorter. gdoc = google document (usualy word type and sometimes it mean excel type one for some tables or well maps for tits as seen some with new area maps for some submissions).
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
@Ormael Okay just wanted to make sure.  :D  Anyway I just wanted to let you know on a idea that came to mind how about a sphinx race? I mean we have Sanura so what's holding the idea back unless there's a way to become one.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@CascadeRX I think on Trello I do placed Sphinx TF at card titled new TF items ^^

No worry Liadri also meantioned about making shinx race accesable to PC. I do for now want take short break from all new TF (if not I would be working on plant TF for sure atm) so in few weeks max I will go back to making some new TF items.

And there should be not trouble reach Savin to get some of his 'pointers' while making sphinx TF.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
@Ormael Huh well I didn't know that. Well I'm sure that more request for other races will show up eventually, but who knows right?  :colbert:   


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@CascadeRX I do have not so short list of races I want to have their own TF added. Let me copypaste those atm at trello card.

For some I consider not rare (well that just my subjective divinding them them this way): Scropion, Nekomanta, Plant/Dryad/Ent, Turtle, Sheep, Wolf, Panda.

As for rare type of races: Manticore, Siren, Six-Eyed Golden Ni-Lions, Sphinx.

Recently by looking at Sandler works I tempted to add somewher here Dracolisk race too (basilisk/dragon crossbreed). I even though how hilarious would be for PC to meet and possible capture to camp as another camp member dracolisk that...actualy is child of some dragon feamle and...certain basilisk we meeting in D3 entrance ;)

Well that would prolly make this npc Prince/Princess, right?
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
@Ormael Nekomata? Is that like a type of cat TF item that gives the PC a Neko like form? As for the Plant/Dryad/Ent I would just say Plant instead going through a long description just saying.  :$ :$


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@CascadeRX Nekomanta is two tailed magic cat (well I not think it all stuff like rising dead or controling those risen can be added here intot he game) So nekomanta would probably similary like kitsune and normal fox-morphs are different. So compared to typical cat-moprh will be more magic oriented and having ofc two tails.

For plant TF I put for now so many possible options as I not yet decided. I may try make gender depended TF so one for female effect and other males some like we got incubus draft and succubus milk or will just make one for all version. So just plant tf if all or if divided for genders then female ver = dryad tf and male ver = ent tf.
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