CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well then probably would give goblins that int bonus. Looking over dnd classes seen something like golem-knight of mechanus or smth...well I not think it was orginal made class but some custom made prestige class but well they seems to use mechanized set of armor and mount ^^ Also lizans...I not sure what was reason they got +10 into bonus...I would more imagine they would got something in tou not int. Maybe it was cuz Arian that know some magic that we get into bonus for lizards. So what you all think if Lizans bonus stats will be +10 tou not +10 int?

@Spike: I not much sure how it would look like. Looking in code well scenes describe it using worb broodmother hips but not giving more detailed desc. Only think I seen in one place was how broomother can be used in exchange or phases: cow-like and inhuman-wide at appearance page. So I suppose it's almost unrealistic wide hips.
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Aug 27, 2015
Another day have ended. Small progress on spar option for Eva (and option to give her some gems so she can find Giacomo to buy some items to get stronger that will translate ingame on upgrading stats/lvl, later on would also allow her experiment on stuff giving PC some really atypical TF items with quite specialized effects).
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Aug 27, 2015
Heh I hope I not get too high on reading those pleasing words Spike :p

Anyway aside concepting stuff for future barely anything done today but at least I farmed enough IP for tentacle monster champ (those who play league - I bought with IP Vel'Koz and still had time to get half priced battlecast skin of his) and then something funny happened. Siance I been bored and buyed some chests there I rolled some shards and...I got second tentacle related champ (is is my day of tentacle relade LoL champs today or is it sign of puttin more work in this tentacle abdomination for Xianxia mod? o_O that second champ I got was...Illaoi)

So tomorrow as long I not jump for some rounds of ascension game mode would have tons tons of dama...err I mean tons tons of time for doing something for mod ^^
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Aug 27, 2015
Yeah I will take my time. Now I looking at weapon prices compared to at how much atk value it addds and...I feel amazed how mess up that all is. I mean Dagger - it add 4 atk for merely 40 gems spend. Then I looking at Katana that adds whooping 10 atk for...500 gems. Seems I need o look globaly over weapons/armors prices and put some standards -_-'

And that all cuz I was wrking on Evangeline battle stats upgrading (it would be done by...donating her gems so she will buy stuff like potions form Giacomo or weapons/armors form Tel'Adre/Bazzar on her own). Plus I think would look into max fatigue thing for monsters to make it same as lust (aka for spellcasting monsters they may got expansion of their fatigue bar above 100 - again since Evangelinw will be able to cast some spells it's needed plus I wanted do this anyway so now I got excuse to do it finaly).

The more I look at her the more she becoming complicated (err I hope she not reach Ember or Bess/Ben tier -_-')
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Aug 27, 2015
@Spike razor Which one you meant to be interesting?

Also...not sure if ppl wouldn't hang me but I sort of standarized all armors and weapon prices ingame (some get slight cheaper and some slight more costly). Ohh right and because of Evangeline gaunlets that we can get from Izma and LMA got slightly buffed ^^

Somehow instead of working on more important stuff Iwasted polishing Eva lvl-up battle stats (not gonna be accesable ingame for now till scenes for getting it will be written). As for what will be it would be Eve with lvl 2 and...really pathetic stats and atk/def values (that with each lvl up should get better and better ^^)
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Aug 27, 2015
Well not complicated as per scenes variants as she would be always female (not even herm option planned) but IF I say that with enough gems investing in her power ups she WILL be worthy sparring partned all the way PC can lvl-up (currently max lvl is 120 but I plane make it 150) so that say something if even at lvl 150 PC wouldn't be so much stronger than fully powered up Evangeline ;)

So this one thing I think would make her getting near Ember tier (plus all other usefullness like talking, doing items for PC, sex scenes, plot line). I jsut need to keep it all worked step by step to not make some terrible screw up somewhere. So far during testing her power ups...she like already few times beaten my PC but...I made my PC not much stat grinded or having good eq so...I had seen it commin (and she not yet have implemented her special attacks so it was all her simply spamming her basic attacks ^^)

I probably will post soon(ish) SS with her at min and max current lvl to show how she could improve herself with generous PC donations (like really generous ones as it all cost around 3k gems :shibe: )
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Aug 27, 2015
I'm done for today...Evangeline with ONLY Whitefire spell hitting like a truck and even been at almost max stats and with decent equip req. her of few spells in a row or well in fight to wipe most PC's out ^^

Due to this I feel proud (of creating a monster) and little worried (for players that will want to "spar" with her). over 1,2k dmg while pc had barel over 1.1k max HP ooks adorable (but I DO gave her good int stat (~110) and some perks to boost spell dmg still effect when she was lvl 12). Sooo I went and made another test and she hitted a little little bit harder that earlier.

OP Evangeline's Whiteflame.jpg

Also max fatigue for monsters seems to been working fine (but since she hitting like this I can't see if that not bug out when her fatigue will be too high for casting another Whiteflame and that mean my PC would need survive at least 3-4 those attacks like above (well testing spell mod for monsters succesfully finished so she got normal one value now not some absurdaly high one)).
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Aug 27, 2015
Woot? xD

You mean her insane dmg? I already asked her to go easier on PC so she wouldn't get worked up in merely light spar (still if PC get to point of hard spar it would be hard hitting match as reward will be much more 'fun' also - think about it as light or hard spar with Izzy results ;) ) dealing merely 25% of former power of her spells. But then if PC made her horny enough she A) may stop casting whitefire (above her 75% max lust) or start spam arouse/heals xD If all goes well she would probably be casting all white/black spells (as long her AI not tell it's time to use some special atttack).
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Aug 27, 2015
I know Imma such a meanie to tease so much. At least it's not something I will not release with 0.7a (Looks like she will most likely steal a thunder in this version :/ ).

Spells she cast are now in better shape but I feel now I went overboard in nerfing whitefire dmg -_-' Arouse seems not working as not giving PC lust and Heal...not yet proced for like 30-40 rounds I fought her during tests and it really needed to knwo how much she will heal to set HP treshold, below which she will be using heal.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
How your thoughts on recent added TF items Spike? Are they somehow usefull in eiher making more killer war machine or molding PC in your fav body shape?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yup Mantis Ovipositor thing is fixed (but there were no new version since Mantis TF come live so no chance to see the difference on your end). Of others there was 1-2 fixes in last version. Some other bugs I noted down I still trying to find and patch it up (I not brilliant creator/coder yet -_-')
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah keeping me up and in line is good :p

Another day in Hellish Paradise is over. Inbetween of been Tiny Master of Evil (Yordles) and S grade Sad Mummy (Yordle) I only looked at thing that Liadri signaled: that one of current special attacks could be new FotM with it damage output. So many many tests later I reached that absurdaly broken high dmg output and started cutting it slowly down. Tomorrow aim: make something for feature that supposed to be main focus in new version (new soulforce toys to play with - IF PC not mind spending at start of the game many hours cultivating soulforce it could now almsot effortlesly keep either hunger or lust at acceptable level xD Not that I think people would want keep lust quite low but...who knows if some want run virgin run or smth like that it would be almost godsend option I think).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If he won't be openly against this I can work on adding his modifications to Xianxia (honestly speaking I just generaly looked over his propositions of changes not diving deep to the core). I would talk to him in spare moment what he think about his patch been added to my mod.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Sorry i couldn't reply earlier for some reason i couldn't reply because of something i did.

*throws Snickers* Better now? I hope now you would tell what you couldn't before xD

Gorgon TF

Gorgon Oil TF by Evangeline

Should I take you find this one TF interesting one? If yes then you should say huge 'thank you' to Liadri too for pitching me idea to make it ^^
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