Next Planet: Uveto VII


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Y'know, a new start on the forum feels like a good a time as any to post some cool stuff. So, for all the writers looking towards the horizon for things to write, allow me to present... Planet 5: Uveto, a semi-core ice world controlled by corporate interests, with a population primarily made up of gene-modded ausar and human religious oddballs. 

Final Design Document Here. You should be able to comment on it if you have questions or want to tell everyone about content you're creating.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Woo! My last conversation with Shade left me wanting so much more.  Glad to know I won't have to wait forever to continue it~  :D

Write her a good one for me  :x


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Agreed with the Shade content. Want to know what her reaction both she and Astra will experience.

I do wonder which corporations have an interest with Uveto.

And Savin, Are there any links to The Silence available? I have a copy if you need one.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
And Savin, Are there any links to The Silence available? I have a copy if you need one.

Oh, shit, that's a good point. Geddy and I still have it, but definitely needs to get back on the site before KaraQuest goes live! 

(Maybe this'd be a good chance to chunk through all those edits/updates it needs~)

And re: corporate interests: should say so in the doc, but the gist is: the Camarilla (export company), RhenWorld Stellar Excavations (Mining company, owned by Steele Tech), Akkadi Research & Development (hi, Anno!), and Xenogen Biotech (who operate the undersea research base Garde's writing). 

Nebula Fox

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
If I could spin it right, could I put in a small mercenary team from Nova Securities? I've had the idea roughly floating about in my head but I've just never had a place to drop them.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
If I could spin it right, could I put in a small mercenary team from Nova Securities? I've had the idea roughly floating about in my head but I've just never had a place to drop them.

Sure! It'd make plenty of sense for one of the corps to have some private security around.


Aug 26, 2015
Is the one section seriously called Glacial Rift?

It lived, it died, it lives again.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Woo! My last conversation with Shade left me wanting so much more.  Glad to know I won't have to wait forever to continue it~  :D

Write her a good one for me  :x

Agreed with the Shade content. Want to know what her reaction both she and Astra will experience.

Yeah, Shade. I created a separate save after I told her about our... "Relationship"... Don't wanna mess that up. If I messed it up good, I'll get the other one up to speed. From before fighting Taivra...

...Anyway, a Yuki-Onna-like species was talked about on the previous forum, and I'm working on making one... Kinda... Sorta... And I've got an idea for a kitsune-like species, as well, which... May be relevant, due to association with fire, and the doc's mentioning some sort of Heat Belt...


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Uveto already has a kitsune-alike planned >_> Not that we can't have two, but y'know. 

...Um. Yeah, I was hoping for something more... In my interests. It's bad enough Urta's got a massive horse-shaft, now we've got this... Um...

Well, we've got Galotians and Rahn, so what'd be wrong with two kitsune races? One with fewer dicks and a rivalry with the Kui-tan.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Doesn't that kitsune-alike race supposed to be also one of the psiworms/abdominations puppets? So far seen two other races that are described to be controled by those (checking gdoc this time) Lurelings?
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Doesn't that kitsune-wannabe race suppsoed be also one of psiworms/abdominations puppets? So far seen two other races that are described to be controled by those (checking gdoc this time) Lurelings?

Maybe the wording's not clear in the doc: Lurelings mostly *seduce* Milodans and Korgonne with their puppets, since they're the most populous natives. But yeah, the plan is for the Lurelings to basically have engineered themselves a particularly psi-vulnerable race of Enessae as their favored puppets. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ok yeah now it sound more clear (indeed at first I thought those two races are "the puppets ones" not Enessae). And about Lurelings it somehow giving me starcraft vibre of zergs ^^ It would be interesting task to came with description how exactly their looks like and other stuff concerning their actions and etc.


New Member
Aug 26, 2015
How about a fanaticism meter? The more you support and work with the Stormguard cult, whether monetarily, in orgies, or through spreading the word of their religion, the more you raise this meter. Maybe make an option to join the cult and become their leader? There could be scenes that are only unlockable at a certain fanaticism level, and maybe once you get high enough fanaticism, you can convert others to the Stormguard path.
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Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
Shade? I'm sold.

I skimmed that document, and this is probably my favorite planet so far, for the overall mood/looks/feeling. Can't wait for the sexy too.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Uveto already has a kitsune-alike planned >_> Not that we can't have two, but y'know. 

Making a fan-favorite race like kitsunes herm-only or mono-gendered, then discouraging duplicates, is always super depressing. As a kitsune fan who isn't into the peen, I sympathize with Ruboo.

It's not super-hard to write in a small stipulation that in 1-5% of cases, Enessae might be born without either a cock or vagina (though that does kind of blow for anyone who wants to write a male non-titted kitsune). The ol' 'they got mods' really limits a character's backstory as well.

Writing a new, 60-80% similar species just to get a different gender variation is a pain in the ass. I'm loathe to be this critical and confrontational, but getting first dibs on kitsune and making them herm-only is really selfish, particularly if you're discouraging others from writing kitsune-alike races.

EDIT: Especially when the race art looks so FUCKING CUTE that I'd want to write a female one of this species. :/
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
A) I'm not discouraging him. I'm telling him, so he doesn't get upset later when he finds out. 

B) If I were, it'd only be *for Uveto.* You'll note there's another 2+ Kitsune-alikes that AREN'T on Uveto.

C) Halfbreed one with an ausar. Bang, peen problems solved. That said, I was thinkin' about making the sub-race the Lurelings have bred be peen-optional what for to attract larger pools of sexual preferences.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
That said, I was thinkin' about making the sub-race the Lurelings have bred be peen-optional what for to attract larger pools of sexual preferences.

Lureling masters must really dislike heterosexual female sexual energy.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Evolution is a good thing ^^ Jk but well if Lurelings have more than one "model" of their puppets to lure prey it will benefit them in long run ya? So yeah could be that most of Enessae will be herms but some would ends up as pure male/female variants (or even throw some maleherm variants). But I think reason to go this route is easy....accounting for other than monogender race mean it require less scenes to be written thus it can be faster done.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
According to the doc the masters are hostile to those that "fail to mate" (I assume seduction first, attempted rape second) with their puppets, which are hot babes. I'm pretty sure heterosexual females(and homosexual males, but those should be a considerably smaller section of the population) are not interested in having sex with hot babes, so the master would always have to skip seduction, and go for attempted rape or direct assault.


Aug 26, 2015
According to the doc the masters are hostile to those that "fail to mate" (I assume seduction first, attempted rape second) with their puppets, which are hot babes. I'm pretty sure heterosexual females(and homosexual males, but those should be a considerably smaller section of the population) are not interested in having sex with hot babes, so the master would always have to skip seduction, and go for attempted rape or direct assault.
this was fixed.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
According to the doc the masters are hostile to those that "fail to mate" (I assume seduction first, attempted rape second) with their puppets, which are hot babes. I'm pretty sure heterosexual females(and homosexual males, but those should be a considerably smaller section of the population) are not interested in having sex with hot babes, so the master would always have to skip seduction, and go for attempted rape or direct assault.
"hot babes" being shorthand for "people of above average attractiveness and weak wills, regardless of gender or sex." If a Lureling wants to mindvamp a dude as his puppet, he can have a dude.