What would be your preferred new male character(s) to romance? Race, personality, kinks, etc


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2020
- The flexible alchemist. A tall, lanky potion brewer with flowing hair, clad in flowing robes. He'd be from a humanoid-looking race - an elf, an orc or just bog-standart human. Focused and serious while at work, more easygoing and playful while off duty. Lives somewhere in a remote location, possibly knows Darius - the salamander could be the way you find him in the first place. Once you meet the alchemist, he gives you a handful of fetch quests for ingridients, and once you complete them - he can use transformatives both on himself and the champion during sex - one time he's a hulking minotaur, the other - a herm marefolk, and on the third he's sporting two dicks. Although, he'd probably be artistic hell to implement, with how many portraits would be required for a single char.
One of my favorite NPCs in CoC1 was Aaron the lizard alchemist, who was infamous for a certain bout with alchemy. Somebody should make another take on that.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That was from a mod, I believe. Unless you mean Arian...


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
Honestly surprised we don't have any lion-like NPCs in this game in general, let alone fuckable ones.

Edit: I was going to say in either game, but that's not quite true. There's at least one lion in TiTS, on the tutorial station.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2023
Maybe they walk around in just a shirt and no pants with some special scenes for Champs that cum or lactate "hunny".
Or maybe they wear overalls and a hardhat and battle forest fires with a shovel?
Perfect Halloween Scene :gedthumbsup:

Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Perfect Halloween Scene :gedthumbsup:
You see a bare bear rear poking half out of a honey cellar. It looks like some bearfolk tried to squeeze into the store room and got stuck. Doesn't explain why he wasn't wearing any pants... but what are we gonna do about this?
"Oh bother!"
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Active Member
Oct 6, 2021
Honestly? I'm probably going to be the only one who says this but I'd like a guy who you could get pregnant, both in TiTS and CoC2. Yeah it'd be super niche, but it'd be something different and new. How many dickgirls, shy wallflowers, bimbos, dommy mommies, and bubbly ladies have we got? It feels like all of them fall under one of those catagories. Those tastes are more than catered to, but there's almost nothing if somebody's got a taste for mpreg. You can really only get it from the player character, but the pregnancy system in this game isn't as robust as the one in TiTS to begin with, so even the fpreg leaves a bit to be desired, let alone mpreg. Yeah I know you can get Berwyn pregnant after Matiha's revenge if you have him rebuild himself with a vagina, but he doesn't even have any art for it.

The character can be a trasngeder guy if that's what works best (and imo it would be), I really just want something new and interesting that scratches an itch nothing else is addressing.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
Although I would love to get boys preggers -- my dickgirl PC would love to build a family with her baby daddy(mommy) -- I do hope cuntboys/vagentlemen do have scenes for vagina PCs for that sweet, straight lesbian sex.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2020
You know what race has the perfect excuses for flat chests? Lizardmen.

Seriously, this game is lacking in scalie faces. I want more, and I don't care if they have to be warm-blooded to be there.


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2022
It's more fitting for TiTS but I always liked the idea FtM guy from a bird race that you can anal preg, since he would have a cloaca and his feminine organ would be in his butt
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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
People here are so breed hungry, smh. Can't a guy just exist withou people going "I am going to get him pregnant!"
Dawg, it's one of the biggest kinks in all of porn, next to literal breast worship and lactation. And if what I've seen of the Yaoi fandom is any indication, there are a lot of people who are more than happy to include mpreg in their tag lists.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2023
I didn't think I'd have anything to contribute here, but... A short, shy, pretty boy my femchamp can put in a maid dress and (consensually) a chastity cage and tease and call her good girl. He would be very into it...
No full-body fur or non-human face, but tails and animal ears are fine.


I mean... what? guys? I'm not attracted to guys! No you shut up!

:: Running footsteps. Door slams. Sound of car driving away. ::
Mar 25, 2023
I didn't think I'd have anything to contribute here, but... A short, shy, pretty boy my femchamp can put in a maid dress and (consensually) a chastity cage and tease and call her good girl. He would be very into it...
No full-body fur or non-human face, but tails and animal ears are fine.


I mean... what? guys? I'm not attracted to guys! No you shut up!

:: Running footsteps. Door slams. Sound of car driving away. ::
isn't that basically another version of Ryn?
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