Characters Age (Party members)


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2022
Floof land
Considering the life span of each race

Cat folk Lifespan: About 80 years.

Minotaur Lifespan: 80 to 90 years.

Taleen Lifespan: About 130 years.

Orc Lifespan: About 60 years. (Surprisingly short lived)

Vesparan Lifespan: Drones and workers rarely live more than 30 years; handmaidens and queens can live at least 100 years. (No idea what category Azy falls into but willing to bet on handmaiden)

Human Lifespan is missing so probably About 60-70 years

Kitsune Lifespan: 80 to 150 years. Kitsune with more tails tend to live longer. Those particularly favored by Keros can have much longer lifespans.

Boreal elf Lifespan: Boreal elves live an unnaturally long time, perhaps due to their far-northern habitat and slow metabolisms. The average lifespan is perhaps 200 years, though some individuals may grow far older.

So my question is how old is our party members? (I’m excluding our Phoenix since she’s immortal)


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Everyone is basically in their twenties.

Kiyoko is technically over 200 years old. Atugia is as well.

Etheryn is over 50 years old.

No clue on Viviane, but I suspect she is older than she looks.

Agnimitra is the oldest and might even be older than a thousand years.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
I can give you two off the top of my head:

Cait explicitly mentions that she left the temple on her 18th birthday, so depending on how long she, Calla, and Barney have been traveling for, she’s most likely around 19-20 years old when the game starts.

Arona is also about 20, at least according to Hretha, who estimates that the champion is of a similar age.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2022
Floof land
Kiyoko is technically over 200 years old.

Agnimitra is the oldest and might even be older than a thousand years.
I know kiyoko is over 200 years old, a bit over 250 since she was imprisoned. I’d wager 25-30 biologically since she says she still had about 110-120 years left “based on her predecessors” as she said before.

as for Agni that’d be cheating. Definitely well before the godswar no doubt